Fructose is a coronary risk factor 4. August 2009 William Davis (21) As discussed in a previous Heart Scan Blog post, Say Goodbye to Fructose, a carefully-conducted University of California study demonstrated that, compared to glucose, fructose induces:1) Four-fold greater intra-abdominal fat accumulation2) 13.9% increase in LDL cholesterol, doubled Apoprotein B 3) 44.9% increase in small LDL, 3-fold more than glucose 4) Increased postprandial triglycerides 99.2%.Other studies have shown that fructose:--Increases uric acid--No longer is red meat the cause for increased uric acid; fructose has taken its place. Uric acid may act as an independent coronary risk factor and increases high blood pressure and kidney disease. --Induces insulin resistance, the situation that creates diabetes--Increases glycation (fructose linked to proteins) and protein cross-linking, processes that underlie atherosclerosis, liver disease, and cataracts. Make no mistake: Fructose is a powerful coronary risk factor. There is no doubt whatsoever that a diet rich in fructose from fruit drinks, honey, raisins and other dried fruit like cranberries, sucrose (table sugar), and high-fructose corn syrup is a high-risk path to heart disease. Also note that many foods labeled "heart healthy" because of low-fat, low saturated fat, addition of sterol esters, or fiber, also contain fructose sources, especially high-fructose corn syrup.