Divorce court for the doctor-patient relationship?

The doctor-patient relationship has gone sour.

This probably comes as no surprise to most of you, particularly if you've been following conversations here in The Heart Scan Blog:

Who is your doctor? discussing the emergence of the physician-as-hospital-employee phenomenon that causes your doctor to become the de facto portal (seller?) of hospital services to you, a model fraught with conflicts of interest.

Exploitation of trust, my observation that the enormous gap in heart disease prevention between the woefully ignorant (by necessity) level of sophistication of the primary care physician and the procedure-obsessed cardiologist leads to an exploitation of humans-for-heart-procedures because of the failure to institute genuine preventive efforts.

Bait and switch , a description of how a minor test or symptom can reap a bonanza of medical testing; a $20 "screening" test yields $10's of thousands in hospital procedures. If it were entirely due to the imprecision of medical testing and detection of disease, that might be forgivable. But it often is not: It has become utterly distorted by the profit model.

Lest you think that I am a kook ranting off in some backwoods corner (Milwaukee), here are the comments of New York Times' Health Editor Tara Parker-Pope in a series called Doctor and Patient, Now at Odds:

Lately I've been hearing a lot from patients who are frustrated, angry, and distrustful of doctors. Their feelings speak to a growing disconnect between doctors and patients and worries that drug companies, insurance rules, and hospital cost-cutting are influencing the care and advice that doctors provide.

Research shows that even among patients who like their personal physicians, there is a simmering distrust of the medical system and the doctors who work inside it.

(There's also a series of candid video interviews with people who echo these sentiments.)

There are a number of reasons for this increasing "disconnect," some of them articulated by Ms. Parker-Pope, others detailed in my blog posts.

The solutions, however, will not be found by advancing technology: the newest robotic surgery, a better defibrillator, a new statin drug, the next best chemotherapeutic agent. It will not be found by adding a new wing to the hospital. It will not be found by the reorganization of healthcare delivery achieved by converting primary care and specialty practice into an arm of hospital care. It will not be improved by employing "hospitalists." It will not emerge from legislation controlling insurance company practices. It certainly will not come from increasing marketing dollars spent by drug companies (who make $4 for every $1 spent on direct-to-consumer marketing).

The solutions will come from shifting the idea of care from a paternalistic, "I'm the doctor and I'll tell you what to do" approach, to the doctor-as-advocate-and-supporter of the patient. The physician should act as someone with a particular sort of expertise that can advise a patient.

But a caveat: The patient MUST be informed.

Proper information will not originate with the doctor. It will originate with internet-based information portals and tools that help you understand the issues, often with far greater depth than your doctor could ever provide. The physician needs to accept this role, one of advocate, adviser, but not of being in charge, not of viewing the patient as profit-center, not as an opponent in a power struggle.

Sadly, the last few years in online information portals has been dominated by the drug company-dominated websites like WebMD, nothing more than a deliverer of the conventional wisdom with nothing whatsoever aimed towards empowering patients in a self-directed healthcare model.

Some people call the emerging new empowered and information-armed patient Medicine 2.0. Unfortunately, Medicine 2.0 will first benefit the intellectual upper crust of Americans, the web-savvy and motivated to engage in health issues. But, give it 10 years, and we will witness the effects on an unprecedented broad scale. Part of the Information Age is acceleration of information dissemination. Imagine your children, facile with a computer mouse, posting comments on FaceBook, doing homework with Google and Wikipedia, now turning their attentions to health.

It will be a startling change.

In the meantime, be wary. Be empowered. Think increasingly about self-direction in your health.

In a comment to the Bait and switch post, Jennytoo offered an insightful response:

You are getting to the essence of the problem, and it's not just cardiology that is rife with what is, at bottom, malpractice.

There is little incentive for the profession as a whole to know anything about or promote prevention, and many incentives from hospitals, drug and insurance companies to stick with the status quo or to change it in their corporate favor. The formulaic, conventional statements purporting to be guidelines for prevention that are put out by various interest groups and in such publications as hospital-sponsored newsletters ("eat a 'balanced diet', avoid stress, etc.") are useless sops to the concept of prevention.

It is, and I fear is going to remain, up to motivated individuals, both physicians and patients, to reshape the system, and it's going to be a long frustrating struggle.

It's my personal conviction that if just 4 things were promoted to the public, and people actually practiced them, we could change the health profiles of the majority of people in this country for the better within two years or less. They are:

(1) education on and promotion of a true low-carbohydrate, whole foods, diet,
(2) measurement and supplementation of Vitamin D3,
(3) supplementation with DHA/EPA (found in Fish Oils), and
(4) measurement and supplementation of intracellular magnesium.

I am not a health professional, and others may want to add to this list, but I don't think any strong case can be made against any of the items. The wonderful and hopeful thing is that each of us can implement them ON OUR OWN, and thereby take charge of our own well-being. (The Life Extension Foundation is one organization which provides access to lab tests you can request on your own.)

If you have a physician who is willing and capable of being your partner, you are richly blessed, and that is the ideal we all should hope for. But in the more likely event that you do not have such a physician, and if your physician demonstrates little potential for becoming one, think about firing the one you have and finding another.

Sometimes we are forced by circumstances, particularly urgent ones, to deal with physicians who are not ideal, but the main impetus for change will come from us, the patients, and the expectations we communicate to our individual doctors. In the meantime, we can be self-reliant in our own prevention practices.

Wow. A woman after my own heart.

Comments (4) -

  • Anonymous

    8/12/2008 5:44:00 AM |

    It's Tara Parker-Pope.

  • Dr. William Davis

    8/12/2008 11:43:00 AM |


    Thanks. Corrected.

  • Anonymous

    8/13/2008 3:39:00 AM |

    can somebody expand on the thought of supplementation of intracellular magnesium ?
    Thank you

  • Jenny

    8/14/2008 4:13:00 PM |

    Hopefully, Dr. Davis will correct any misinfo in this reply when he moderates. By "intracellular" I was referring in my comment to MEASUREMENT of Magnesium levels, rather than supplementation.  It's my understanding that serum measurement (a blood draw) may not accurately reflect absolute levels of Magnesium in the body.  That is, if a blood test shows low serum Magnesium levels, you can be assured that Intracellular levels are low--but that Intracellular levels may be low without having it reflected in blood testing.  There are other methods of testing available--one is called ExaTest, and is done by testing a smear of buccal cells.  (Can also reveal intracellular levels of other minerals/electrolytes.)  Supplementation can be accomplished in various ways, and ideally would be done with the help of a physician. Magnesium can be delivered by IV,(obviously must be done in a medical setting), by oral supplementation, which can best be done through supplements such as Magnesium Citrate, Taurate,or Maleate or by making and drinking Magnesium Bicarbonate Water (made by combining proper proportions of Milk of Magnesia and Seltzer--google for details, or see
    Mgwater.com)  Some supplementation can also be accomplished by absorption through the skin, which is best done by soaking in Epsom Salts.  I don't know the relative effectiveness of this method, but it certainly is relaxing and soothing to muscles.  Magnesium taken in the evening is said to help some people sleep better, and it seems from personal experience to be true for me.  There is lots of good, reliable  info about Magnesium at mgwater.com, and also on the TrackYourPlaque site if you are a member.  Hope this clarifies my meaning.  It seems to me that  supplementation, no matter how it is done, should affect all reservoirs of Magnesium in the body, if it is in adequate amounts, but IV supplementation would be the most intensive and quickest form.  I believe it can take a few weeks to months to correct deficiencies orally.  People with normal kidney function can  safely supplement Magnesium, but those with abnormal kidney function should consult their physicians.

Trains, planes, and heart scans

Trains, planes, and heart scans

A Heart Scan Blog reader posted the following question:

It is not clear to me why getting a cardiac scan is the necessary first step, if in fact the next step would be to bring down small LDL particles which is revealed on a NMR lipoprofile or VAP test. Why isn't the NMR or VAP test the first thing?

Good question. Think of it this way:

Lipoproteins, as measured via VAP (Vertical Auto Profile) or NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), provide a snapshot of risk from a metabolic viewpoint at that moment. Lipoproteins shift with the tides of age, menopause, weight changes, even what you ate last evening for dinner (especially small LDL). There are also other factors that cause coronary plaque, as well, not revealed through lipoprotein testing, such as vitamin D deficiency, smoking, high blood pressure, phosopholipase A2, lipoprotein(a), inflammatory factors, thyroid dysfunction, omega-3 fatty acid deficiency, etc.

A heart scan, providing a coronary calcium score, provides an indirect measure of coronary plaque that is the sum total of lipoprotein and other plaque-causing factors that have accumulated up to the time of your scan--regardless of the cause.

It means that two females, each 60 years old, with 70% small LDL, HDL 42 mg/dl, triglycerides 150 mg/dl, and mild hypertension, have identical markers for potential coronary risk, but can have widely different heart scan scores. One might have a score of zero, while the other might have a score of 300.

Why would the same panel of causes measured at one moment yield wildly different quantities of plaque? Several reasons:

1) The lifestyles, eating habits, and weight of each woman differed during their earlier years, not currently reflected in this moment's lipid or lipoprotein patterns. Perhpaps one experienced several years of extraordinary stress from a failed marriage, or suffered through two years of depression that caused her to smoke and overeat.

2) There are hidden factors that affect coronary plaque growth that we are presently not able to detect, e.g., vitamin D receptor genotype, cholesteryl-ester transfer protein variants, variation in inflammatory factors. If we can't measure it, we won't know whether it might influence coronary plaque risk.

With all the changes that occur over a person's life, with the uncertainties of yet-to-be-identified causes for coronary plaque, how can you possible know what your risk for heart disease truly is? Yup--a heart scan. Do it and you will know.

Comments (10) -

  • Anonymous

    9/6/2009 6:22:50 PM |

    So now the question is, how would your treatment differ for these two women?

    BTW I had thought the NMR/VAP were the lipoprotein equivalent of the HbA1c for blood sugar -- oh well!

  • Lou

    9/6/2009 10:38:43 PM |

    Hi Dr Davis

    I have just discovered your brilliant site.

    I saw on another post that you have some Track you plaque members from other countries. Do you have any idea if the blood tests you recommend are available to patients outside of the States (specifically in the UK or Europe)?


  • Anonymous

    9/7/2009 1:45:12 AM |

    Hi Dr. Davis,

    Do you find an earlobe crease to be a reliable determinant of coronary calcium?  I have one and notice you have one as well (on your pic).


  • Heart Scan

    9/7/2009 6:12:51 AM |

    Isn’t it natural for us to believe we are healthy and not suffering from any disease? I had a similar thought process until my physician asked me to get a heart scan done after he found that my basic cardiograms were not perfect. I discovered that there were calcium deposits in my coronary arteries and I was at a serious risk of a heart attack. I was shocked and went ahead with the Cardiologist's suggestion of an advanced diagnostic scan. Though it’s always tough to undergo such experiences, I was not at any kind of discomfort at the Elitehealth.com advanced heart scan facility. I am not an expert in medical appliance and machines but could feel that the equipment was world-class and I was in safe hands. That feeling is really very important for me and that’s how it actually went on. The facilities for Full Body Scan were as good as they can get.

  • Dr. William Davis

    9/7/2009 2:13:21 PM |


    Easy. A woman with a zero score might make some efforts to correct her lipid/lipoprotein patterns to less strict endpoints, though she should still supplement vitamin D, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids. The other woman should follow our Track Your Plaque endpoints if her goal is to stop plaque growth.


    Sorry, but I am not familiar with the availability of lipoproteins worldwide. I do know that people from outside the U.S. have managed, but it differs in every country. Please let us know if you have any success.

  • Anonymous

    9/7/2009 3:21:15 PM |

    I had a heart scan 7 years ago at  Hopkins, how often should it be done? I didn't have any calcium- I  was 49 at the time but I have high levels of small particle LDL and HDL.

    Incidentally they called a week after reporting the results of the heart scan and said I had a bunch of 'spots' on my liver which requires CAT scans and Ultra sounds to further investigate. Turned out to be something rather normal- I forget what they are called- just it involved a bunch of tests during a four week period and a lot of worrying.

    Anytime you do a body scan be prepared to find other stuff- which may or may not be a good thing depending on your frame of mind and it you are the type of person who needs to know everything.

    C'est la vie

  • Anonymous

    9/9/2009 1:42:12 PM |

    Actually, I can think of at least one scenario where getting a VAP or similar test WOULD be the first step... youth.

    I am inelligible for a heart scan because of my age (female under 40), yet I have a strong family hx of heart disease and have already presented with some signs of risk.  IMO, a VAP test would be the best thing for someone under 40 who is concerned about heart disease.

  • Materialguy

    9/15/2009 5:21:02 PM |

    I'm looking at "The New Heart Disease Handbook" by Christopher Cannon MD and Elizabeth Vierck 2009. They mention calcium score and calcium scan a few times. Their wording focuses on the calcium scan being useful in identifying areas of plaque buildup. There are probably only a total of 300 words on the subject all totaled. Sounds like progress slowly inching along.

  • Carolyn

    9/23/2009 6:11:03 PM |

    Wheat bran and any other dry whole grain puts my digestive tract in acid overdrive.

  • Female heart attack

    9/24/2009 10:06:31 AM |

    We all have heard of heart attacks. Among women, menopausal women are more prone to heart attacks due to lower levels of estrogen. Some symptoms of female heart attacks are: pressure felt in the chest area, feeling weak, low energy, uncommon symptoms are: nauseous sensation, giddiness, etc. Women often put themselves in the last list because they have many responsibilities, but as soon as any women notice such symptoms, should go for checking.
