Can wheat elimination cure ulcerative colitis? 13. November 2009 William Davis (0) Tammy is a 36-year old mother of three young children. Since age 20, she has suffered with the debilitating symptoms of ulcerative colitis: constant, gnawing abdominal pain; frequent diarrhea, often bloody. Tammy has had to take several medications, some with significant side-effects, all of which provided only partial relief from the pain and diarrhea. Her gastroenterologist and surgeon were planning a colectomy (removal of the colon) with creation of an ileostomy (rerouting of the small intestine to the abdominal surface, which would require Tammy to wear an ileostomy bag under her clothes for the rest of her life).Although Tammy had previously tested negative for celiac disease (an allergic sensitivity to the gluten in wheat products), I urged her to attempt a trial of a wheat-free diet. Having witnessed many people experience relief from irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, and other common gastrointestinal complaints, all while trying to reduce blood sugar and small LDL, I'd hoped that Tammy would obtain at least some small improvement in her terrible symptoms. I therefore urged Tammy to try it. After all, what was there to lose? Tammy grudgingly agreed. She returned 6 months later. Her report: She had lost 38 lbs, virtually all of it within the first 6-8 weeks. Her diarrhea and cramping were not better, but gone. She was down to a single medicine from her former list of drugs. I am unsure what proportion of people with ulcerative colitis or other inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's will experience a result like Tammy's. Perhaps it's only a minority. But I take this another piece of evidence that this enormously destructive thing called wheat has no place in the human diet. We have no facts or figures on the prevalence of various forms of wheat intolerance in the U.S. When I contacted the Celiac Disease Foundation, they had no figures on the number of fatalities per year in the U.S. from celiac disease. But if there are 2-3 million Americans with celiac disease, there are probably 100 times that many people with various forms of wheat intolerance.