No flush = No effect

"Inositol Hexanicotinate is the true 'flushless niacin.' Unlike 'sustained-release' niacin, which is just regular niacin in a pill which dissolves more slowly, Inositol Hexanicotinate is a niacin complex, formed with the B-vitamin-like inositol. When you take an IHN supplement, the central inositol ring gradually releases niacin molecules, one at a time delivering true niacin. This, like “sustained-release” niacin, allows you to take niacin at clinically-proven doses without going crazy with the itch."

That above bit of nonsense adorns one manufacturers sales pitch for its no-flush niacin. No-flush niacin is one of the biggest scams in the health food store.

Ordinarily, I love health food stores. There's lots of fun and interesting things available that pack real power for your health program. Unfortunately, there's also outright nonsense. No-flush niacin is absolute nonsennse.

No-flush niacin is inositol hexaniacinate, or an inositol molecule complexed with 6 niacin molecules. So it really does contain niacin. However, although it works in rats, it exerts no known effect in humans.

Just Friday, a 41-year old woman came to my office for consultation because her doctor didn't know what to do with lipoprotein(a). She had seen a cardiologist who told her to take no-flush niacin. Both the cardiologist and the patient were therefore puzzled when lipoprotein(a) showed no drop and, in fact, was slightly higher on the no-flush preparation.

The lack of any observable effect and no studies whatsoever showing a positive effect (there is one study demonstrating no effect), manufacturers continue to manufacture it and health food stores continue to push it as an alternative to niacin that causes the flush. It's quite expensive, commonly costing $30-$50 for 100 tablets.

Don't fall for this gimmick. Niacin is among the most helpful of treatments for gaining control over coronary plaque. It raises HDL, corrects small LDL, reduces triglycerides (along with its friend, fish oil, of course), reduces lipoprotein(a), and dramatically contributes to reduced heart attack risk. No-flush niacin does none of this. Track Your Plaque Members: For a thorough discussion of niacin--how to use it, what preparations work and which do not, read Niacin: Ins and outs, ups and downs on the website.

Comments (3) -

  • Hoop

    7/4/2007 8:38:00 AM |

    Then again it maybe this patient was using too low a dose?
    And what else was the patient ingesting? And there is the issue of which class lipid abnormality this patient had.

    In my comments below I've included some abstracts of some human based studies that suggest inositol hexanicotinate isn't useless for altering serum lipid levels.

    If we assume for a moment the validity of your anecdote,
    I won't call inositol hexanicotinate worthless rather I would suggest it might have has narrower scope of uses not including the altering
    blood lipids.  Not everyone (me) takes large doses niacin for it lipid altering properties. Consider Kaufman's work with niacinamide in patients
    with degenerative arthritis. He used doses of 1.5 to 4 grams and
    claimed increased joint mobility after a couple of months.
    In my experience, niacin also works as well as niacinamide
    against my pains in and around my joints. Its benefits against the pain come about gradually but
    nonetheless are quite effective for me.

    The flush can be pretty nasty if one isn't careful about the dose.
    I know when I mixed niacinamide and niacin in the past I seemed
    to have somewhat more flushing. I took niacin for several years
    until it started to be trigger atrial premature beats.
    I'll comment further in this posting on a way around these adverse effects of niacin.

    Inositol hexanicotinate maybe superior provided one chooses
    the right patients? Please see the second abstract below.

    1: Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 1979 Aug;16(1):11-5.

    Nocturnal inhibition of lipolysis in man by nicotinic acid and derivatives.

    Kruse W, Kruse W, Raetzer H, Heuck CC,
    Oster P, Schellenberg B, Schlierf G.

    The effect of nicotinic acid and several derivatives
    on the nocturnal level of free fatty acids was studied
    in 12 healthy young women and men. Free fatty acids
    are an important precursor of plasma triglycerides
    and their concentration is highest at night.
    The drugs used were nictinic acid, beta-pyridyl-carbinol,
    mesoinositol hexanicotinate and xantinol nicotinate.
    The highest plasma nicotinic acid level was observed
    with beta-pyridyl-carbinol, but significant reduction in
    free fatty acids during the entire night was only
    achieved with inositolhexanicotinate and
    xantinol nicotinate. There was no correlation between
    the plasm levels of free fatty acids and nicotinic
    acid at any sampling time. If prolonged reduction
    in free fatty acid concentration is desired in the therapy of
    hyperlipidemias, the inositol and xantinol esters of
    nicotinic acid appear to be superior to the other preparations.

    PMID: 499296 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Inositol hexanicotinate seems to work to lower some
    blood lipids in this next human study and granted
    another drug is also involved.
    1: Arzneimittelforschung. 1979;29(10):1621-4.

    [Treatment of various types of hyperlipoproteinaemia with
    a combination of Mg-chlorophenoxy-isobutyrate and
    mesoinositol-hexanicotinate (author's transl)]

    [Article in German]

    Bolzano K, Krempler F, Haslauer F.

    50 patients with different types of hyperlipoproteinaemia
    were treated with a combination of Mg-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate
    (700 mg) and mesoinositol-hexanicotinate (500 mg) (Atroplex)
    twice daily. 7 patients had type IIa, 39 patients type IIb
    or IV and 4 patients type V. After a period of one
    month without any treatment the patients were treated
    during two months. While the effects of this combination
    on cholesterol of type IIa patients was poor, the
    drug had an excellent lipid-lowering effect in the patients
    with type IIb, IV and V. After 14 days' treatment the
    plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels in
    patients of type IIb or IV were significantly lowered.
    This effect became even more pronounced after
    one-month treatment. There was no significant difference
    between the effect of one-month treatment and
    that of two-month treatment. About two-thirds of the
    patients of type IIb or IV were responders. No serious side
    effects could be observed during our study.

    Publication Types:
        English Abstract

    PMID: 583231 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
    So could it have been that this patient had one of the classes
    of hyperlipidemic disorders such as type 1, type
    2-a or type 3 for which inositol hexanicotinate
    maybe ineffective?

    It may have other uses see next paper.

    1: Clin. Rheumatol. 1988 Mar;7(1):46-9.

    A double blind randomised placebo controlled trial
    of hexopal in primary Raynaud's disease.

    Sunderland GT, Belch JJ, Sturrock RD,
    Forbes CD, McKay AJ.

    University Department of Surgery,
    Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Scotland.

    The peripheral vasospastic symptoms associated
    with Raynaud's disease continue to
    be an unsolved clinical problem. Hexopal
    (Hexanicotinate inositol) has shown
    promise in uncontrolled studies and its use in
    patients with Raynaud's disease may reduce such
    vasospasm. This study examines the effects of
    4 g/day of Hexopal or placebo, during cold weather,
    in 23 patients with primary Raynaud's disease.
    The Hexopal group felt subjectively better and
    had demonstrably shorter and fewer attacks of
    vasospasm during the trial period.
    Serum biochemistry and rheology was
    not significantly different between the
    two groups. Although the mechanism of
    action remains unclear Hexopal is safe
    and is effective in reducing the vasospasm
    of primary Raynaud's disease during the winter months.

    Publication Types:
        Clinical Trial
        Randomized Controlled Trial
        Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

    PMID: 3044673 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
    : J. Int. Med. Res. 1979;7(6):473-83.

    An experimentally controlled evaluation of the effect
    of inositol nicotinate upon the digital blood flow
    in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon.

    Holti G.

    The vaso-active effects of inositol nicotinate (Hexopal)
    were investigated in thirty patients with primary and
    secondary Raynaud's phenomenon using several
    non-invasive experimental techniques under
    controlled conditions. The earlier formed impression
    that this drug requires a prolonged 'build-up' period was
    confirmed. Recording the time required to induce
    Raynaud's phenomenon as well as assessments of total
    and nutrient digital blood flow showed significant
    beneficial therapeutic effects upon the skin's
    microcirculation by inositol nicotinate. This study
    suggests that the therapeutic effect of this drug is not
    merely due to vasodilation but that other mechanisms
    such as enhanced fibrinolysis and lowering of
    serum lipids may play a significant part in its
    overall effect. Smokers responded slower than non-smokers,
    but even elderly patients with longstanding vasospastic
    disease showed measurably improved digital circulation.
    Unlike some other drugs in this field inositol nicotinate was found
    to be effective orally and to be devoid of unwanted side-effects.
    However, in the majority of patients it failed to
    abolish their increased vascular spasm although
    it diminished it significantly in most. It appears
    to be a safe and well tolerated drug, which,
    together with other symptomatic measures, merits
    to be used in the management of vasospastic
    disease of the extremities even in the
    presence of partial obliteration of the microcirculation.

    Publication Types:
        Clinical Trial
        Randomized Controlled Trial

    PMID: 391622 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Perhaps what is needed is a larger dose in comparison
    to other forms of niacin?

    Now to expand the topic to plain old TR niacin and betaine.

    Timed release niacin as I recall is twice a effective
    as simple niacin in lowering lipids and twice as toxic.
    So it seems come out about even if one takes a half
    the dose of TR niacin.

    Of course, what I'd love to test is niacin in its various forms
    along with trimethylglycine (TMG) aka betaine. And I won't  
    just consider lipid level effects but also the effects on
    osteoarthritis and other joint pains.

    Why do I mention betaine? I know from personal experience
    high doses of betaine along with niacin pretty well blocks
    the flushing effect as well as completely
    blocking the atrial premature beats (AVB) that I would get
    when taking either high dose niacin or niacinamide.
    I had taken niacin at a rather high doses for about 5 or 6 years
    back a couple of decades ago and then I started
    to get the AVBs when I tried to
    resume the use of doses above 100 milligrams.
    Now of course provided I take the betaine I don't have
    this problem. However, I do get AVBs if I don't use the
    betaine and only take the niacin.
    Granted some suggest niacin lowers the lipid levels
    by "stressing" the liver so if betaine blocks
    this effect it maybe contraindicated for the purpose
    of changing lipid levels.
    Here are Pubmed ID numbers, for some papers that
    reflect similar thinking using betaine to reduce
    the toxicity of high dose B-3.
    PMID: 10985907
    PMID: 17156888


    I'd be interested in your comments on the points of
    theory and science. I am not looking for personal
    advice. A number of people including myself
    are discussing the niacin topic on the
    Usenet (which
    is also available by way of the Google Group
    Archive for free provided you have a throw away email address).
    Someone else referred to your blog comments and yet
    another person proposed contacting you for a comment.
    I was elected Wink to contact you.
    The group/forum members were interested as to whether there is
    more to your anecdote concerning the possible ineffectiveness
    of inositol hexanicotinate as a lipid lower agent.

    Thank You.

  • Dr. Davis

    7/4/2007 1:36:00 PM |

    Thanks for your insightful comments.

    My experience is based on the experiences of about 10 patients on the no-flush preparation in doses of 1000-4000 mg per day.

    If the rationale for the no-flush preparation is that it provides niacin in such a way as to avoid the flush, we should see rises in HDL, reductions in triglycerides, small LDL, and lipoprotein(a), regardless of the type of hyperlipidemia present (IIa, IIb, III, etc.).

    After using no-flush for up to one year, I have seen absolutely no effect, accepting my relatively small experience.

    Please also understand that my focus is prevention and reversal of coronary heart disease, something that the Track Your Plaque approach does exceptionally well, so I try not to stray off too far from our focus. But why would no-flush have any beneficial effects on arthritis, etc.,as an alternative method of delivering niacin when niacin itself does not possess these effects? I'm not sure I follow the rationale. To be included in a program of coronary atherosclerotic regression, we would have to see substantial effects, as we do with plain old niacin.

    Nonetheless, I encourage your continuing interesting thoughts.

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 12:29:51 PM |

    Just Friday, a 41-year old woman came to my office for consultation because her doctor didn't know what to do with lipoprotein(a). She had seen a cardiologist who told her to take no-flush niacin. Both the cardiologist and the patient were therefore puzzled when lipoprotein(a) showed no drop and, in fact, was slightly higher on the no-flush preparation.

Can I see your linea alba?

Can I see your linea alba?

As more and more people are eliminating wheat from their diet and losing their "wheat bellies," i.e., the muffin top around their waists along with the visceral fat beneath, I am frequently seeing something I haven't seen in years: the linea alba.

Linea alba, or "white line," refers to the band of connective tissue running vertically from sternum to pubic area. It underlies the depression that separates the horizontal abdominal rectus muscles of the "six pack" abdomen.

It's like digging in your closet and finding something you thought you'd lost years earlier. Surprise! It's been there all along. Buried deep beneath the abdominal fat from dozens of deep-crust pizzas, whole wheat pasta, and whole grain sandwiches is this pleasing anatomical feature long lost from most peoples' anteriors.

Can you see your linea alba?

Comments (19) -

  • Anonymous

    11/2/2010 4:38:09 PM |

    Yep.Didn't have a lot of BF to begin with. But once I went 90% Paleo, I could see my libea alba within weeks.

  • Anonymous

    11/2/2010 5:51:42 PM |

    I've been 80% paleo for a year, and while I lost oodles of BF, I'm still not there... :[

  • Patricia Weitzel

    11/2/2010 6:04:22 PM |

    No yet, but I'm working on it Smile

  • Tommy

    11/2/2010 6:56:19 PM |

    I've been wheat/sugar/flour etc free for about 4 months and although I didn't want to drop weight, it just happened; fast. About a month ago I dropped the rest of the grains from my diet and even though my weight stayed the same, the small love handles I had-or extra fat around the waist- disappeared. It wasn't much to begin with, but it's pretty much gone.

  • steve

    11/2/2010 10:44:39 PM |

    this raises an interesting question: what should your ideal weight be?  No doubtthere are benefits to Low Carb diet, but where or how low should your weight be.

  • Anonymous

    11/3/2010 2:01:59 AM |

    I have lost 9 kg this year but my linea alba is still not visible, with the exception of between the two upper parts of the six-pack abdominal muscles.

    Even though a fat-based diet is effective in removing fat tissue, it still takes time to remove the fat tissue.

  • Dr. John

    11/3/2010 2:03:31 AM |

    Your "ideal" weight should be what you weighed when you were 25 yrs old....+/- 10lbs, at the most.
    Women, post gravida, usually....usually...put on about 5-10 lbs after childbirth...that's reasonable...due to hormonal influences.
    But men, you should be at your 25 yr old weight
    Plus, that's when the human body fully matures in all neuromuscularoskeletal body areas.
    Makes sense to be that weight...unless you are eating grains!

  • Hans Keer

    11/3/2010 7:40:57 AM |

    Combine the NO wheat with the plank, push-ups and pull-ups and your linea alba will jump forward. If you are not there yet; You also have a linea alba in your mouth ;)

  • ben

    11/3/2010 2:01:16 PM |

    Paleo has done me well - kept me slim. Lately, increased kettlebell workouts have tones me even more. Have to be honest though - just cant seem to get the full sixpack...upper four are there but those bottom two ba$tards....;)

  • Kent

    11/3/2010 3:07:13 PM |

    Dropping the wheat made a huge improvement on my lipid profile. The only draw back is that I was already pretty thin with 18% body fat, now I'm probably down to 8%. People have commented that I look "too" thin and my cheeks have kind of a sunken look.

  • Geoffrey Levens

    11/3/2010 5:46:55 PM |

    "Your "ideal" weight should be what you weighed when you were 25 yrs old....+/- 10lbs, at the most."

    Don't get out much?  There are tons (pun intended) of massively fat, morbidly obese teenagers all over the country these days.  Go to your local Walmart and check it out. Truly sad. Starbucks muffins, HFCS, McDonald's, etc.

  • Lori Miller

    11/4/2010 5:33:28 AM |

    Re: whether you should weigh what you did at age 25, it depends on what kind of shape you were in at that age. Me, I weigh what I did in high school. Awhile back, I wasn't hungry for a few days and saw a number on the scale that I hadn't seen since junior high.

    I wouldn't trade the white line for all the white food in the world.

  • blogblog

    11/4/2010 8:27:56 AM |

    "Your "ideal" weight should be what you weighed when you were 25 yrs old....+/- 10lbs, at the most."

    I weighed 60kg at 183cm when I was 25. I now weigh 74kg which is far more appropriate.

    It is also possible to be of "normal" weight and have very high body fat and very low muscle mass.

  • Dr. William Davis

    11/4/2010 12:14:03 PM |

    Also factor in relative muscle mass. I am a big believer of strength training, e.g., Fred Hahn's "slow-burn" techniques. Not only do you feel better, you enhance insulin responsiveness, increase HDL, reduce triglycerides, and increase bone density. However, this will increase the crude BMI measure, as well as body weight.

    It also heightens the likelihood of seeing your linea alba.

  • Sifter

    11/5/2010 4:20:21 AM |

    Oh, I don't know... I dated a few women who had the linea alba readily visible, and their diet was mostly junky microwavable frozen food dinners and fast food (when I didn't take them out, that is Smile
    I think the Linea alba being visible is simply a benefit of fewer caloris, not the makeup of those calories.

  • blogblog

    11/6/2010 11:53:40 AM |

    Kent said:
    "The only draw back is that I was already pretty thin with 18% body fat, now I'm probably down to 8%."

    This is extremely unlikely unless you are a world class endurance athlete. You are probably still 14-15% body fat. Even very thin people can have surprisingly high body fat levels.

    I have a friend who is an Australian  national-level middle-distance runner. He has 15% body fat.

    When you lose weight by caloric restriction (including LC diets) you will nearly always lose (a lot) of muscle as well as fat.

    The only way to prevent muscle loss and bulk up is to undertake a resistance training program. Without this protein is just broken down and excreted in the urine.

  • blogblog

    11/7/2010 10:08:27 AM |

    Ballerinas and runway models often have appalling diets and still manage to stay thin.

    It is even possible to get reasonably fat on a paleodiet by ignoring appetite signals.

  • pammi

    11/9/2010 10:35:05 AM |

    Heart  disease is one of the most  dangerous disease which takes thousands of life every years all over the world. If we know its symptoms and Treatment for heart disease. We can prevent is to large extent.
