Diet is superior to drugs 7. January 2012 William Davis (27) Might-o’chondri-AL left this wonderful record of his lipoprotein experience in the comments to the last Heart Scan Blog post. It is a great example of what is achievable with diet and a few supplements . . . without drugs. (A) Jan. 2011 1st ever NMR lipo-protein analysis was done after 4 months of consistent home food prep of pretty low fat (only olive oil and 1 tablespoon coconut oil daily) but plenty of whole wheat and half potatoes:* LDL # of particles (P) = 1,676 in nmol/L————being a LDL cholesterol (C) reading of 139 mg/dL* small LDL # P = 1,021 nmol/L —————yikes! you advise smLDL be less than 117 nmol/L* HDL # of particles = 28.8 umol/L ————–being a HDL C reading of 45 mg/dL* Triglycerides = 90 mg/dL ————– true, I never struggled with my weight(B) May 2011 2nd NMR after another 4 months but added in more fat (1 teaspoon highly concentrated fish oil daily, 90% chocolate, handfulls of nuts, more olive oil and kept coconut oil at 1 tablespoon daily for a controlled experiment), added 500 mg Niacin 3 times a day (in stages up to1,500 mg. total daily), 6000 IU daily vitamin D, deliberately cut out all grains except for social politeness and substituted in daily Koji fermented brown rice (rustic Amazake):** LDL # P……………= 976 nmol/L ——————————– being LDL C of 100 mg/dL** small LDL # P …. = 96 nmol/L ——————————– nice surprise** HDL # P ………… = 27.3 umol/L ——————————being an increase to HDL C of 64 mg/dL** Triglycerides …… = 42 mg/dL ——————————– despite daily carbs over 150 gr. daily(C) Dec. 2011 3rd NMR after another 7 more months thinking Doc’s advice is worthwhile I added in yet more fat (mainly daily 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, more 90% chocolate), bumped Niacin up to 1,000 mg twice a day (2,000 mg. total daily), cut out the Amazake, kept up the vitamin D adding daily vitamin K & daily ate main mid-day meal out as lunch on spicy Thai & Chinese fish/shrimp/soup/rice meals (my next control):*** LDL # P ………. = 764 nmol/L ————— being LDL C of 107 mg/dL ( 2x coconut’s saturated fat)***small LDL # P… = less than 90 nmol/L ——–surprised me NMR can’t count lower***HDL # P ……… = 41.4 umol/L ——————– being an increase to HDL C of 88 mg/dL*** Triglycerides ….= 43 mg/dL ——————- daily carbs below ~ 120 gr. & lost too much weightIsn't that great? Spectacular job, Might!MIght achieved values that are superior to that achievable with, say, a high-dose statin strategy. Statins only reduce total LDL particles, reducing small LDL in a non-selective way. And, of course, this diet does not cause muscle aches, memory loss, nor liver problems. Something to consider: As the diet has become so effective, we can reduce our reliance on niacin. In fact, the benefits of niacin diminish substantially, as small LDL is reduced, HDL increased, triglycerides decreased, and postprandial lipoproteins subdued with the diet only.