Genetic vs. lifestyle small LDL

Let me explain what I mean by "genetic small LDL." I think it helps to illustrate with two common examples.

Ollie is 50 years old, 5 ft 10 inches tall, and weighs 253 lbs. BMI = 36.4 (obese). Starting lipoproteins (NMR):

LDL particle number 2310 nmol/L
Small LDL: 1893 nmol/L
(1893/2310 = 81.9% of total, a severe small LDL pattern)

Stan is 50 years old, also, 5 ft 10 inches tall, and weighs 148 lbs. BMI = 21.3. Starting lipoproteins:

LDL particle number 1424 nmol/L
Small LDL 1288 nmol/L
(1288/1424 = 90.4% of total, also severe)

Both Ollie and Stan go on the New Track Your Plaque diet and eliminate wheat, cornstarch, and sugars, while increasing oils, meats and fish, unlimited raw nuts, and vegetables. They add fish oil and vitamin D and achieve perfect levels of both. Six months later, Ollie has lost 55 lbs, Stan has lost 4 lbs. A second round of lipoproteins:


LDL particle number 1810 nmol/L
Small LDL: 193 nmol/L
(193/1810 = 10.6% of total)


LDL particle number 1113 nmol/L
Small LDL 729 nmool/L
(729/1113 = 65.4% of total)

Ollie has reduced, nearly eliminated, small LDL through elimination of wheat, cornstarch, and sugars, along with weight loss, fish oil, and vitamin D.

Stan, beginning at a much more favorable weight, reduced both total and small LDL with the same efforts, but retains a substantial proportion (65.4%) of small LDL.

Stan's pattern is what I call "genetic small LDL." Of course, this is a presumptive designation, since we've not identified the specific gene(s) that allow this (e.g., gene for variants of cholesteryl ester transfer protein, hepatic lipase, lipoprotein lipase, and others). But it is such a sharp distinction that I am convinced that people like Stan have this persistent pattern as a genetically-determined trait.

Comments (59) -

  • Onschedule

    2/18/2010 8:25:54 PM |

    Your blog entry appears to have been truncated.

  • Anonymous

    2/18/2010 8:29:46 PM |

    How are Stan's blood sugars?

  • zach

    2/18/2010 8:59:48 PM |

    Sounds like Stan is screwed. Of course, there may be other factors mitigating his lipid pattern because he avoids the neolithic agents. Stan would be more susceptible to heart disease than ollie on the SAD, but not when they both have good diets?

  • Jeff

    2/18/2010 10:23:31 PM |

    Is it possible that a different diet might work for Stan? I don't know what it would be, I just wonder if it's possible.

  • Kurt G. Harris MD

    2/18/2010 10:29:07 PM |

    So Ollie and Stan BOTH show substantial improvement on their LC diets.

    The difference between them may well be due to genetics, but where is the evidence that Stan needs to avoid saturated fat?

    Did you advise Stan to increase sat fat and then watch his sdLDL get worse?

    If they accomplished this with "oils" at the expense of saturated fats (oils are liquid due to the paucity of saturated fats in them), then it looks like they both have a saturated fat deficiency, and one could speculate that Stan is even more deficient than Ollie.

    Swap out the nasty oils for more butter and beef fat and coconut fat and maybe Ollie will have sdLDL of 0 (like I do on 35% of calories from sat fat) and Stan will improve even further.

  • Peter

    2/18/2010 10:44:33 PM |

    Hi Dr Davis,

    You describe a fascinating scenario.

    Ollie has clearly lost weight. He has lost 55 lb in 6 months. That is nearly 10 pounds of "lard-equivalents" each month. This has not evaporated. It is exactly what he has been running his metabolism on. Whatever nuts and vegetables he has eaten can have been nothing in comparison to the 4 times half pound blocks of lard he has "eaten" from his own adipose tissue, every week. Result: Metabolism runs on lard and sdLDL plummet.

    Stan has lost minimal weight so has run his metabolism on  his food alone. If this is low in lard he may well be running his metabolism on vegetable derived carbohydrate and nut derived omega 6 PUFA. It's possible he has NOT been eating 2lb of lard a week in his diet, because obviously this might raise his LDL. So he has NOT used lard to fuel his metabolism, he has used nuts and vegetables when Ollie has used lard from his adipose stores.

    Before I would blame genetics I would get rid of the nuts and unlimited vegetables from Stan's diet and replace them with exactly the same the adipose tissue derived fuel that Ollie was using. If Stan cannot spare it from his butt (he certainly cannot at BMI 21), it's going to have to go on his plate. Two pounds of lard a week.

    Then compare sdLDL values, when you have similar metabolic situations... Until then Stan just has nut and vegetable poisoning showing as sdLDL.

    There do not have to be any genetics involved. There might be, but let's keep it simple for the time being... Ollie is on lard while he is losing weight. Mimic that.


  • Sue

    2/18/2010 11:16:15 PM |

    Stan did improve.  Maybe he will improve further, the longer on diet?

  • Anonymous

    2/18/2010 11:52:16 PM |

    I think it's somewhat telling that you advise your patients to eat "oils."  What kind of "oils" are they eating?  Why are your patients eating unlimited nuts?

    Until you get off the Omega-6-loaded "heatlhy" polyunstaturated fats bandwagon, it's hard to take your clinical observations on "fats" very seriously.

  • stcrim

    2/19/2010 12:15:07 AM |

    Dr. Davis,

    Help me understand the part about not eliminating meats or fats.  First, here is my blood work 15 days apart.

    Total cholesterol 295 - 15 days later 156
    LDL 200 - 15 days later 102
    HDL   46 - 15 days later  32  (have added 1500mg of niacin since then)
    Triglycerides   242 - 15 days later 109
    VLDL  49 - 15 days later 22
    Vitamin D was 28 – 15 days later it’s 56 (using 10,000 of Carlson’s D3)

    FYI my heart scan was 899 (54 year old male)

    I started on all the main nutrients you recommend here plus a few.  I dropped dairy like a hot potato including 6 or more ounces of cheese a day.  During those 15 days I ate only plant based foods (have since added some salmon and egg whites)

    The only oil I use now (sparingly) is olive.  I have a couple of gallons of coconut oil I assumed would have to be tossed sooner or later.

    Guess you could say I became fat paranoid and downright phobic about any saturated fat.

    Am I understanding I could add back Grass-fed beef (omega-3) pastured chicken and Omega-3 whole eggs?  Coconut oil?   If so, is there some safe percentage of a person’s diet to include those proteins/fats?

    By the way, my doctor wouldn’t let me out of his office without a copy of your book.  He’s one in a million as are you!


  • Daddy

    2/19/2010 1:05:49 AM |

    Doc, would you say family history could be a clue towards small-particle tendencies?   I have zero family members with heart issues yet I was given pause by your recent post on saturated fats having a disproportionate affect on these genetically challenged folks.  I ask because I eat a ton of rib eyes and bacon.

  • Dr. William Davis

    2/19/2010 3:08:19 AM |

    I have indeed had many people with presumed "genetic small LDL" load their diets with oils and fats with only minor improvement. Loaded with saturated fat, however, and there seems to be deterioration.

    I know this flies in the face of the "saturated fat is great" dogma, but I don't make this stuff up. Just as I don't make up the deterioration of postprandial triglycerides and chylomicron remnant effect when saturated fats are loaded heavily in the diet.

    The persistence of small LDL is also long-term, i.e., it persists for years despite continuing efforts.

  • Dr. William Davis

    2/19/2010 3:09:48 AM |

    Oils = olive oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil (yes, yes, I know), avocado, almond, oils from raw nuts and meats.

    No polyunsaturates here. You've go the wrong guy.

  • Richard A.

    2/19/2010 3:41:23 AM |

    On Doctor's orders, Ollie did indeed lose a massive amount of weight.

  • LynP

    2/19/2010 3:41:52 AM |

    @Peter, lard when slim in attempt to reduce sdLDL.  Doc D thanks for 'splaining 'genetic' tendency to sdLDL & why numbers not reduced on sat fat & only reduced mildly on mono sats.  Great info guys!

  • Kurt G. Harris MD

    2/19/2010 3:52:12 AM |

    "Oils = olive oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil (yes, yes, I know), avocado, almond, oils from raw nuts and meats.

    No polyunsaturates here. You've got the wrong guy."

    But Dr. Davis, those all chock full of PUFAs

    Linseed oil (flax oil) is 71% LA and ALA

    Rapeseed oil (Canola oil) is 33%  LA and ALA

    Almond oil is about 25% PUFA

    Even olive oil can be up to 20% PUFA

    And all of these are mostly Linoleic acid.

    All best left as industrial lubricants and paint additives rather than eaten.

  • LeenaS

    2/19/2010 4:10:32 AM |

    So, you have a fat guy, who has been living on (his own) saturated animal fats, and he has improved a lot.

    Then you have a skinny guy, who has been living on "healthy vegetable fats" with surprisingly much LA in them, and he has not improved that much.

    So, it seems to tell that without saturated fats LDL improvement is much harder in LC, to say it kindly.

    And it sounds as if butter and saturated animal fats would be advantageous for the latter guy, too. Have they ever tried this, under your coucelling?

    With regards,

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 4:30:07 AM |

    Dr. Davis,

    While body composition certainly isn't a prerequisite for being part of a classic comedy team, I couldn't help but notice that Stan had the makings of a skinny-fat bean pole checking in at 5' 10" and only 148 pounds. Those stats make him sound like a diehard distance runner or a chain smoker.

    While it was clearly just for illustrative purposes, I couldn't help but think that, if "Stan" exercises at all, he must not be exerting himself very much. I'm not advocating that every older gentleman suddenly attempt to impersonate Mr. Olympia, but I have to wonder seeing such a lightweight. That's not to say that I think sufficiently intense exercise would remove the problem that is genetically-based small LDL, but it is enough to make me raise an eyebrow when I see that type of weight for a male listed as 5'10".

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 4:32:12 AM |

    Dr. Davis,

    Would a take-home point simply be to let the numbers from proper testing be the guide versus what we "think" is right based upon generally-sound dietary advice that may apply to many, but not all, situations?

    Bill Lindvall

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 7:25:27 AM |

    Olive oil is monounsaturated but flaxseed oil, canola oil, avocado oil, almond oil, and oils from raw nuts are all polyunsaturated oils!  Yes, flax oil is omega 3 and canola has more omega 3 than omega 6, but both omega 3 and omega 6 are polyunsaturated.

  • Sue

    2/19/2010 8:10:06 AM |

    Do you know how much saturated fat was eaten?

  • Sue

    2/19/2010 8:28:08 AM |

    Maybe too much mono-unsaturates?

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 11:18:48 AM |

    In another post, you said that blood sugars parallel small LDL.  Do Stan's blood sugars follow the pattern you would predict for someone with a lot of small LDL?

  • lightcan

    2/19/2010 12:46:27 PM |

    No polyunsaturates?
    Because olive, flax, canola oils, nuts have no polyunsaturated fats?
    I found something different.
    Even avocados have 10 % PUFAs.

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 2:01:52 PM |

    So what about epigenetics? Any way to modify this unknown gene or set of genes?  Pomegranate, etc?

  • Adolfo David

    2/19/2010 2:27:14 PM |

    Please guys, find so other monounsaturated (MUFA) fats with less PUFA..

    I eat almonds, walnuts, extra virgin olive oil as fats and my diet is low in Omega 6, 10% or 20% of Omega 6 PUFA is nothing compared with 70 or 85% of MUFA.

    My experience taking a lot of saturated fats with low carbs is bad, I prefer a diet high in MUFA and low carb.

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 3:18:19 PM |

    Maybe the mental stress of having to worry about what to eat is a factor.
    I do find my self stressing about that often and wonder if just enjoying the food would give me a longer nicer life quality which is in then end what matters.

    Which reminds me somehting I have never read in this blog is about cortisol.
    Have you ever tracked cortisol levels in your patients?

  • ET

    2/19/2010 5:37:36 PM |

    A yea ago, i went off niacin and zocor due to elevated liver enzymes.  Before I restarted niacin, an NMR lipoprotein analysis showed:
    LDL particle number - 2197
    Small LDL-P - 1614
    LDL Particle size - 20.3
    Saturated fat (% of calories) - 21%

    Six months later, after radically increasing the amount of coconut oil I consumed, the results were:
    LDL particle number - 896
    Small LDL-P - 466
    LDL Particle size - 21.6
    Saturated fat (% of calories) - 45%

    Five months after that:
    LDL particle number - 946
    Small LDL-P - 120
    LDL Particle size - 21.1
    Saturated fat (% of calories) - 52%

    Carbohydrate consumption has held fairly steady at 10% of calories.

  • Vladimir

    2/19/2010 5:41:33 PM |

    I agree 100% with these comments.  Not a drop of dogma in them; pure science.  Yes, omega-6 is evil; avoid foods with any of it. No nuts, no seeds. Soy -- dangerous.  Milk -- cavemen didn't drink it and it's possibly dangerous too.  Vegetables -- no, no, goodness no, they're mostly made of dreaded carbohydrates, have little fat, an fiber isn't important!  Saturated fat?  I don't know about you, but I'm too scared to go hog wild on it.

    I know, I know!  Let's not eat at all.  That would drive small LDL to 0!  That would end heart disease -- and everything else -- in a flash.

    Or, just maybe, we could be moderate and sensible.  Take some fish oil to balance whatever omega-6 you get in the olive & canola oils and in nuts.  Eat some, but not too much, animal protein, and mostly fish and lean meats at that, because saturated fat isn't out of the woods yet. (Just because saturated fat's risks have been over-hyped doesn't mean that we should eat all meat all the time, because the evidence is not in yet that saturated fat is a panacea.) Eat some, but not tons, of fruits, because they have antioxidants.  And for goodness sake, eat your vegatables -- lots of them, and all kinds of them -- because your mother was right to make sit at the table until you finished them.

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 5:51:09 PM |

    "I couldn't help but notice that Stan had the makings of a skinny-fat bean pole checking in at 5' 10" and only 148 pounds. Those stats make him sound like a diehard distance runner or a chain smoker."

    I'm 5'10" and under 145 lbs., and I'm neither.

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 6:15:07 PM |

    Kurt G & Lightcan,

    I think when Dr. D said no "No polyunsaturates here. You've got the wrong guy."...he probably meant to say "No (high omega 6) polyunsaturates here.".

    Lastly...I have a question for Dr. Davis:

    Dr. D., is this "genetic small LDL" the same as when you talked about people with ApoE4 in your November 17, 2008 post? If so, do you think it would be helpful to test ApoE before experimenting with diet??


    John M.

  • zach

    2/19/2010 6:20:59 PM |

    Aren't most nuts full of N-6 PUFA?

  • Rainer

    2/19/2010 6:23:53 PM |

    Hi Dr. Davis,

    and what is happend with the triclycerides of Stan. Are they high too?

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 7:14:40 PM |

    This is usually when the good doctor stops answering comments.

    Come on, Dr. D, prove me wrong!

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 7:24:49 PM |

    You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

  • Donny

    2/19/2010 7:33:02 PM |

    I'm going to steal a page from T. Colin Campbell here (yechh!)

    Dr Davis, you say that

    "I have indeed had many people with presumed "genetic small LDL" load their diets with oils and fats with only minor improvement. Loaded with saturated fat, however, and there seems to be deterioration."

    Campbell makes the contention that studies showing that low saturated fat intake is beneficial (never mind whether they actually exist or not, just for the sake of argument here) might actually have nothing to do with the type of fat in the diet, and everything to do with the protein which accompanies the fat; most animal fat in our culture comes attached to meat (protein.)

    Adding plant fats and oils to the diet, including nuts, would tend to increase total percentage fat in the diet at the expense of both carbohydrate and protein. Adding animal fat, attached to meat might increase total protein percentage even as it increases total saturated fat.

    Understand, I'm not saying "protein bad," I guess I'm just echoing Peter, really, Stan may be trying to live off of a protein/fat mix that's too rich in protein, entirely aside from the whole issue of saturation.

  • Jeanie Campbell

    2/19/2010 7:57:39 PM |

    Don't tell me no one picked up on the Laurel and Hardy reference! Brilliant!

  • Anonymous

    2/19/2010 10:16:49 PM |

    Could all you saturated fat mafia people please stop polluting the comments section?

  • Sue

    2/20/2010 12:48:15 AM |

    Maybe recommend Stan use only sat fats and no poly oils and then see if there is a change.

  • Anonymous

    2/20/2010 2:29:41 AM |

    Drs. Davis and Harris,

    Googlemaps indicate you two practice your medicinal arts about 154 miles away from each other.

    May I respectfully suggest a summit meeting in Manitowoc to resolve these matters?

  • Scott Miller

    2/20/2010 3:31:43 AM |

    Flax oil, canola oil, any nut oil (except macadamia nut oil), and all of those nuts -- these are all rich with polyunsaturated fats. I never eat these oils, and my Lp(a) is 2, as last measured a few months ago.

    I always recommend nuts as a very moderate snack because of their high PUFA content.  Macadamia nuts are the ONE exception, with a fatty acid profile similar to olive oil.  Basically, I never recommend any food with a PUFA content greater that 12 percent.  That means canola oil is right out!

    Dr. Davis, perhaps try putting a few of these presumed "genetic small LDL" people on a real low PUFA diet for a while (with more coconut oil and butter--but no nuts during this period) and see if there's improvement.

    I'd bet there is.  Nothing really to lose by giving this a shot.

    If it works to your satisfaction, I'll donate $1000 to your Track-the-Plaque program, or a charity of your choice.

  • Dr. William Davis

    2/20/2010 1:58:33 PM |

    Some other features of the presumptive "genetic small LDL" pattern:

    1) It occurs in the minority of people with small LDL, likely less than 20% of people who start with substantial small LDL.

    2) It is associated with insulin resistance and a tendency towards diabetes

    3) It can occur independent of ApoE genotype. However, if it occurs with ApoE2, it means a very potent carb-sensitivity/diabetic tendency.

    4) The "floor" of 600 nmol/L can be broken. We've had success achieving really low body weight and inconsistently with several supplements, e.g., phosphatidylcholine.

    This area is fascinating, though very poorly explored. "Genetic small LDL" is truly one of the problem areas in gaining control over heart disease risk.

  • Henry North London

    2/20/2010 2:23:56 PM |

    I currently consume coconut oil and butter  I do not use any lard or pufas  I consume a moderate amount of almonds a day ( nine) and some ground almonds as a meal replacement about 10-20gs as a meal about two or three times a week

    I eat avocados maybe twice a week  about two-three

    I have started to show my abdominal muscles after two months where before I looked as if I were pregnant of about a 5 month pregnancy

    I have dropped half a stone  My BP is controlled by a sartan

    I consume a moderate amount of frozen blueberries and raspberries May be about 1 kg of each a month

    or less

    I am living on saturated fat and loving it

    My body works better on it but then I have blood group B

    You have to eat right for your blood type perhaps?

  • Miki

    2/20/2010 3:17:30 PM |

    I would like to add support to Dr. Harris' hypothesis. LDL (no NMR in our country) and TG both rise on low carb, high sat fat diet. No weight problem ever. No high protein no high PUFA for me. Pre-diabetic fasting glucose (110-120). Only complication is I had my gallbladder removed (but my brother didn't). Will increase coconut oil and olive oil on account of double cream. Feel so good on low carb it can't be wrong. Also wonder if under healthy low carb diet LDL and TG have atherogenic effect (My calcium score is low)
    In summary I think Dr. Davis is onto something but I would love to know if LDL status corresponded to increased calcium score in the said patients.

  • Donny

    2/20/2010 3:41:44 PM |

    Choline deficiency can lessen hyperglycemia in rodents with fatty livers. Maybe the inconsistent effects of phosphatidylcholine have something to do with that?

    To the person who mentioned the saturated-fat mafia; we have limited information going in here. Trying to guess at alternate explanations isn't the same as insisting that saturated fat is good in all situations for everybody, no matter what. Proper skepticism demands that we question even the most respected sources.

  • Anonymous

    2/20/2010 8:12:29 PM |

    Dr. Davis, this recent article seems congruent with some of your observations:

  • Anonymous

    2/20/2010 8:16:01 PM |

    To all these nutty omega-6 fatphobes - I eat lots of nuts of all sorts, probably 40% of calories, including... peanuts, which I am aware are a legume.  I have no small LDL, undetectable CRP, and lp(a) of 4, high hdl and low homocysteine, HbA1C of 5.2.

  • Anonymous

    2/20/2010 9:06:44 PM |

    Dr. Davis,
    You said "Some other features of the presumptive "genetic small LDL" pattern:

    1) It occurs in the minority of people with small LDL, likely less than 20% of people who start with substantial small LDL."

    So, based on a minority of people with small LDL, you are recommending the same diet to everyone?

  • Dr. William Davis

    2/21/2010 2:28:39 AM |

    Please don't misunderstand: I am NOT saying that saturated fat increases small LDL in most people.

    What I am suggesting is that there is a genetic minority in which saturated fat increases small LDL. These people seem to be the unusually slender, high HDL, low triglycerides, yet diabetes-prone who show apparently intractable small LDL.

    I don't know for a fact why this happens, but I speculate that it is a genetically-determined trait.

    This pattern responds best to a high-protein, high-fat, very low-carbohydrate diet. But saturated fat is the exception in this group.

  • Kurt G. Harris MD

    2/21/2010 3:25:37 AM |

    Hello Dr Davis

    I am only persisting in this as the implications might be important.

    I asked, "Did you advise Stan to increase sat fat and then watch his sdLDL get worse?"

    You later said, "Loaded with saturated fat, however, and there seems to be deterioration."  and ..

    "What I am suggesting is that there is a genetic minority in which saturated fat increases small LDL."


    "This pattern responds best to a high-protein, high-fat, very low-carbohydrate diet. But saturated fat is the exception in this group."

    Can I assume when you say "seems to be deterioration" and "there is a suggestion that saturated fat increases small LDL" and "saturated fat is the exception" that this is based on the observation of  serially increased sdLDL NMR values after increasing only saturated fat intake in these 100 or so patients?

    If this is what you have, serial NMRs that show increased sdLDL with increased saturated fat intake, why not say so explicitly?

    Or is it just a reasoned (perhaps correct, perhaps not) guess of what would happen to sdLDL in those 100 or so who have this presumed genetic pattern of persistent sdLDL?

  • Rick

    2/21/2010 3:24:07 PM |

    Dr. Davis wrote:

    "I know this flies in the face of the 'saturated fat is great' dogma, but I don't make this stuff up."

    The way that Peter described the scenario you presented, it seems to support the health benefits of saturated fat rather than deride them

    Ollie is mainlining saturated fat from his gut.  Stan is not.  Ollie's sdLDL drops like a rock.  Stan's doesn't.  

    It seems like if this phenomenon of high sdLDL specifically affects low BMI people, their lack of saturated fat intake, whether through their mouths or from their love handles, could be the culprit.

  • kilton9

    2/24/2010 10:45:35 PM |

    Dr. Harris,

    I'm a fan of your blog, but I can't help but notice that you have completely ignored Dr. Harris's questions in this entry as well as the other recent entry about saturdated fat and LDL.  I find his questions to be pertinent.

  • bovinedefenestration

    2/27/2010 7:26:50 AM |

    I'm actually a little surprised no one's brought up this blog, that indicates polyunsaturate consumption over 4% of calories can be detrimental:

    Eh. Took me long enough to find. At any rate, 10-20% polyunsaturates, especially if they come from omega-6, is a huge amount for a human.

    Imma going to go away and let you argue now.

  • Henry North London

    2/27/2010 7:07:21 PM |

    Hear Hear throwing cows out of windows...  It blows the polyunsaturates out  of the window

    I have the printout of the Rose et al Paper..

    Corn oil increased the death rate

  • Janet -Mich

    2/28/2010 11:16:20 PM |

    My family has a history of high colestral and plaque build-up in the blood.  Should I stay on my Lipator and stay on a low-carb diet ?  Your article brings up some red flags for me.  Maybe I should talk to my Doctor, but my low-carb friends tell me the doctor will tell me to get off the diet !  I would like some advice.

  • dining table

    7/9/2010 9:52:12 AM |

    How did that happen? Is it possible? Different diet will work to Stan? I am curious about that. I will visit this blog again. I am hoping for an update.

  • Derek Weiss

    8/4/2010 9:49:11 PM |

    Obviously another great blog about eating and living right, but at some point we have to take a step back and live.  Food avoidance and constant stressing about food seems it could negate any benefits of just eating a sensible, well balanced, moderately low carb diet.  

    To me, all these nutrition blogs are fun to read at work. But have you ever noticed the incredible difference in opinion from one to the next?  I take all that with a large grain of salt, pun intended.

    Oh my god, I ate a walnut, surely I will be in the cath lab tomorrow getting my LAD stented;)

    You might not find yourself in the cath lab from eating the random 1/2 cup of oatmeal, but you might find yourself there from stressing about it too much.

    Read all the blogs, use all the information to help guide you.  But don't get in line with the zombies and wander off the deep end too far.

    Just a thought.

  • Liz Stanley

    9/16/2010 8:32:32 PM |

    Here's a stumper. I just had my VAP done and the results surprised me. Some background: I'm not on any medication and never have been. Never had a weight problem, body fat below 20%. I exercise regularly (CrossFit 4x/week). Never smoked. Rarely drink. I eat mostly a primal diet w/plenty of grass-fed/organic/cage-free/wild-caught meat/fish and lots of fresh veggies. Some dairy, but only hormone and antibiotic free. Hardly any grains or processed foods. Low fasting blood sugar (76 as of two weeks ago.) Here are my VAP results:

    Total cholesterol: 200
    HDL : 79
    LDL: 106
    VLDL: 14
    Lp(a): 7
    Triglycerides: 43

    With all that I'd expect to have Pattern A LDL. Yet the VAP test says I have Pattern B! I'm not aware of any history of heart disease on either side of my family. But if it's true that my LDL is small and dense, all I can figure is that it must be genetic. I'm not really sure what to make of it! Any ideas?

  • Anonymous

    9/24/2010 10:26:37 PM |

    Liz Stanley - while my HDL and LDL aren't as good as yours (63 and 185 respectively), I also just received VAP results that stumped me for a similar reason.  I exercise frequently, am not overweight, don't smoke or drink, eat low carb, etc., yet I have pattern B as well.  To add to the confusion, my cCRP is 0.7, which my doctor said was excellent and basically renders my test results a wash as I have zero other risk factors.  I don't know what to make of any of this when you put it all together, and I stumbled upon this post because I'm hoping to find some answers online.

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 6:33:42 PM |

    While body composition certainly isn't a prerequisite for being part of a classic comedy team, I couldn't help but notice that Stan had the makings of a skinny-fat bean pole checking in at 5' 10" and only 148 pounds. Those stats make him sound like a diehard distance runner or a chain smoker.

CT coronary angiography is NOT a screening procedure

CT coronary angiography is NOT a screening procedure

I've recently had several hospital employees tell me that their hospitals offered CT coronary angiograms without charge to their employees.

Among these hospital employees were several women in their 30s and 40s.

Why would young, asymptomatic, pre-menopausal women be subjected to the equivalent of 100 chest x-rays or 25 mammograms? Is there an imminent, life-threatening, symptomatic problem here?

All of these women were without symptoms, some were serious exercisers.

There is NO rational justification for performing CT coronary angiography, free or not.

What they really want is some low-risk, yet confident means of identifying risk for heart disease. Cholesterol, of course, is a miserable failure in this arena. Framingham risk scoring? Don't make me laugh.

Step in CT coronary angiography. But does CT coronary angiography provide the answers they are looking for?

Well, it provides some of the answers. It does serve to tell each woman whether she "needs" a heart procedure like heart catheterization, stent, or bypass surgery, since the intent of CT angiography is to identify "severe" blockages, sufficient to justify heart procedures.

Pitfalls: Because of the radiation exposure, CT angiography is not a procedure that can be repeated periodically to reassess the status of any abnormal findings. A CT angiogram every year? After just four years, the equivalent of 400 chest x-rays will have been performed, or 100 mammograms. Cancer becomes a very real risk at this point.

CT angiography is also not quantitative. Sure, it can provide a crude estimation of the percent blockage--the value your cardiologist seeks to "justify" a stent. But it does NOT provide a longitudinal (lengthwise) quantification of plaque volume, a measure of total plaque volume that can be tracked over time.

What's a woman to do? Simple: Get the test that, at least in 2008, provides the only means of gauging total lengthwise coronary plaque volume: a simple CT heart scan, a test performed with an equivalent of 4 - 10 chest x-rays, or 1 - 2.5 mammograms.

Perhaps, in future, software and engineering improvements will be made with CT coronary angiography that reduce radiation to tolerable levels and allows the lengthwise volume measurement of plaque. But that's not how it's done today.

Comments (3) -

  • Diana Hsieh

    11/29/2008 9:55:00 PM |

    I'm confused by your post.  From what I understand, the CT angiogram provides a superset of the data provided calcium scoring CT.  So when I got a CT angiogram this summer, I got a calcium score with it.  (Is that not standard?)

    Also, I worry that you're overstaing the radiation dose of the CT angiogram.  In a prior blog post, you wrote:

    "CT coronary angiography presents a different story. This is where radiation really escalates and puts the radiation exposure issue in the spotlight. As Dr. Cynthia McCullough's chart shows above, the radiation exposure with CT coronary angiograms is 5-12 mSv, the equivalent of 100 chest x-rays or 20 mammograms. Now that's a problem.

    "The exposure is about the same for a pelvic or abdominal CT. The problem is that some centers are using CT coronary angiograms as screening procedures and even advocating their use annually. This is where the alarm needs to be sounded. These tests, as wonderful as the information and image quality can be, are not screening tests. Just like a pelvic CT, they are diagnostic tests done for legimate medical questions. They are not screening tests to be applied broadly and used year after year."

    I agree with your analysis that the CT angiogram delivers too much radiation to be used as a yearly screening test, but your radiation comparison numbers are way different in the two posts by a factor of four.  While such numbers may not be precise, that seems like a bit much.

    Full disclosure: My husband is a radiologist.  (He's msk not a body guy, so heart scans aren't his thing.)  His group performs both kinds of tests.  I'm definitely not promoting CT angiograms over CT calcium scoring.

  • Diana Hsieh

    11/29/2008 10:38:00 PM |

    OH OH!  I misread your post.  You said that "after four years" -- hence the four-fold increase in radiation.  Duh.  

    My question about the calcium scoring as part of the angiogram remains, however.  (I could repost that as its own comment if you prefer, however.)

  • Amna

    8/3/2011 11:41:22 AM |

    This is done with the help of a device called the catheter which is a thin, narrow, tube-like structure. Now, the images are studied to understand corrective measures needed to re-instill proper functioning of the heart.   Angiography hospital in Thailand
