The sniff test

It is well established that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil are free of mercury, PCBs, furans, and other pesticide residues. Several independent analyses have all agreed: little to none are contained in fish oil. In the Consumer Lab series of assessments, for example, no fish oil supplement failed because of any heavy metal or pesticide residue.

However, oxidative byproducts are a problem. Just as fish that sits on the store shelf or your refrigerator too long starts to smell "fishy," so will fish oil. When fish or fish oil becomes rancid, smelling like rotten fish at its worst, it means that
Free checking, auto shows, low-cost hotel rooms, and bypass surgery

Free checking, auto shows, low-cost hotel rooms, and bypass surgery

Of the three major highways that lace the city of Milwaukee, there are at least five, and sometimes as many as ten, billboards that prominently feature one hospital heart program or another.

The passing of former First Lady, Ladybird Johnson in July, 2007, reminds us that, just 30 years ago, billboards were a far more common feature (many called them eyesores), proliferating like a dense forest of trees competing for a sliver of sunlight. Ladybird Johnson played a pivotal role in helping to dramatically reduce the number of billboards permissible on the nation’s highways. Of the relative few that remain today, a premium must be paid to post an advertisement. It costs several thousands dollars every month to maintain these highway commercials. But it’s not just an expense; it’s an investment.

The tens of thousands of eyes that view these billboards every day are potential customers, insured Milwaukeeans who carry health insurance and represent a major heart procedure just waiting to happen. They “need” to be directed to the right place. The billboards don’t feature health and wellness, heart disease prevention, or nutritional advice. They feature surgeons proudly wearing scrubs and masks, nurses, and declarations of the advantages of each hospital program. In effect, they invite you to have your heart attack, heart catheterization, bypass surgery, or other major heart procedure at their hospital. High-tech, high-ticket hospital heart care has become the subject of mainstream marketing, the stuff of flyers, brochures, and billboards.

The excesses of “big heart disease” have created a system that makes procedural heart disease “repair” far more profitable than heart disease prevention. Unfortunately, “repair” has disastrous financial, physical, and emotional consequences for everyone save the “repairman.”

While great good has been achieved by the American health care system, this gargantuan and inefficient system has also cultivated a culture of excess that has made many of its participants—physicians, hospitals, drug and device manufacturers—rich. And at our expense.

This approach was, to a degree, justifiable at a time when nothing better was available. But that's no longer true.

Copyright 2008 William Davis, MD

Comments (3) -

  • Anonymous

    3/21/2008 4:01:00 AM |

    Hmmm I have never seen a billboard advertising these things in Canada, I'd find that rather like Dr Snake Oil, advertising to get you to buy their product!!!

    We need to get you a billboard Dr DSmileSmileSmile


  • Anonymous

    3/21/2008 4:29:00 PM |

    There are 450,000 billboards in America today, with 579 in Milwaukee. New digital billboards can change ads in seconds--thus flashing more (distractions) to already overburdened drivers (ie:  cell phones).  These cost between $200,000 to $500,000 to install. The digitals are used by many communities for Amber Alerts, and other law enforcement iniatives--like wanted criminals, so have some useful purposes other then advertisements.  

    Of course the answer is obvious as to why alternative and preventative health is not advertised.  No money in it.  The billboard message is only a symptom of what is wrong with our healthcare system.  The root causes are in Washington DC with all the special interest groups. ie:  pharmaceutical companies, lawyers, insurance companies.  Many people do not know who their congressmen/senators are, let alone their voting history on the Hill.

  • Gold Coast Hotels

    12/8/2009 4:23:40 PM |

    Billboards are really a great mode of advertising. Big expense but big revenue.
