"Placebos are frequently of value"

The treatment of angina pectoris, generally speaking, is unsatisfactory.

Any procedure that relieves mental tension is valuable. Since patients suffer particularly during the winter, I encourage winter vacations in a southern climate.

I insist that obese patients lose weight, and have found small doses of benzedrine, 10 to 20 mg. daily, helpful in curbing the appetite.

I generally forbid smoking. This is a particularly disturbing task for many patients to carry out. In such cases, I suggest that 3 or 4 cigarettes be smoked daily, knowing full well that regardless of what I say or recommend, the patients is going to continue to smoke.

Innumerable drugs, most of which are of questionable value, have been used to prevent attacks of angina pectoris. In fact, placebos are frequently of value.

Testosterone--The male sex hormone has been effective in my experience. Whether it acts as a vasodilator or merely by promoting a sense of well-being is not known.

Alcohol--Alcohol (whiskey, brandy, rum) has been used for many years in the treatment of angina pectoris. I have prescribed it in moderate quantity--an ounce several times a day--and while I have not made alcoholics of any of my patients, I also have not cured any of them with it. Preparations, such as creme de menthe, are of value in relieving "gas" of which so many patients complain.

From Heart Disease Diagnosis and Treatment
Emanuel Goldberger, MD

Comments (1) -

  • Roger

    5/12/2009 8:04:00 PM |

    That guy was way ahead of his time.  Doctors were posing for cigarette ads in the '50s.  And who cared if you had "middle-age spread?"  We've just update his benzedrine Rx with Red Bull and triple lattés.  I'm surprised Nitroglycerine wasn't mentioned; my dad took it for his angina.  The winter vacation in the tropics suggestion could have been all about Vitamin D, without knowing it.

    The Atlantic Monthly had an essay on the placebo effect that I have never forgotten.  You can read it below.


Dangerous mis-information on vitamin D

Dangerous mis-information on vitamin D

Please be aware of the ignorant propagating information they have no business talking about.

This is one such example, a newsletter from pop exercise guru, Denise Austin.

Although I'm sure she means well, I have a problem with people who have little to no experience acting as experts, often simply repeating something they heard or read somewhere else. This has become particular problem with the internet, in which bad information can get repeated thousands of times, gaining a veil of "truth" through its repetition. I don't mean to pick specifically on Ms. Austin, since she joins a growing rank of pseudo-experts on vitamin D and other topics, but she provides a good example of how far wrong mainstream information can be.

Simple Steps
Do Your D!

Calcium often gets all the glory when it comes to bone health. But calcium wouldn't benefit your bones much without its partner, vitamin D!

Why? Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and keeps your bones strong; without enough vitamin D, the bones become weak and brittle, a condition called rickets in children, and osteomalacia in adults. Adults from 19 to 50 need 200 IU (international units) per day, while those from 51 to 70 need 400 IU daily. Those over 70 need 600 IU per day.

Unfortunately, not too many foods contain vitamin D naturally. (Tuna and sardines canned in oil are exceptions.) The good news is that many foods are now regularly fortified with vitamin D, including milk, some yogurts, margarines, and cereals. You can check the Nutrition Facts panel on packages and containers to see which products contain vitamin D. It should be listed after vitamins A and C, along with the percentage of the Daily Value that a serving of the food contains. The Daily Value (a standardized amount) for vitamin D is 400 IU, so if your milk has 25 percent of the Daily Value, it provides 100 IU per serving.

Your skin can also make vitamin D using sunlight — you need about a half hour of exposure to the midday sun twice a week to make enough. However, because of the increasing incidence of skin cancer in recent years, many experts are wary about recommending sun exposure.

So take a closer look at milk, yogurt, cereal, and margarine selections when you're doing your weekly shopping, and stock up on brands that are fortified with vitamin D. Challenge yourself to consume one source of vitamin D at least three days in the coming week! If you cannot eat or do not like any foods that contain vitamin D or are fortified with it, talk with your health care provider ASAP about taking a supplement. Your bones will thank you for it!

Let me list the mistakes in this piece:

Adults from 19 to 50 need 200 IU (international units) per day, while those from 51 to 70 need 400 IU daily. Those over 70 need 600 IU per day.

This is the same non-information that was the advice originally offered by the Food and Nutrition Board based on a best guesstimate due to lack of data. It is clear from newer data that doses required for full restoration of vitamin D are in the thousands of units. (My personal dose for full restoration of vitamin judged by serum levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D is 8000 units per day.)

The information coming from the Food and Nutrition Board is about as good as the information coming from the USDA (you know, that "government" agency meant to represent the interests of ConAgra, Cargill, and Big Farming) and the American Heart Association (that represents consensus opinion from data 20 years out of date and now arm-in-arm with Big Food like General Mills, Kraft, and Nabisco). These agencies and the advice they offer has, over the past few years, become increasingly irrelevant and outdated. It is the Information Age, in which ulterior motives are becoming more readily exposed, yet they still operate by the rules of the Industrial Age and deliver a message that serves their own purposes.

Ms. Austin fell for it.

The good news is that many foods are now regularly fortified with vitamin D, including milk, some yogurts, margarines, and cereals.

First of all, what is a "diet expert" doing advocating industrial foods? Cereals, in particular, are among the worst foods on the supermarket shelves, whether or not they are fortified. Candy bars can be fortified, too; that doesn't make them any better for you.

The vitamin D added to these foods is, more often than not, the ergocalcferol, or D2, form that is woefully ineffective. And the dose added is trivial, usually in the 100-200 unit range per serving. The same goes for the milk, an inadequate source that we don't even factor into total intakes because of the low quantity.

Your skin can also make vitamin D using sunlight — you need about a half hour of exposure to the midday sun twice a week.

Nope. This might be true for a young person below age 30 in a southern environment. It is NOT true for the majority of people in northern climates and anyone over age 30 or 40, since we lose most of the capacity to activate vitamin D in the skin as we age. A deep, dark Florida tan does not necessarily mean that vitamin D has been activated. See A tan does not equal vitamin D. Here in Wisconsin, where, despite this darn cold winter, does enjoy wonderfully warm and beautiful summers, the average vitamin D dose need ranges from 4000-8000 units per day in summer, slightly more in winter.

By the way, it is not calcium that is instrumental to bone health. It is vitamin D. Calcium is the passive bricks and mortar of bones, while vitamin D is the bricklayer, the determinant of calcium's fate, the master control of bone health. Calcium supplementation becomes almost immaterial when vitamin D is restored.

I praise Ms. Austin for her hard work, trying to help fat Americans lose weight. But please ignore her advice on vitamin D, along with the numbing repetition of this mis-information that will likely propagate from other exercise gurus, dietitians, and pseudoexperts.

Comments (12) -

  • Cristy

    1/16/2009 3:39:00 PM |

    What would be your recommendation to ensure adequate vitamin D intake for my children who are 7 and 9?

  • Jessica

    1/16/2009 6:30:00 PM |

    Thanks for posting this and continuing your efforts to provide the public with GOOD information about D and health in general.

    Most doctors don't "get it" when it comes to Vit D, so I don't expect Ms. Austin too either.

    I'll stick with www.vitamindcouncil.com, my own research, and your site. Thats my vitamin D package.

    P.S. A local pharmacy began carrying the 5,000 D-3 capsules! And, one of our patients is a pharmacist for a national chain and during a visit last week, we asked about the possibility of his pharmacy carrying 5,000 IU D3 and he said, "not a problem!"

    We'll see!

  • Anonymous

    1/16/2009 7:26:00 PM |

    I have a quick question: do we have any clue why we lose the ability to get vitamin D from sunlight after 30 or 40? And is this the same for everybody? Is there a way you can slow down the downhill slide? Thanks a lot.

  • Jenny

    1/16/2009 8:43:00 PM |

    The messages seems to be getting through in my area: every time there's a sale in the vitamin department, the larger dose Vitamin D pills vanish!

    And the oil based D3 is showing up everywhere, too.

  • baldsue

    1/16/2009 11:39:00 PM |

    My gynecologist has got it wrong, too.  When I told her I was taking 3000IU of vit. D per day she snorted and said, "I think you mean 300".  I said, "No, 3000" and I explained that I had been deficient.  She said "There's just too much hype about D these days."


  • Peter Silverman

    1/17/2009 12:40:00 PM |

    If you still think the vitamin D gelcaps work and the tablets don't, why don't you mention it more often: a lot of people take the tablets because they're cheaper, thinking they're getting the benefit.

  • TedHutchinson

    1/19/2009 3:29:00 PM |

    For Cristy
    Dr Cannell talks about the idea amount for children here.

    For anonymous. Vitamin D3 is made from the cholesterol in our skin. As we age our skin gets thinner and their is less cholesterol near the surface for the UVB rays to turn to  vitamin D3. You may find Dr Davis's previous blog on the topic interesting.

    Re  Peter Silverman some of us, who regularly get our 25(OH)D tested, use dry powder Vitamin D3 5000iu capsules do find, if we consume them with food, that we can attain and maintain a reasonable 25(OH)D status using these cheaper capsules.
    Dr Davis finds the oil gel generally more reliable and so you pays your money and takes your choice. but vitamin d3, whatever form can be found very cheaply so cost/saving should not be the first priority.

    But all skinflints here may be interested in the GRASSROOTS VITAMIN D TESTING TRIAL.
    Sign up now for a 25(OH)D test from zrt labs for just $30 every six months for the next 5 years.
    These tests normally cost $75 and the vitamin D council were doing them for $ 65.00
    So hopefully those who save money will think about a donation to support the Grassroots site

  • Anna

    1/25/2009 9:57:00 PM |

    Ted, thanks for the grassroots Vit D info.  Turns out the administration of this study/PR campaign is right in my own backyard (metaphorically speaking).  I'm going to help the administrator stuff test kit envelopes (saving them $1000s in mail  stuffing services) and get the word out in the local vitamin stores and "health food" stores, etc.

    Even though my family can get our levels tested through our HMO network, covered by insurance, I signed up the entire family for this study, because I feel strongly about helping them to get the data they need about Vit D levels and health conditions.

    Cristy, I started my 75 pound 10 yo old on 3000 iU of Vit D3 (Carlson brand) when the school year started (more indoor time), based on the Vit D Council's weight/dose recommendations.  We had a need to get a blood sample for something else in December and I requested a 25 (OH)D at the same time.  It was 72 ng/ml, perfect!  I'll probably reduce or stop the Vit for the summer months, though, as he's outdoors a lot.  

    BTW, we are in coastal San Diego County, where nearly all the middle aged (or older) adults I know who get tested are in the very low reference range (30s) or lower (my husband and I test so far in the 40s with some D3 supplementation, so we raised our dose in line with the Vit D Council's recs, too).  

    So sunny mild climate means little if one's indoor or sun-avoidance lifestyle has little sun exposure (or age).

  • Anna

    1/25/2009 10:00:00 PM |

    Oh, just noticed, there's an error in that d*action / Grass Roots Health link.  It's .org, not .net.


  • Anonymous

    8/16/2010 10:18:50 AM |

    It is such hell trying to work without the help of a nutritional doctor. I have been helped to regain my health by a nutritional approach but the GMC don't like that and my wonderful doctor was targeted and now I have to try and manage my health on my own. It is not very satisfactory to put it mildly

  • Osiris

    8/16/2010 10:58:34 AM |

    I don´t discuss my supplements with MDs most of them are totally ignorant and are brainwashed

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 9:08:22 PM |

    The vitamin D added to these foods is, more often than not, the ergocalcferol, or D2, form that is woefully ineffective. And the dose added is trivial, usually in the 100-200 unit range per serving. The same goes for the milk, an inadequate source that we don't even factor into total intakes because of the low quantity.
