Instant heart disease reversal

What if reversal of heart disease--regression of coronary atherosclerotic plaque--were achievable instantly? Just add water and--voila!!

To my knowledge, it is not--yet. But I sometimes play with this idea in my head. I could imagine that such a program would consist of a few essential elements:

--A fast or semi-fast, or at least a very spare diet, over a period like 10 days to promote net catabolism. It is also supremely anti-inflammatory to restrict calories.

--High-dose vitamin D, e.g., 20,000 units per day of D3 to fully replenish depleted stores and achieve all the metabolism-correcting effects of D3 restoration.

--EPA + DHA at a higher than usual dose with frequent throughout-the-day dosing to encourage replacement of cellular lipid constituents with the more stable omega-3 fraction of fatty acids.

Beyond this, I'm uncertain. What role l-arginine, statins, niacin . . . conjugated linoleic acid? ApoA1 Milano infusions?

This is simply whimsical at this point. I don't know if such an approach would work. But if it did, you might imagine that it would offer an opportunity--for the properly motivated--as an alternative treatment for angina, advanced coronary disease, a means to pull someone back from the brink.

With the insights gained from our slow-but-powerful Track Your Plaque approach, perhaps we will also gain insights into how to accelerate such a process of reversal so that it is achievable in days, rather than months or years.

Comments (16) -

  • wccaguy

    10/17/2007 3:24:00 PM |

    Dr. Davis,

    You keep making posts about things this newcomer to the Track Your Plaque program is thinking about.

    I was thinking just last night that I would soon make a post at the Track Your Plaque (TYP) forum asking about what a TYP+ Supplement program might look like.

    For people like me who have already experienced cardiac events this would be a huge thing.

    I've now got my blood testing done.  I appreciate your providing feedback yesterday at the forum to my posting my blood test results there.

    I also had a heart scan done even though I know it's of more limited use given my cardiac history and that you basically don't recommend it.  Frankly, I disagree with you a bit on the usefulness of a heart scan with preexisting cardiac events.  I'll explain why later.

    So, I'm ready to go with TYP+ Supplement Program.

    I have some specific supplements in mind that aren't among the current recommended TYP Supplements.  I'll make a note of the ones you mention in this post.  I'd like your feedback on a comprehensive list to try for inclusion in a TYP+ program of supplements.

    I'll make that post to the forum soon now that I know you're thinking about this already.

  • JoeEO

    10/17/2007 11:30:00 PM |

    Dream big my friend!

    I am thinking a resort off the coast of Thailand. You take a month for the treatment. Fly in to a first class medical resort - do your fast while lounging in a tropical paradise - get lots of sun lounging by the pool (aids in Vit D absorption). While you are receiving the various medical and supplement treatments for your heart disease you might want to look into getting a little "touch-up" plastic surgery  or maybe that hip replacement you've been putting off...

    I bet your "instant Heart Disease" treatment, some plastic surgery and a hip replacement in total would still be less money than a cardiac cath and stenting back in the United States!

    I being somewhat facetious in writing this post...but I truly believe that scenario I discribed  
    will be the norm in the next 10 or 15 years - as the rest of the world becomes richer and the regulatory environment in the US and Europe slows cutting edge development i could see some fast developing nation such as Thailand assembling a team of highly skilled Doctors in order become the world leader in treat a particular disease.


    Joe E O

  • Dr. Davis

    10/18/2007 12:27:00 AM |

    Hi, Joe--

    Interesting perspective. I hadn't thought of it in those terms. If nothing else, it would make a fascinating experience to watch.

  • vin

    10/19/2007 9:28:00 AM |

    I think that method exists since the fifties and is known as chelation therapy.

    Admittedly the mix, which is often vitamin C and other supplements plus EDTA or something similar, needs to be improved with the current knowledge about amino acids etc. But it could do the job.

    Diet on the other hand is unbeatable. One could spend two weeks in a resort and eat ideal meals to improve health.

  • Dr. Davis

    10/19/2007 2:32:00 PM |

    Sorry, but the chelation in my experience has never worked. I personally have seen several people go through it, usually provided by shady types, with huge rises in heart scan score. Until genuine evidence suggests otherwise, chelation falls in my scam file.

  • wccaguy

    11/15/2007 7:35:00 AM |

    Hi Dr. Davis,

    I have now got my intake of Niacin up to 3g a day using Slo Niacin.  I'm wondering if I shouldn't attempt to get it higher to impact my Lp(a) number.

    I'm 6' tall and at 250 pounds am a "big person".  I'm working on the weight of course.

    I understand there are potential impacts on the liver.

    I have been told and found in the past that Silibinin Plus from LEF and n-acetyl-cysteine work pretty well to keep liver numbers under control.

    What would you think about my taking my niacin dose up to 4g a day (or even potentially higher) if I could keep my liver numbers under control.


  • Dr. Davis

    11/15/2007 12:07:00 PM |

    I'm a big believer in going slow with niacin. It may take a year or more for it to exert full effects, including reduction of Lp(a). I am generally not in a hurry to raise doses.

    I do favor periodic cycles off niacin, however, especially in people with Lp(a). In my many hundreds of patients with this disorder who take niacin for several years, there is a peculiar creep back up of Lp(a) levels back to the starting values. I believe that periodic "vacations" off niacin are necessary from the start, e.g., one month off every six months. Resume dose gradually and work with your doctor if/when you do this.

    Re: liver protection. I'm only superficially familiar with those agents, and I cannot say specifically whether they spare the liver from niacin effects. Interesting idea, though. Phosphatidylcholine? The liver-sparing effects of this agent are interesting, also. But I know of no specific experience with niacin, unfortunately.

  • wccaguy

    11/15/2007 3:57:00 PM |

    Thanks for the reply Dr. Davis,

    I understand that, because you're not my doctor, you can't give me specific medical advice.

    It's also true that I know of no other doctor who has more of the scientific literature and practical supplement experience than you have.

    First, however, thanks for the tip on periodic Niacin vacations.

    Let me then put another question to you this way...

    I'd like to propose to my doctor the following to get his expert insight but before I do, having your opinion would come in handy.

    Suppose I pumped up my intake of niacin to 5 grams.  After a month of that, I get a liver numbers test.  Then I begin the Silibinin Plus - N-Acetyl-Choline regimen.  Then after another month, I take another liver numbers test.

    Would a scenario like that provide me with useful information for long term Lp(a) treatment without doing permanent damage to my liver?

    Any suggestions for improving the idea?

    One last thought...

    Because Lp(a) is believed to be formed in circulation (per McCormick, Marcovina, et al), it seems to me that continuous availability of niacin in circulation is important.  So, I'm thinking 2 or 3 doses of niacin per day at 1.5g to 2.5g per dose.

    Seems to me that dosing like that would be beneficial to assessing the impact of the Silibinin Plus - N-Acetyl-Cysteine regimen.

    Does that make sense?

    Thanks for all you do!

  • Dr. Davis

    11/15/2007 5:27:00 PM |


    I think that it depends on your endpoint.

    If Lp(a)reduction alone is your endpoint, then raising niacin even to 5 g per day is reasonable.

    However, if control of plaque growth is your endpoint, then you might make do with far less, e.g., 2000-3000 mg per day. It can vary enormously. (In fact, I have even seen an occasional person reverse without Lp(a) control, though this is unusual.)

    One warning re: the frequent dosing of niacin. Far more likely to yield liver toxicity than dose is frequency. Taking niacin three times a day as SloNiacin virtually guarantees serious liver toxicity--I would strongly urge you to NOT do this. You are safest with once daily dosing of the SloNiacin preparation.

    Re: liver toxicity gauged by liver function tests. Unfortunately, these are not really good tests for quantitative assessment of liver toxicity; they are rather weak, qualitative tests. So I do not believe you can make much of shifts within the normal range.

  • wccaguy

    11/16/2007 1:47:00 AM |

    Thanks Dr. Davis for the niacin regime tips:

    To sum up.

    1   I will try to get my Slo Niacin dose to 5g per day in a single dose.

    2   I will monitor Lp(a) test scores.

    3   I will take a one month niacin vacation every six months.

    Thanks again.

  • Kiran Sawhney

    7/14/2008 9:01:00 PM |

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  • Anonymous

    3/9/2009 10:56:00 AM |

    Dear Dr.Davis,

    I just came across your site for the first time and very much like the content and layout.

    I'm aware that you don't answer personal questions but am not quite sure with what one can post or comment on? I hope my post is considered acceptable and I hope you will take the time to comment briefly.

    I'm in a desperate need to help my mother who had a hearth attack a month ago. She's always had a low blood pressure and considered herself to be very healthy. She is 63 and never been on any medication, no pains or complaints. And all of a sudden-a heart attack! She has had two stents put in and is on several medications-Plavix 75mg, Beloc Zok 25mg, Triatec, Sortis 40mg, Aspirin 100mg and Nexium 40mg.
    I'm aware of the interactions of Plavix and Aspirin-Nexium and am terrified of the complications. She started taking a nattokinease supplement and thought that it will be better if she didn't take the Aspirin-Nexium. However after reading all your comments on natto-i feel this might not be a wise idea. I've been a regular reader of for many years and ordered a product called Cardioessentials from the site. I must say am not a fan of the statin drug as well but have only insisted on CoQ10 as ubiquinol of 200mg a day.
    She has become more thoughtful of her diet and exercise. I know that thing rarely happen without warnings and am sure she  could have taken a better care of herself. She did gain a bit of weight lately and I know that visceral fat does come with a price on heart health! She is following a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish, nuts and seeds and low in grains. She takes fish oil, flax oil an olive oil,garlic, green tea, vit C in high doses, vit E and D, ALA, vit B complex, grape seed extract and chlorella. I'm considering L-carnitine, L-arginine, taurine, lutein and NAC.

    Please share a few wise words on this protocol and let me know if there is anything she is missing out on or should not be taking.
    I would greatly appreciate your comment. Thanks in advance,

    Lidija McLaren

  • Treatment for heart disease

    9/27/2010 12:51:28 PM |

    Heart  disease is one of the most  dangerous disease which takes thousands of life every years all over the world. If we know its symptoms and Treatment for heart disease. We can prevent is to large extent.

  • Treatment for heart disease

    9/27/2010 12:52:23 PM |

    Heart  disease is one of the most  dangerous disease which takes thousands of life every years all over the world. If we know its symptoms and Treatment for heart disease. We can prevent is to large extent.

  • blogblog

    10/30/2010 4:00:49 AM |

    This is a routine widely practised in Japanese hospitals for many diseases. They also use an IV glucose solution with electrolytes.

    I am doing exactly what you suggest at the moment.


    1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of salt substitute (potassium chloride) dissolved in 2L of water. This provides very roughly 2g sodium and 2g potassium/day.

    300mg magnesium and 800mg to prevent cramps.

    A single multivitamin tablet.

    A high potency B group supplement.

    500mg vitamin C.

    5g fish oil.

    After 3 days I have never felt better in my life

  • buy jeans

    11/2/2010 9:27:57 PM |

    This is simply whimsical at this point. I don't know if such an approach would work. But if it did, you might imagine that it would offer an opportunity--for the properly motivated--as an alternative treatment for angina, advanced coronary disease, a means to pull someone back from the brink.

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