End-stage vitamin D deficiency

Let me paint a picture:

A 78-year old woman, tired and bent. She's lost an inch and a half of her original height because of collapse of several vertebra in her spine over the years, leaving her with a "dowager's hump," a stooped position that many older women assume with advanced osteoporosis. It's also left her with chronic back pain.

(Image courtesy of National Library of Medicine)

This poor woman also has arthritis in her knees, hips, and spine. All three locations add to her pain.

She also has hypertension, a high blood sugar approaching diabetes, and distortions of cholesterol values, including a low HDL and high triglycerides.

Look inside: On a simple x-ray, we see that the bones of her body are unusually transparent, with just a thin rim of bone at the outer edges, depleted of calcium. Weight-bearing bones like the spine, hips, and knees have eroded and collapsed.

On an echocardiogram of her heart (ultrasound), she has dense calcium surrounding her mitral valve ("mitral anular calcium"), a finding that rarely impairs the valve itself but is a marker for heightened potential for heart attack and other adverse events. Her aortic valve, another of the four heart valves, is also loaded with calcium. In the aortic valve, unlike the mitral valve, the collection of calcium makes the valve struggle to open, causing a murmur. The valve is rigid and can barely open to less than half of its original opening width.

If a heart scan were performed, we'd see the coronary calcification, along with calcification of the aorta, and the mitral and aortic valves.

Obviously, it's not a pretty picture. It is, however, a typical snapshot of an average 78-year old woman, or any other elderly man or woman, for that matter.

This collection of arthritis, osteoporosis, coronary and valve calcification, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol patterns, and pain is not unusual by any stretch. Perhaps you even recognize someone you know in this description. Perhaps it's you.

Look at this list again. Does it seem familiar? I'd say that the common factor that ties these seemingly unrelated conditions together is chronic and severe deficiency of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency leads to arthritis, osteoporosis, coronary and valve calcification, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol patterns, and pain.

Should we go so far as to proclaim that aging, or at least many of the undesirable phenomena of aging, are really just manifestations of vitamin D deficiency? I would propose that much of aging is really deficiency of vitamin D, chronic and severe, in its end stages.

My colleagues might propose a 30- or 40-year long randomized trial, one designed to test whether vitamin D or placebo makes any difference.

Can you wait?

Comments (7) -

  • Darren

    12/6/2007 5:43:00 PM |

    So I'm not a cancer patient but would the same 1,000 IU's / 30lbs of bodyweight be a good guideline for us as well?  

    Also he mentions blood calcium test monthly - how much of a concern is potentially elevating blood calcium for a 4K-6K IU/day intake of D3?  Would K2 reduce or increase blood calcium?  I'm just not sure it's practical for most people to get a monthly test...

  • chickadeenorth

    12/7/2007 5:12:00 AM |

    Wow interesting reads about Vit D.

    Could you help me understand more why the Vit D in softgel is better than the dry??Mainly absorption??

    Also why check the calcium levels monthly along with the 25(OH)D??

    I will support this newsletter, thanks once again.

  • Dr. Davis

    12/7/2007 11:48:00 AM |

    Softgels are oil-based; tablets are not. You can therefore force the tablet D to be absorbed by including a lot of oil, e.g., a teaspoon of olive oil. However, the absorption tends to be erratic, in my experience. Softgels are very consistent.

    We do not advocate monthly calcium levels.

  • Anonymous

    12/8/2007 1:00:00 PM |

    Just a commentary on the article,  I'm a believer in your program and as such have been telling everyone about it that will listen.  I'm a male, and I've found that convincing other males of TYP has been relatively easy.  Most guys I know now follow the TYP program somewhat to a degree.  Females I know though have been a tougher sale.  And I believe this lack of interest in TYP by females I know has probably been caused by  differences in how males and females relate to each other.

    I distribute your blog postings and this one apparently hit a cord with females.  I heard from a friend that his wife is now raiding his vitamin D bottle.  Another two female relatives have called wanting to know what vitamin D to use and where to buy.  As funny as this sounds, I think the new found interest in TYP by females I know is because of the female orientated subject in this blog.

  • Dr. Davis

    12/8/2007 1:27:00 PM |

    Interesting observation!

    Maybe there's a lesson for us to learn from your observation.

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 6:18:21 PM |

    In other words, the findings of this substantial observation suggest that the ranges of TSH usually regarded as normal contribute to coronary events, cardiac death, as well as lipid patterns. While several other studies have likewise shown a relationship of higher TSH/lower thyroid function with lipid abnormalities and overt heart disease, no previous study has plumbed the depth of TSH to this low level and to such a large scale.

  • Tammy Regis

    8/5/2011 8:19:10 PM |

    I like all what you wrote except you make no mention at all about muscle tissue.  Her pecs and abdomals are locked short while her neck and spinal muscles are locked long.  There is a direct mind / body connection here that Western medicine has still not caught on to.  Anyone can take a moment to think of something sad or worrisome, and take note of their posture change when they think of something happy or exciting.  A lot of people are walking dead.

Track Your Plaque success story blows it

Track Your Plaque success story blows it

Joe was a Track Your Plaque Success Story. With a starting heart scan score of 278, he dropped it 12 months later to 264, a 5% reduction. Though not a huge reduction, Joe's risk for a heart attack or other coronary event was virtually zero. I was very proud of Joe.

Among the culprit lipoprotein patterns that caused Joe's plaque was lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a). Niacin was therefore crucial to his program. It was among the principal reasons he dropped his heart scan score and reduced his risk for heart attack so dramatically.

Since he retired, Joe has been freewheeling around the country, traveling and having a great time. He consequently stopped thinking about his heart disease and Lp(a). He also tired of the occasional hot flushes he'd experienced with niacin. Though the flushes were promptly aborted by drinking two glasses of water, he simply didn't want to be bothered.

So when Joe saw this interesting and tantalizing "flush-free niacin" on the store shelf, he grabbed it.

Joe came back to the office. His blood pressure was 190/94, so high that he was having occasional chest pains from it (which can happen when something called "left ventricular diastolic dysfunction" develops from hypertension). His lipoprotein patterns were terrible, including a big upward jump in Lp(a) and drop in HDL. So I asked him to have another heart scan right away: Score 371, a 40% increase. In other words, his program went down the toilet.


Simple: Flush-free niacin. I've said it before (No flush = No effect and No flush niacin kills) and I'll say it again:

Flush-free or No-flush niacin is a complete, unadulterated, completely ineffective SCAM.

Flush-free or no-flush niacin is not a substitute for niacin. Joe is yet another example of how dangerous this scam can be. It turned one of our great success stories into a failure.

Please, please, please do not fall for this misleading and potentially dangerous scam product. While the product itself is not intrinsically dangerous, it denies you the benefits of the real thing: niacin.

Thankfully, the mistake in Joe's program was caught before a heart attack or other catastrophe. He did manage to pass a stress test, though with a flagrantly out-of-control blood pressure response. We'll get him back on track--but with niacin, the real thing.

Comments (3) -

  • Anne

    7/17/2008 12:38:00 AM |

    I am not on niacin, but it is a possibility in my future. Thanks for the reminder.

    Hope that Joe gets back on track, feels better and numbers improve.

  • Anonymous

    7/19/2008 5:16:00 PM |

    This may be a little off the subject, but what do you recommend to patients who can't take niacin?

    For the majority of people, the only side effect is a minor flushing, and when I tried Niacin/Niaspan, the flushing was noticeable, but not a big deal.

    But I also had heart palpitations, fatigue, seemingly worsening asthma, and difficulty sleeping, and had to stop it. Heart palpitations was the one my doctor was concerned about.

    Maybe one day you can discuss alternatives that you recommend for folks who can't take niacin, for raising HDL?

  • Anonymous

    7/20/2008 10:15:00 PM |

    I am glad your blogged about this but for my husband, he gets some of those side effects like that other poster just mentioned. Anxiety, heart racing, weird feeling. So he stopped the "slo niacin" for now.
    Any reply is appreciated.
