Equal calories, different effects

A great study was just published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology:

Metabolic effects of weight loss on a very-low-carbohydrate diet compared with an isocaloric high-carbohydrate diet in abdominally obese subjects.

88 obese adults with metabolic syndrome were placed on either of two diets:

1) A very low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet (VLCHF): 4% calories from carbohydrates (truly low-carb); 35% protein; 61% fat, of which 20% were saturated. In the first 8 weeks, carbohydrate intake was severely limited to <20 grams per day, then <40 grams per day thereafter.

2) A high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet (HCLF): 46% calories from carbohydrates; 24% protein; 30% total fat, of which <8% were saturated.

Both diets were equal in calories (around 1400 calories per day--rather restrictive) and participants were maintained on the program for six months.

At the end of the six month period, participants on the VLCHF diet lost 26.4 lb, those on the HCLF diet 22.2 lbs (though the difference did not reach statistical significance). Thus, both approaches were spectacularly successful at weight loss.

Surprisingly, blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin and insulin sensitivity (a measure called HOMA) were all improved with both diets equally. Thus, these measures seemed to respond more to weight loss and less to the food composition.

Lipids differed between the two diets, however:

Total cholesterol: initial 208.4 mg/dl final 207.7 mg/dl

LDL: initial 125 mg/dl final 123 mg/dl

HDL: initial 55 mg/dl final 64.5 mg/dl

Triglycerides: initial 144 mg/dl final 74 mg/dl

Apoprotein B: initial 98 mg/dl final 96 mg/dl

Total cholesterol: initial 208.4 mg/dl final 187.5 mg/dl

LDL: initial 126 mg/dl final 108 mg/dl

HDL: initial 51 mg/dl final 54.5 mg/dl

Triglycerides: initial 157.6 mg/dl final 111 mg/dl

Apoprotein B: initial 100 mg/dl final 95 mg/dl

Some interesting differences became apparent:
--The VLCHF diet more effectively reduced triglycerides and raised HDL.
--The HCLF diet more effectively reduced total and LDL.
--There was no difference in Apo B (no statistical difference).

The investigators also made the observation that individual responsiveness to the diets differed substantially. They concluded that both diets appeared to exert no adverse effect on any of the parameters measured, both were approximately equally effective in weight loss with slight advantage with the carbohydrate restricted diet, and that lipid effects were indeed somewhat different.

What lessons can we learn from this study? I would propose/extrapolate several:

When calories are severely restricted, the composition of diet may be less important. However, when calories are not so severely restricted, then composition may assume a larger role. When calories are unrestricted, I would propose that the carbohydrate restriction approach may yield larger effects on weight loss and on lipids when compared to a low-fat diet.

The changes in total cholesterol are virtually meaningless. Part of the reason that it didn't drop with the VLCHF diet is that HDL cholesterol increased. In other words, total cholesterol = LDL + HDL + trig/5. A rise in HDL raises total cholesterol.

Despite no change in Apo B, if NMR lipoprotein analysis had been performed (or other assessment of LDL particle size made), then there would almost certainly have seen a dramatic shift from undesirable small LDL to less harmful large LDL particles on the VLCHF diet, less change on the HCLF diet.

The lack of restriction of saturated fat in the VLCHF that failed to yield adverse effects is interesting. It would be conssistent with the re-analysis of saturated fat as not-the-villain-we thought-it-was put forward by people like Gary Taubes (Good Calories, Bad Calories).

In the Track Your Plaque experience, small LDL is among the most important measures of all for coronary plaque reversal and control. Unfortunately, although this study was well designed and does add to the developing scientific exploration of diet, it doesn't add to our insight into small LDL effects. But if I had to make a choice, I'd choose the low-carbohydrate, high-fat approach for overall benefit.

Comments (15) -

  • MAC

    1/9/2008 1:55:00 AM |

    Dr. Davis,
        You have to check out Dr. Eades blog on the same study. You both had different takes but came to the same conclusion. http://www.proteinpower.com/drmike/

  • Dr. Davis

    1/9/2008 3:22:00 AM |

    Hi, MAC--

    Thanks for pointing out Dr. Eades post.

    I've lately come to read his posts regularly, as I have been thoroughly impressed with his insights.

    It's good to know there's some real thinkers out there!

  • rick

    1/9/2008 4:37:00 AM |

    Had the HCLF group enjoyed the same nearly 50% drop in TG as the VLCHF group, their calculated LDL would have dropped to 117 rather than 108.  So part of their comparative advantage is not a benefit at all.

  • Anonymous

    1/9/2008 5:33:00 AM |


    Dr. Davis, what is your viewpoint on saturated fat intake and arterial damage? Although perhaps saturated fat doesn't affect lipid values too negatively (in fact, it seems to raise HDL), maybe it can eventually lead to heart disease by other means -- inflammation/damage to arteries, leading to plaque build-up?

    There is a reference to a study here, which you've probably seen:


    I'm curious on your viewpoints, as we know not all fats are bad, but it seems a little muddy as to if certain saturated fats are bad or not.

  • chcikadeenorth

    1/9/2008 5:37:00 AM |

    Hi, you commented once on my high hdl..68...it happened after I low carbed, high calories( plus 1800 a day) and hi fat but under 20 gr of sat fat a day.My Ldl went up but lipoprotein(a) was still within the norm not for TYP but for lab values,
    I hear nothing but good results  with LC going back to Atkins,Bernsteins, Eades, Westman and you Dr D so keep plodding along. Soon everyone will know what a wheat belly is and rather than plod you'll be galloping writing another book SmileThnx for all.

  • Dr. Davis

    1/9/2008 1:33:00 PM |

    Most of the feeding studies like the one you cited are flawed in that they claim to have isolated the effect of saturated fat on some measure, brachial forearm dilatation, in this instance. Unfortunately, they did no such thing. They did not control well for carbohydrate effects. Gary Taubes would point out that they presumed that carbohydrates are good and therefore all adverse effects must be from the saturated fat component.

    We are planning a thorough review of the issue in future.

  • g

    1/9/2008 4:50:00 PM |

    You know... I'd love to see the CAC scores (or even IMT if possible?) for people on Protein Power?  Has that ever been studied?  Mac, have you ever had an EBT/CT scan? (are you > 40 yr?)

    I think that would be very very COOL data Smile   Thanks for sharing -- I've checked DR. Eades out since you started posting...  His wife does a nice 'tablescape' like Sandra Lee!  
    I loved his post on foie gras!  That's what I tell my elevated liver test patients -- they are making their fatty livers into FOIE GRAS (and good think I'm not Hannibal... but I like chianti *ha ahaaa*).


  • andyj

    1/9/2008 5:53:00 PM |

    While I would dearly love to try this myself, I am still (as always) having a mental problem with the high-fat part.  I am currently trying to fine tune a plan to do a calorie-restricted diet (about 1600 calories) but I'm not sure how low I can get the carbohydrate segment to go  -- certainly not under 10%.   Most of the fat will be from nuts and chocolate (and salmon and sardines) and I will certainly do a NMR after the fact.  The biggest problem is crafting something you can actually live with for an extended period of time, not just a couple of months.  Therein lies the real problem.  Maybe we should just stop eating altogether!  I have plans for a blog entry on just this subject --  what if we ate only when we truly had to?  Some days I'd have no problem dropping down to about 1000 calories a day, but of course then exercise would be out of the question.  Yeah, this plan still needs some tinkering before I attempt it.  

  • MAC

    1/9/2008 8:01:00 PM |

    Dr. Davis,
       New paper on Vitamin D and heart diseases. Paper says they cannot recommend testing for Vit D nor recommend supplementaion for those with a known deficiency.

    To g: I am over 40 and only low carbing recently. Previous to that used vegan diet to lose weight successfully. Have not had a heart scan yet but seriously thinking of it as my father was diagnosed with Type 2 at 65 and had quadruple bypass.

    P.S. Went to doc the other day and we decided to do some blood work since it had been while and unbeknownst to me until I looked at the paper work he had ordered a Vit D 25OH test and I got him to order a lipoprotein analysis for the lipid part. No discussion, he agreed. I think he keeps up on  latest research.

  • Dr. Davis

    1/9/2008 8:25:00 PM |

    Hi, MAC--


  • MAC

    1/9/2008 11:18:00 PM |


    Posted by me on Dr. Eades site:

    "You and Dr. Davis both reviewed the same study in your respective blogs on the same day. Bit of different takes but same conclusion. http://heartscanblog.blogspot.com/

    Hi MAC–

    I’m a reader of Dr. Davis’ blog from time to time. I guess today that great minds thought alike.

  • g

    1/10/2008 4:20:00 AM |

    MAC -- it sounds like you have a biochem background too?  Yes, I agree many great thinkers are coming up with vastly similar conclusions!  I think that the best balance betw being fed and 'fasting' maybe key (didn't u discuss earlier?). Where is that? maybe being mildly ketotic? at 5-10? or 0-20?  for CAD who knows yet?

    Here's an example of industry looking for a single drug ligand/target (a $325 million one)...  The answer has already been discovered.  you've found it, dude!  I'm not sure about the relationship betw protein and plaque and CAD yet...  do you have some insights?


    THANKS!! g

  • MAC

    1/10/2008 3:24:00 PM |

    To g: I think you have me confused with another poster. Sorry don't think that was me. Maybe Peter? Minor in chemistry and lots of science courses but no biochem.

    BTW, the great mind in this case was Dr. Davis, and that was Dr. Eades paying him the compliment.

  • g

    1/10/2008 8:49:00 PM |

    Sorry for the confusion -- so many quality post-ers here!  It's great that you're considering starting on vit D -- it improved insulin sensivity in a small trial 60% (that's more than any drug out there like metformin or Actos).

  • chickadeenorth

    1/11/2008 7:45:00 PM |

    g et al  do you have some reading material about Vit D improving insulin resistance I could take to my doc. I am on 4000 units a day, haven't noticed any difference but it is only about 2 weeks now.

Do "Heart Healthy" sterols cause heart disease?

Do "Heart Healthy" sterols cause heart disease?

The sterol question continues to pop up.

Sterols are an ingredient widely added by food manufacturers that allows a "heart healthy" claim, since sterols have been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (at least transiently). HOWEVER, sterols have also been implicated in possibly increasing risk for heart disease. After all, people with the genetic condition called sitosterolemia absorb sterols into the blood and develop coronary heart disease in their teens and twenties. Those of us without sitosterolemia who increase sterol intake with sterol-enriched foods increase blood levels of sterols several-fold. Is this healthy, or does it contribute to coronary plaque as it does in people with sitosterolemia?

Below, I've reprinted a previous Heart Scan Blog post on sterols.

Sterols should be outlawed

While sterols occur naturally in small quantities in food (nuts, vegetables, oils), food manufacturers are adding them to processed foods in order to earn a "heart healthy" claim.

The FDA approved a cholesterol-reducing indication for sterols , the American Heart Association recommends 200 mg per day as part of its Therapeutic Lifestyle Change diet, and WebMD gushes about the LDL-reducing benefits of sterols added to foods.

Sterols--the same substance that, when absorbed to high levels into the blood in a genetic disorder called "sitosterolemia"--causes extravagant atherosclerosis in young people.

The case against sterols, studies documenting its coronary disease- and valve disease-promoting effects, is building:

Higher blood levels of sterols increase cardiovascular events:
Plasma sitosterol elevations are associated with an increased incidence of coronary events in men: results of a nested case-control analysis of the Prospective Cardiovascular Münster (PROCAM) study.

Sterols can be recovered from diseased aortic valves:
Accumulation of cholesterol precursors and plant sterols in human stenotic aortic valves.

Sterols are incorporated into carotid atherosclerotic plaque:
Plant sterols in serum and in atherosclerotic plaques of patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy.

Though the data are mixed:

Moderately elevated plant sterol levels are associated with reduced cardiovascular risk--the LASA study.

No association between plasma levels of plant sterols and atherosclerosis in mice and men.

The food industry has vigorously pursued the sterol-as-heart-healthy strategy, based on studies conclusively demonstrating LDL-reducing effects. But do sterols that gain entry into the blood increase atherosclerosis regardless of LDL reduction? That's the huge unanswered question.

Despite the uncertainties, the list of sterol-supplemented foods is expanding rapidly:

Each Nature Valley Healthy Heart Bar contains 400 mg sterols.

HeartWise orange juice contains 1000 mg sterols per 8 oz serving.

Promise SuperShots contains 400 mg sterols per container.

Corozonas has an entire line of chips that contain added sterols, 400 mg per 1 oz serving.

MonaVie Acai juice, "Pulse," contains 400 mg sterols per 2 oz serving.

Kardea olive oil has 500 mg sterols per 14 gram serving.

WebMD has a table that they say can help you choose "foods" that are sterol-rich.

In my view, sterols should not have been approved without more extensive safety data. Just as Vioxx's potential for increasing heart attack did not become apparent until after FDA approval and widespread use, I fear the same may be ahead for sterols: dissemination throughout the processed food supply, people using large, unnatural quantities from multiple products, eventually . . . increased heart attacks, strokes, aortic valve disease.

Until there is clarification on this issue, I would urge everyone to avoid sterol-added "heart healthy" products.

Some more info on sterols in a previous Heart Scan Blog post: Are sterols the new trans fat? .

Comments (19) -

  • steve

    9/9/2009 1:58:35 PM |

    Dr Davis:  Does this include Benecol and Take Control?

  • Kathy Hall

    9/9/2009 2:04:42 PM |

    Dr. Davis:

    The prostate supplement I give my husband has what is called Phytosterol Complex consisting of 400 mg free sterols and 180 mg of beta-sitosterol.

    I was under the impression for years that beta-sitosterol was good for the prostate.  

    Are these prostate supplements dangerous?

  • Dr. William Davis

    9/9/2009 5:53:39 PM |

    Hi, Steve--

    Benecol is okay, since it has stanol esters which do not enter the blood.

    Take Control is a sterol ester product.


    Yes, these would fall under sterols.

  • Anonymous

    9/9/2009 6:50:51 PM |

    What I find baffling about sterols, and some cholesterol drugs too, is the fact the FDA approves them (or their labeling) on the basis they supposedly reduce heart disease, without... well, ever checking if they do in fact reduce heart disease. Zetia would be one example in the drug world.

    Wouldn't it be much nicer if they tested plaque reduction (calcium scoring or even carotid artery ultrasounds), instead of relying on a number that may not matter (cholesterol)?

  • Ross

    9/9/2009 7:11:45 PM |

    This would seem to be yet another case of franken-foods gone wrong.

    Ross's rule of thumb: if a product's packaging argues that it's an especially healthy food, it's probably not food at all.

  • Anonymous

    9/10/2009 7:10:56 AM |

    Web_MD ought to be renamed into Web-Quack. Hardly ever have I seen a site that is so full of crap...

  • Anonymous

    9/10/2009 11:14:54 PM |

    A bit on the side, but related to wheat, and might be of interest:

    Celiac Disease Associated with Dilated Cardiomyopathy.

    South Med J. 2009 Sep 4;
    Authors: Lodha A, Haran M, Hollander G, Frankel R, Shani J

    Celiac disease is an intestinal disorder caused by an immunologic response to gluten, which results in diffuse damage to the proximal small intestinal mucosa with malabsorption of nutrients. An association between celiac disease and nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy has been noted. Cardiomyopathy has been shown to improve in some patients on a gluten-free diet. We report a case of progressively worsening dilated cardiomyopathy in a patient with documented celiac disease.

    PMID: 19738524 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

    Best wishes from Norway

  • Brate

    9/11/2009 5:22:21 AM |

    According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the nation's single leading cause of death for both men and women. At least 58.8 million people in this country suffer from some form of heart disease.
    And on the whole, cardiovascular diseases (the combination of heart disease and stroke) kill some 950,000 Americans every year.
    Still, there are many misconceptions about heart disease: "The biggest misconception is that heart disease only happens to the elderly," said Elizabeth Schilling, CRNP with the Center for Preventive Cardiology Program at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
    In fact, according to the American Heart Association, almost 150,00 Americans killed by cardiovascular disease each year are under the age of 65. And one out of every 20 people below the age of 40 has heart disease.
    So, it is now a wise decision to keep a constant monitoring of your health. Why to take a chance if we have the option. I was in the similar misconception that heart disease are far away waiting for me to get aged. But to my surprise, I was found to be having a calcium deposit in my coronary arteries. I need to have my advance diagnostic scans due reassure whether something really deadly is waiting for me. Though it was some dreadful going on in my life, but I never felt any kind of discomfort in Elitehealth.com advanced diagnostic facility. They were having some of the latest diagnostic equipments and non invasive techniques which made me feel safe.

  • Sifter

    9/13/2009 2:03:10 AM |

    I believe Elitehealth.com performs CAT scans for the heart, as posted on their website. I also believe Dr. Davis wrote that these are very high radiation tests, equal approximately to 100 Xrays, compared to the EBT tests that equal roughly 4 Xrays. Your choice....

  • Anonymous

    9/13/2009 7:10:45 AM |

    Does one need to worry about the sterols in nuts and oils? What levels are we talking about that should be avoided?


  • Anonymous

    9/14/2009 4:15:03 PM |

    Interesting comment about nuts. They are usually considered heart-healthy, but are they really?

    They are high in Omega 6s and sterols. Just because they can influence cholesterol in a positive way, doesn't mean they are good for you. I've wondered about that too.

  • Kismet

    9/16/2009 11:25:12 PM |

    Anonymous, yeah IIRC they are. Some observational trials clearly suggested that nuts in moderation decrease CVD risk.

    again IIRC.

  • trinkwasser

    10/2/2009 3:45:57 PM |

    I suspect another U curve, or J curve: possibly the small quantities of natural sterols in nuts are beneficial, which has led to their use in overdose quantities, which isn't (unless you're a shareholder in a foodlike substance manufacturing company - if they're cheap enough to manufacture that you can displace more expensive ingredients from your product, then mark up the price with a "heart healthy" tag you're on to a winner)

  • denparser

    10/4/2009 11:54:39 AM |

    minute maid... i regularly drink that. wow, i don't even know that it has a good nutritional effect.

  • x.ds

    11/22/2009 5:43:25 AM |

    Dr. Davis:

    Vitamin D is a steroid and chemically related to phytosterols. As a result it's my feeling that prolonged supplementation with vitamin D will cause atherosclerosis and promote coronary plaques like phytosterols.

    It's an established medical fact that high dose of vitamin D causes atherosclerosis but a small intake of it for many months may have the same effect since vitamin D like phytosterols and corticosteroids bioaccumulates in the body.

    After personally taking sarsaparilla and butcher's broom root (both rich in phytosterols) for a long time I had persistent low-grade fever. After reading that squalene inhibited the action of fat-soluble cancer-causing agents I thought it may bind phytosterols too. I tested it and after 2 weeks my fever disappeared. Upon discontinuation of squalene a few weeks later fever did not return.

  • shaheel

    9/27/2010 12:57:24 PM |

    Heart  disease is one of the most  dangerous disease which takes thousands of life every years all over the world. If we know its symptoms and Treatment for heart disease. We can prevent is to large extent.

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 6:47:48 PM |

    HOWEVER, sterols have also been implicated in possibly increasing risk for heart disease. After all, people with the genetic condition called sitosterolemia absorb sterols into the blood and develop coronary heart disease in their teens and twenties. Those of us without sitosterolemia who increase sterol intake with sterol-enriched foods increase blood levels of sterols several-fold. Is this healthy, or does it contribute to coronary plaque as it does in people with sitosterolemia?

  • highchords

    12/16/2010 6:38:08 AM |

    Would help people for getting aware of the negative aspects of the taking eatables containing sterols. Would be helpful in preventing the heart prone diseases.

    Heart Disease

  • Anonymous

    12/25/2010 7:43:10 PM |

    absolutely wrong i think if this were the case can u beleive Dr. william Davis , that almost all Countries including the stringent Canada is allowing Foods Fortified with plant sterols to be sold in retail chains , being a Doc . u shud be careful of scaring the people and hence depleting them of a cure for a Potential Fatal Heart Condition , here are some Conclusion of a study preformed recently :  Several experimental studies in normal and apolipoprotein-E-deficient mice in the study by Weingärtner et al. (6) indicated that the increase in serum plant sterol contents with diet-enriched plant sterol ester consumption worsens arterial function. Humans consuming a diet enriched with plant sterol esters had increased contents of plant sterols in serum and in atherosclerotic aortic valves. However, it remains open whether high plant sterol levels in aortic valves cause atherosclerosis. Even though excessively increased serum plant sterols in serum of sitosterolemic patients with mutated plant sterol metabolism can result in early atheromatosis, no consistent association is available with serum plant sterols and atheromatosis under normal conditions.
    Pls reply Doc Smile
