The American Heart Association has a PR problem 2. March 2011 William Davis (17) The results of the latest Heart Scan Blog poll are in. The poll was prompted by yet another observation that the American Heart Association diet is a destructive diet that, in this case, made a monkey fat. Because I am skeptical of "official" organizations that purport to provide health advice, particularly nutritional advice, I thought this poll might provide some interesting feedback. I asked:The American Heart Association is an organization that:The responses:Tries to maintain the procedural and medication status quo to benefit the medical system and pharmaceutical industry for money240 (64%)Doesn't know its ass from a hole in the ground121 (32%)Is generally helpful but is misguided in some of its advice79 (21%)Accomplishes tremendous good and you people are nuts6 (1%)Worrisome. Now, perhaps the people reading this blog are a skeptical bunch. Or perhaps they are better informed. Nonetheless, one thing is clear: The American Heart Association (and possibly other organizations like the American Diabetes Association and USDA) have a serious PR problem. They are facing an increasingly critical and skeptical public. Just telling people to "cut the fat and cholesterol" is beginning to fall on deaf ears. After all, the advice to cut fat, cut saturated fat, cut cholesterol and increase consumption of "healthy whole grains" in 1985 began the upward ascent of body weight and diabetes in the American public.Believe it or not, my vote would be for something between choices 1 and 3. I believe that the American Heart Association achieves a lot of good. But I also believe that there are forces within organizations that are there to serve their own agendas. In this case, I believe there is a substantial push to maintain the procedural and medication status quo, the "treatments" that generate the most generous revenues. I believe that I will forward these poll results to the marketing people at the American Heart Association. That'll be interesting!