How much omega-3s are enough?

The basic dose we advocate for the Track Your Plaque program is 1200 mg per day of EPA + DHA, the essential omega-3 fatty acids.

1200 mg EPA+DHA is generally obtainable by taking 4 capsules of 1000 mg of fish oil, since the majority of preparations contain 180 mg EPA and 120 mg DHA per capsule.

But how will you know if a higher dose wouldn't be even better?

The principal parameter to look at is triglycerides. If triglycerides remain above 60 mg/dl, we usually consider increasing fish oil.

Another measure that's very important is intermediate-density lipoprotein, or IDL, also called "remnant lipoproteins" on a VAP panel. Persistence of any IDL or remnant lipoproteins is reason to consider more fish oil. Most commonly, if there is some persistence of either, we increase fish oil to 6000 mg per day of a standard preparation, or 1800 mg/day of EPA+DHA.

The only time we see persistence of IDL or remnant lipoproteins with this higher dose is when triglycerides are really high. If starting triglycerides are, for instance, 500 mg/dl, then even this higher dose may be insufficient. This is when more highly concentrated preparations of fish oil may be necessary, occasionally even the prescription form, Omacor. (We currently use Omacor only when high doses of EPA+DHA are required, most because of its outrageous cost. Two capsules per day costs around $120 per month; three capsules per day to provide 1800 mg/day of EPA+DHA costs $180 per month. I think this is outrageous and so we use it only when absolutely necessary.)

You might even argue that a higher dose of 1800 mg EPA+DHA, or 6000 mg of a standard capsule, might be preferable for more assured reduction of heart attack risk--even when triglycerides and IDL are perfectly under control. I wouldn't argue with you. But you won't observe any measurable feedback that tells you that a heightened effect is being obtained. I take that dose myself, in fact, despite the fact that elimination of wheat products and weight loss was sufficient to drop my triglycerides to the target level. I figure it's a small additional effort for added peace of mind.

Comments (7) -

  • Anonymous

    5/8/2007 7:46:00 PM |

    I have just joined the Track Your Placque Site.  I take fish oil daily, 3200 EPA/1600 DHA.  At this dose my AA/EPA score is 2.14.  When I had LDL electrophoesis done, my pattern was A pattern and I was not on the fish oil at that time.  I am wondering whether it would be better to have an NMR test or a VAP test, or both?

  • Dr. Davis

    5/9/2007 1:57:00 AM |

    In general, I prefer the NMR. However, the electrophoretic test you already had should provide more information than just breaking your LDL pattern down into types "A" or "B". The real numbers to pay attention to are the LDL subclasses III and IV. Add up those numbers to determine how much small LDL you really have (in percent). Anything more than 10% we regard as sigificant.

  • Mike

    5/9/2007 8:00:00 PM |

    Is there any reduction in triglycerides from taking flax seed or other non-EPA/DHA sources of omega-3s?

  • Anonymous

    5/10/2007 12:18:00 AM |

    Thank you.  The report is broken down into the various LDL subclasses.  This information is helpful.

  • Dr. Davis

    5/10/2007 12:28:00 AM |

    No, unfortunately not. Only fish oil exerts the sort of triglyceride and lipoprotein correcting effects that we need.

  • Anonymous

    5/12/2007 10:12:00 PM |

    Dr., what do you think of Krill oil? Is it better than "regular" fish oil?

  • Dr. Davis

    5/13/2007 3:25:00 AM |

    We've actually had a fairly extensive conversation on this question on the Track Your Plaque Forum. Fish oil is tried and true, and the advantages of krill oil--purportedly containing less pesticide residues (no less mercury since fish oil does not contain mercury) and virtually pure DHA--are not fully worked out. However, if you choose to give it a try, let us know what kind of results you get.

Mediterranean diet vs. American Heart Association Diet

Mediterranean diet vs. American Heart Association Diet

In 1994, the Lyon Heart Study demonstrated a 50-70% reduction in coronary events in participants who followed a diet rich in vegetables, olive oil, fish, nuts, red wine, and enjoyed meals as a family activity. Various other studies have documented similar phenomena with less metabolic syndrome, better lipid patterns, less obesity with the Mediterranean lifestyle.

There are two fundamental differences between the Mediterranean diet and the diet advocated by the American Heart Association (AHA) for people with heart disease: the Mediterranean diet uses olive oil more liberally, such that fat calories can reach 40% of total; and, unlike the AHA diet, processed foods are not a part of the Mediterranean diet. Greeks, for instance, are far less likely to eat Count Chocula cereal for breakfast, or snack on Healthy Choice Premium Caramel Swirl Sandwich (ice cream sandwiches) or Malt-O-Meal Honey Nut Scooters. All three of these foods on listed on the AHA Heart-Check Mark heart-healthy program.

In other words, remove all the processed foods, and the AHA diet pretty closely resembles the Mediterranean diet. There are differences but they tend to be relatively small. If the only major difference is the presence of processed foods, wouldn't you therefore expect the AHA to embrace the Mediterranean diet?

Here's what their official stand on the Mediterranean diet states:

Does a Mediterranean-style diet follow American Heart Association dietary recommendations?

Mediterranean-style diets are often close to our dietary recommendations, but they don’t follow them exactly. In general, the diets of Mediterranean peoples contain a relatively high percentage of calories from fat. This is thought to contribute to the increasing obesity in these countries, which is becoming a concern.

The AHA is actually lukewarm towards the diet that was the first to show a dramatic decrease in heart attack and death. Why?

The answer is obvious, once cast in this light. To wholeheartedly endorse the Mediterranean diet might be seen as an indirect rejection of American processed foods. You know, the foods that have caused an extraordinary and unprecedented epidemic of obesity in the U.S., the foods that are manufactured by ConAgra, General Mills, Kelloggs--all also major financial contributors to the AHA, according to the AHA Annual Report.

I tell my patients: If you want heart disease, follow the American Heart Association diet. In my view, it is a diet founded on politics and money, not on health. How else could Cocoa Puffs be regarded as heart healthy?

Comments (4) -

  • DietKing2

    6/18/2007 1:25:00 PM |

    Hey Doc, leave my Count Chocula and Cocoa Puffs alone, man! Well, at least you didn't go after my beloved Cocoa Pebbles! (This is what I was raised on...wonder why I'm addicted to sugar??)
    I'm just kiddin ya, you know that. It just annoys me when you bring these things to light-the AHA witholding support of a diet (or lifestyle perhaps?) that is obviously so much better than their program. This is a group of supposedly intelligent professionals who you would think would want what's best for the American people as a whole.
    Enjoyed reading this post, but I still wish they'd invent 'Mediterranean Cocoa Pebbles' or something. LOL

  • Anonymous

    6/30/2008 12:11:00 AM |

    Uh huh. Now I see what has been going on when my husband has been in the hospital for a 4 in 1 heart procedure (aortic valve replacement, one bypass, MAZE {?} procedure and restructuring of a portion of a heart chamber). I invariably raised my eyebrows at his food tray, but finally flipped out when a breakfast tray had french toast with syrup, Frosted Flakes and apple juice, in addition to eggs, sausage and milk. My husband loved every bit of it because he rarely gets that type of food at home. In fact, Frosted Flakes and their kin are strictly banned in this house since we're both fighting a tendency toward high blood sugar.
    Then there was the hospital version of chicken fried steak, with gravy yet. Pork chop another day, with gravy of course. Plenty of gravy on potatoes and butter for rice and rolls. A turkey sandwich on white bread for an evening snack, with a hefty packet of mayo. Smuckers peanut butter. And on and on I could go.
    I wanted to run through the hospital kitchens screaming, "Are you people nuts? Or are you trying to assure repeat visits?"
    Incidently, this was the "regular" hospital diet which my husband's heart surgeon allows during his patient's recovery period.
    Another week or two of this at home and then he's supposed to buckle down and eat right. Oooookay. But Frosted Flakes are still banned.

  • Anavar

    5/18/2010 11:56:31 AM |

    No diet is necessary if you just change white carbs for whole grains and bad fat for good fat. And weight will be gone for sure. And of course exercise must be included too. No diet is as successful as this.

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 7:33:19 PM |

    In other words, remove all the processed foods, and the AHA diet pretty closely resembles the Mediterranean diet. There are differences but they tend to be relatively small. If the only major difference is the presence of processed foods, wouldn't you therefore expect the AHA to embrace the Mediterranean diet?
