What's for breakfast?

Breakfast, for some reason, seems to be the toughest meal of the day for many people.

I think it's because the quest for sweet has dominated the American breakfast for so long, with its half-century legacy of cartoon character-festooned breakfast cereals; baked flour products like pancakes, waffles, and English muffins; more recently, "healthy" alternatives like bran muffins and oat waffles.

This breakfast lifestyle has also contributed to the obesity and diabetes ("diabesity") epidemic. Breakfasts of wheat- or corn-based cereals, even those labeled "heart healthy," fruit, and whole grain breads are guaranteed paths to low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, flagrant small LDL, increased inflammatory responses, high blood pressure, and higher blood sugar. Such foods also make you tired, make your abdominal fat grow (wheat belly), and increase appetite so that you want more.

So what can you eat for breakfast that doesn't provoke these patterns?

I will never pretend to be terribly clever in creating meal menus, but I can tell you what has worked for me and many of my patients. Be warned: It may require you to suspend your previous notions of what "should" be included in a list of breakfast foods.

Here are some examples that you may find helpful:

--Raw nuts--one or several handfuls of raw almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios
--Cheeses--the real, traditional sorts like gouda, goat, Swiss, edam, etc. (not Velveeta, Cheez Whiz, etc.)
--Eggs, Egg Beaters--and "spice" them up with sun-dried tomatoes, salsa, olives, tapenades, olive oil, onions, green peppers, etc.
--Yogurt (real, of course), cottage cheese
--Ground flaxseed, oat bran--as hot cereals or added to yogurt, cottage, or other foods. Esp. helpful for reducing both total LDL and the proportion of small LDL.
--Oatmeal--slow-cooked, not the instant nonsense.
--Soups--great for winter.
--Dinner foods--chicken, beef, fish, green beans, asparagus, tomatoes, etc., most easily added by saving left-overs from dinner. You'll be surprised how filling dinner foods eaten at breakfast can be.

It's really not that tough. It just means selecting from an entirely different list of foods than you might be accustomed to.

Copyright 2008 William Davis, MD

Comments (106) -

  • Anonymous

    3/16/2008 2:39:00 PM |

    I normally eat a handful of almonds,  some raw cashews, and occasionally an orange for breakfast.  I used to eat  cheese with breakfast also, but found once I began eating cheese it was hard for me to stop at one or two pieces.

  • Anonymous

    3/16/2008 3:10:00 PM |

    Do you think eating fruits in breakfast is not good for the health ? I eat 2 apples and 1 banana every morning. Would those have a bad effect on my health ?

  • Zute

    3/16/2008 4:58:00 PM |

    My favorite breakfast is often left over Thai curry.  I omit the rice.  I also like making a thai omelet which is simply 2 eggs and some fish sauce and water and serving it with Sirachi sauce or Thai peanut sauce.  It is street vendor food in Thailand I hear.  Here's a recipe: http://www.egullet.com/tdg.cgi?pg=ARTICLE-mamster052703

    I find left over dinners are quite wonderful for breakfast.  You just have to get past this notion that you have to eat certain foods at certain times in the day.  Where'd that idea come from anyway?

  • Anonymous

    3/16/2008 5:00:00 PM |

    I’ve tried eating oatmeal throughout my life, really wanting to like it. Until now the mere taste or smell of it made my stomach queasy. The key for me was toasting the oatmeal. Here’s what I generally do:

    For Steel-cut oatmeal with the taste and texture of rice pudding-

    In a frypan:
    Toss 1 TBS of butter or so into a hot pan.
    Add 1 cup of steel-cut oatmeal until toasted.
    --few minutes
    In a saucepan:
    Boil 2-1/2 cups water
    Add 1 cinnamon stick (or equivalent)
    Add toasted Steel-cut oatmeal and cook for 15-20 minutes or so

    Add 1-1/2 cups of low-fat milk, yogurt, or some combination, etc…
    -Optional- Wisk an egg yolk into the milk.
    -Optional- Add ¼ tsp salt.
    -Optional- 2 TBS honey or Brown sugar. I use one 1 TBS  of each.
    Add some lemon or orange zest

    Return to a boil for 10-15 minutes and then chill before eating. The oatmeal will congeal, resembling rice pudding.
    Sprinkle more cinnamon/sugar on top
    Add what you like: raisins, nuts, etc...

    Use the cinnamon stick if you can, it really makes the difference. I’m constantly refining this recipe. Hopefully others will post their ideas and comments.

  • Anonymous

    3/16/2008 6:28:00 PM |

    Your "wheat belly" link appears to be broken.


  • Anonymous

    3/16/2008 6:58:00 PM |

    Interesting list!

    Once I decided to give up my (former) love affair with breakfast cereals, I was in a quandary about what to do for breakfast.  I don't have much time in the morning to get creative and don't have the inclination at that time of the day to do so either.

    I've settled on a routine of 2 hard-boiled (organic free-range) eggs (I boil them up a week in advance and leave them, shells-on, in the fridge), and a home-made protein-berry smoothie (frozen organic unsweetened berries, water-based).

    This 8 am combo is easy, fast and tasty (I vary the berries and sometimes add natural flavour extracts for variety).  It keeps my blood sugar flat and me full until my 1pm lunchtime.  And I don't miss the cereals one bit!

  • Anna

    3/16/2008 7:31:00 PM |

    You are so right.  I met an out-of-town friend for breakfast the other morning at a French-style bakery cafe.  I ordered the goat cheese and herb omelet, but said I didn't want the potatoes or bread with it.  They offered extra fruit or a salad instead.  I chose the salad, with olive oil and vinegar.  My friend wondered how I could eat a salad so early.  Why not?  

    At home I usually eat 2 or 3 eggs over easy cooked in butter for breakfast most mornings and I am comfortably hungry for lunch about 3-4 hours later.  But after my nicely filling cheese omelet and generous romaine salad (with a tiny bit of fruit - I ate the berries/melon and left the super-sweet pineapple), I wasn't hungry again until very late in the afternoon so had a small snack (cheese and half an apple) to hold me off and ate my next meal at dinner time.  And it was a slow-developing comfortable hunger, not the powerful, "gotta eat something, anything" hunger that follows carb-heavy food.

    Breakfast food, indeed!

  • Anonymous

    3/16/2008 9:01:00 PM |

    What's the health difference insant vs. slow cooked oatmeal?

  • Anne

    3/16/2008 11:22:00 PM |

    You are absolutely right - breakfast is the most difficult meal to change. When I gave up wheat, I started using brown rice or potatoes mixed with anything interesting - nuts or meat or veges. I have now learned that these carbs make my blood glucose skyrocket. I have dropped the rice and potatoes and my BG has dropped nicely.

    My favorite breakfast is sauted veges with some leftover meat or even an omlete. Soups are great in the AM. Nuts are for the days I am in a hurry.

    Would be a little easier if I were not dairy intolerant.

  • Neelesh

    3/17/2008 10:36:00 AM |

    Here in South India,it is  'Idli' - steam-cooked Lentil-rice (predominantly lentil) droppings, and 'Dosa' - lentil-rice pancakes. We have altered it a bit by increasing lentil ratio and dropping the rice to a minimum. Tastes good and fills you nice, for 4-5 hours.

  • Bad_CRC

    3/17/2008 4:34:00 PM |

    Just keep in mind what Dr. D wrote previously about eggs:


    The abnormal after-eating effect suggested by the Brazilians opens up some very interesting questions and confirms that we should still be cautious in our intake of egg yolks. One yolk per day is clearly too much. What is safe? The exisitng information would suggest that, if you have diabetes, pre-diabetes, or a postprandial disorder (IDL, VLDL), you should minimize your egg yolk use, perhaps no more than 3 or so per week, preferably not all at one but spaced out to avoid the after-eating effect.

    Others without postprandial disorders may safely eat more, perhaps 5 per week, but also not all at one but spaced out.

  • Darin T

    3/18/2008 6:03:00 PM |

    What's the health difference insant vs. slow cooked oatmeal?

    I'm not a doctor or an expert, but I believe what the issue is with most quick-oats is that they're rolled or flattened.  This gives them very large surface area and they digest very rapidly in the stomach rapidly raising blood glucose levels.

    Steel cut oats on the other hand are, well, little cut up bits of oats.  They take longer to cook, and have less surface area.  They digest slower therefore slower result in a slower increase in blood glucose.

    I'm sure that Dr. Davis will either correct me if I'm wrong or not post my comment if it is way off base.  Smile

  • Ross

    3/18/2008 6:17:00 PM |

    I have two or three eggs, usually scrambled, but sunny-side-up and over-easy get thrown in for variety.  I cook them using butter made from grass-fed cows.  I also make my scrambled eggs using whipping cream instead of the more typical water or milk.  I'll put a spoonful of fresh-made salsa over the top for some zing, some sliced cheese on the side and a cup of whole, organic milk to drink.

    I'm completely sold on the "high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carb" diet and especially the admonition to start the day with a strong breakfast.  My overall energy levels are fantastic, running performance is as good as high-school, and my belly hasn't looked this tight in decades.

  • Anonymous

    3/18/2008 6:30:00 PM |

    Dr. Davis,

    I see you have a copyright, so I would like to ask if I can copy this post to a diet blog I moderate?  I'm afraid if I create a link, it'll not take me to this particular post, but the most recent post.

  • Dr. Davis

    3/19/2008 12:10:00 PM |

    Please feel free to use the content of this What's for breakfast post.
    (I copyright to discourage the auto-publishers from syndicating without attribution.)

  • Anonymous

    3/19/2008 3:19:00 PM |

    Why is breakfast such a big deal?  I tend to not eat before noon.  It frees up my mornings, not having to cook anything.  I can't stand cereal.  I don't get hunger pangs til 2 or 3PM.  I know, every fat person says they never eat breakfast.  My weight, (170#) is the same now at age 51 as it was in high school.

  • christi

    3/19/2008 4:34:00 PM |

    Chop an apple, add a few nuts and top with plain yogurt.
    You can add cinnamon and a sweetener packet if you must have sweet but I think it's sweet enough without.
    Yummy and easy!

  • Anonymous

    3/20/2008 5:44:00 PM |

    I eat 1/2 cup to 1 cup of cottage cheese and 1/4 cup of almonds. I try to grind up flax seeds and mix them in the cottage cheese.

  • Larry

    3/22/2008 1:52:00 PM |

    I eat something pretty similar:

    1/4 cup ground nuts
    1/4 cup oat bran
    2 tablespoons ground flaxseed
    1 tablespoon ground sunflower or pumpkin seeds
    1 tablespoon lechithin
    1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

    Instead of using milk, I mix up a scoop of either soy protein powder or whey protein isolate with water and use that to supply the liquid.

    This gives me several of the TYP recommended foods all in one easy-to-eat package.

    When I travel, I make up a portion for each day of my trip and bring them along in baggies (with the protein powder separately). It's a great alternative to the typical appalling commercial breakfasts of bagels, pancakes, hash browns etc - much better for me and saves a lot of time in the morning. You can even eat it on a plane (bringing your own plastic bowl sometimes helps).

  • Anonymous

    8/14/2010 2:45:39 PM |

    Might be worth mentioning that most soy sauce contains wheat...

  • Kathy Hall

    8/14/2010 3:05:33 PM |

    My favorite breakfast is leftover baked chicken thighs.  I bake them by first putting a little olive oil on them and covering them with parmesan cheese.  Use the skin on type so it can crisp up.  I bake them at 400  degrees for 40 minutes until they are nice and brown and crisp.  I have them for dinner and then cold for breakfast.  They are delicious.

  • craig from georgia

    8/14/2010 3:07:13 PM |

    Whole Greek Yogurt with berries (fresh if possible, but thawed will do) topped with some walnuts. I sometimes add coconut oil.

  • Lori Miller

    8/14/2010 3:22:27 PM |

    I make a protein shake for breakfast: 1.5 cups of water, a tablespoon of rice protein powder, my vitamins, and a big spoonful of nut butter. I blend, then add 1/2 teaspoon of xanthan gum and blend again.

  • Mike

    8/14/2010 3:24:32 PM |

    My staple:
       -4 free range farm eggs, poached in extra virgin organic coconut oil, put on a bed of spinach
       -topped with either 1/2 pound nitrite free bacon or a sliced avocado
       -small bowl of chopped apple/strawberries and a half a handful of walnuts.

  • Jo

    8/14/2010 3:25:47 PM |

    The traditional English (and Scottish) breakfast is of course bacon and eggs, but meat, cheese and yoghurt are pretty traditional breakfasts across Europe.  Cereal is often added these days but it's a fairly recent thing.

  • kellgy

    8/14/2010 3:30:57 PM |

    I have gone beyond the point of having my appetite suppressed. I generally feel full all the time, so scheduling meals is important to prevent skipping a meal. One thing I noticed going through the process, after losing the wheat/carb cravings a few weeks into elimination, I suffered dehydration for about two weeks.

    I was drinking plenty of water and always had a full cup handy but it persisted. After doing some research, I learned how much your body retains water (and subsequently sodium) due to glucose/insulin fluctuations.

    When my body finally normalized it's water retention levels, I noticed a decrease in blood pressure bringing my systolic levels to the 105 - 115 levels. My diastolic still remains a little high for comfort (not consistently below 80 but lower than the pre-diuretic effect).

    Another positive side effect is the increase in energy. My body just wants to move more (this makes my wife happy). I am now past my half way mark in weight reduction, 65 lbs., and about to transition from obesity to over weight. Fat metabolism is great. Much better than exercise and calorie restriction for weight loss.

  • Darrin

    8/14/2010 3:49:52 PM |

    I rarely eat breakfast, except on the weekends when I'll have a big one consisting of omelettes, bacon or sausage, yogurt, and berries.

    If I eat breakfast during the week, I am starving within a couple of hours and can't concentrate at work.

    But if I skip, I'm clear-headed until lunch and don't have to deal with any hunger issues. I can't say I've noticed any detrimental effects to my metabolism since I gave "the most important meal of the day" the boot.

  • baldsue

    8/14/2010 4:00:42 PM |

    My favorite thing to eat for breakfast is pumpkin custard, following the Libby's recipe, except substituting stevia for sugar and heavy cream for the milk.  On top of the cup of pumpkin custard I usually add a brazil nut, couple walnuts, couple pecans.  The nuts are all raw, of course.  Yum.

  • Tommy

    8/14/2010 4:10:03 PM |

    Hi Dr. Davis,

    Always thought provoking info here....thanks.
    A couple of quick questions. You often mention Flax as a hot meal but isn't flax and heat a no no?

    The other thing is some of the fat content of the items...3 egg yolks etc along with some other choices you list. I'm not "afraid" of sat fat but curious. I have seen you mention elsewhere that for people with small ldl problems sat fat could pose a problem. Are some of these diet ideas geared toward those without existing heart problems or for all?  What about those who have already had a heart attack and/or are pattern B types? Should they not go overboard on fats?


  • Anna

    8/14/2010 4:21:05 PM |

    Glad to help, Dr. D.

    Wheat-free soy sauce/tamari is available.  If your local grocery store doesn't carry a wheat-free soy sauce, ask the manager to stock it (it's amazing how often this works, esp if the stores already carries the brand's other items).  

    My favorite brand is Ohsawa because it is traditionally fermented in ceramic pots for a long time, unlike cheaper & faster tank vat-fermented brands, but San-J is another common supermarket brand which offers an organic  wheat-free variety (organic regulations also prohibit use of GMO soybeans).  Wheat-free soy sauce/tamari is often available at good prices through vitamin & supplement retailers, too, as well as via online retailers like Amazon.com, etc.  

    In So California where I live, many sushi restaurants will provide wheat-free soy sauce/tamari on request, but just in case, I carry a small bottle with me when I go out for sushi/sashimi.  I ask the sushi chef to not use any sauces on my items, as they often contain wheat gluten, which is easy to accommodate as items are being individually created anyway.  

    Nora Gedgaudas, author of Primal Body, Primal Mind, has a nut ball "recipe" on her blog that is a great template for folks who want to stop relying on "Nutrigrain bars" and "energy bars" (sugary processed  cereal and candy bars cloaked with a nutrient-disguise, IMO).  

    It's easy to adapt Nora's Nut Balls recipe to personal tastes.  My favorite additions are unsweetened raw cocoa nibs or 85% chopped chocolate and coarsely chopped macadamia nuts, as well as coconut spread (like natural peanut butter, but made with coconut).  I include only 2-3 dried pitted dates or prunes for a hint of sweetness, but overall, these are *not* sweet bars. I make another  variation for my young son with a bit of finely chopped 70% chocolate and dried cherries, so they are a bit sweeter, but no where near as sugary as typical commercial bars.  

    I don't form the mixture into balls -  I spread and pack the mixture about 1 inch deep in a shallow pan, then pre-score the bars before putting the pan in the freezer for an hour to firm up.  Then the bars break or cut apart apart easily.  I pack them in several air-tight food storage containers and keep them in the freezer, reserving one container for the fridge.  Under these conditions, they keep for a long time.  

    I grab one or two of these energy-dense bars (energy from natural fat, not sugar and starch) when I need something compact and portable that won't wreak havoc with my blood sugar (great for outbound air travel, car trips, hiking, etc.).  A snack sized zip bag or small airtight box container is important if there is a chance of warm temps softening the bars (not much of a problem with moderate or cold temps, when a sheet of wax paper wrapping will do).


  • Larry

    8/14/2010 5:13:55 PM |

    Sometimes I eat "SO Delicious" Coconut Milk yogurt with berries and ground flax.

    Other times I'll make a Green Smoothie.
    Either a veggie mix, or an Emerald Balance type powder with ground flaxseed, protein powder, Coconut or Hemp milk, berries, etc.

    No breads or processed carbs for breakfast.

    Also no walnuts, almonds, peanut butter for me.
    Eggs only once a week.
    The LEF test showed me to be allergic to them.

  • Lesley

    8/14/2010 5:38:40 PM |

    One-half cup cottage cheese mixed with 4 teaspoons organic flax oil, 1 teaspoon lemon-flavored fish oil, and my D3 and K2 for the day. My husband prefers his topped with freshly ground pepper, while I like it with a few sliced berries. This mixture is so filling I have to remind myself to eat lunch.

    I'm also a big fan of herbed chicken thighs with melted cheese. I pull the meat off in big chunks, cover with cheese, and nuke for a minute. Add avocado slices, a bit of sour cream, and some low carb salsa for a fast and filling treat.

    Tofu cubes don't sit well with me first thing in the morning, but they are one of my favorite summer lunches. For a dipping sauce, I mix stevia and hot pepper flakes into diluted wheat-free soy sauce, and top with finely slided green onion. Yum!

  • Pater_Fortunatos

    8/14/2010 5:50:26 PM |

    A salad including:

    >raw hemp seeds (30% top quality protein, EFA best ratio n6:n3 - 3:1)
    Hemp is slightly alkaline, has lots of magnesium, calcium.

    > some raw spinach or lettuce
    > raw beets
    >squeezed lemon juice

  • John R

    8/14/2010 6:11:56 PM |

    Forgive what might be a dumb question, but what's wrong with bacon, Doc? My usual breakfast is bacon and eggs from a local farm.

  • John R

    8/14/2010 6:11:56 PM |

    Forgive what might be a dumb question, but what's wrong with bacon, Doc? My usual breakfast is bacon and eggs from a local farm.

  • Haggus

    8/14/2010 7:13:21 PM |

    Dr. Davis,
      Regarding flaxseed, while humans can't break the carbs down, it's my understanding that the our gut flora can to some degree.  I'm I just splitting hairs?

  • Anonymous

    8/14/2010 7:14:20 PM |

    I've never been much of a breakfast person.  But since I started a low carb, wheat/grain free (except for flaxseed) diet a couple of months ago, I usually have 8 ounces of unsweetened almond milk mixed with two scoops of ground, organic flaxseed, and an egg white.  For flavoring I usually add raw, unsweetened cacao.  I also have organic blueberry powder (100% blueberries, no additives) on order, so I will replace the cacao with that at times.

    Sometimes, I'll eat other things in addition to the almond milk drink:  a handful of raw nuts and seed with it, or a small avocado, or a whole egg.  (I'll eat a whole egg as part of my diet at other times.)

    I've never seen anything wrong with eating non-US-traditional foods for breakfast.

  • Anonymous

    8/14/2010 7:27:05 PM |

    Word Verification: moldist

    HAH! Nutritional ideas from a machine!

  • Anonymous

    8/14/2010 8:01:37 PM |

    banana with almond butter; dried figs with walnuts; prunes with walnuts; of course, 30 minutes after devouring half a grapefruit...

  • Lee

    8/14/2010 8:06:45 PM |

    This is something we celiacs have had to find out as well.  For 30 years I ate 3 bowls of Cheerios in milk for breakfast and was starving by 10:30.  Now I have plain whole milk yogurt with fruit and nuts or two eggs with spinach and cheese and don't get hungry until well after 12. If I eat the same thing but ADD some carbs like a gluten-free muffin or slice of bread I get hungry sooner.  A nearly grain-free life seems to be working for me to maintain my weight and stay gluten-free without hunger.  And there's nothing wrong with lunch or dinner leftovers first thing in the morning.  Food is food.

  • puddle

    8/14/2010 8:09:42 PM |

    I actually do egg salads for most breakfasts.  But, if you've got time. . . .  Virtually any quiche will do.  Just skip the crust.  And use ALL heavy cream peeps, the difference is amazing.  It's good cold, too, for days and days.

  • Stan (Heretic)

    8/14/2010 9:00:39 PM |

    It's great to follow our "corrupt" heretical way of eating. My low carb meal ideas:


      Eggs are the prime choice for me (scrambled or sunny-side-up but I have to add that it's important to use a lot of butter and/or pork fat!   Do not cut corner and just fry eggs with nothing, it will get boring prety quickly.  I do scrambled eggs with fried onions, mushrooms or bacon.    Also, to reduce the amount of protein (I follow Kwasniewski's OD which is low in protein as well as low in carbs) I often pour the white out down the sink (do not give the whites to dogs or cats raw!).  Typically, the scramblies with 4 yolks and 2 whites is sufficent for breakfast for 1 person.


    Nuts, a glass of 18% cream, a piece of swiss cheese, a quarter chicken WITH SKIN,  a can of tuna.  Of course not all together, whatever is available at any given time.  McDonalds or Wendy's hamburger without buns (no chips no soda!).


    Meats, beef, poultry, fish - all with ample quantity of fatty sauces!  Sauces are very important since an all meat diet would have been unbearable without signifcant addition of fat.  This fact should be emphasiced often and repeated over and over again: NEVER CONSUME LEAN MEATS AS YOUR MAIN FOOD!

    Vegetables: very useful, stir fried, add lots of butter, coconut oil etc.  Veggies love swimming in fat. Add some rice or potatoes  for carbs.  Zero carb diet is not good, add some but not more than 50-100g a day (depending on one's body weight).  DO NOT AVOID CARBS COMPLETELY!

    There are many issue, too many to write here but feel free to ask.

    Stan (Heretic)

  • Jonathan

    8/14/2010 9:46:35 PM |

    Normally it will be 3 to 6 eggs fried in bacon grease.

    Sometimes I'll just count my coffee as breakfast with a large amount of coconut milk in it and 400 to 800 calories worth of heavy whipping cream.

  • Sagehill Jenny

    8/14/2010 9:58:39 PM |

    Ummm, what's wrong with MEAT for breakfast???  Out west in cowboy country, steak and eggs are common.  If I'm particularly hungry, I'll have a small flattened hamburger patty topped with a fried egg; or a porkchop, or even a nice little steak.

    And eggs, in a multitude of ways, of course; I especially like egg muffins/mini-quiches.  Haven't yet managed to think of fish or chicken as breakfast, for some reason. lol

    If I'm not particularly hungry, coffee with heavy cream and a Tbsp coconut oil often holds me over until lunch.

  • Anonymous

    8/14/2010 10:19:56 PM |

    These days I drink a small bottle of Isopure (a protein drink) and a bowl of Buckwheat cereal.


  • Anonymous

    8/14/2010 11:10:46 PM |

    I've been on a grain-free diet for a few months now but did not know about flaxseed.

    I just bought some ground flaxseed and made a hot cereal with coconut milk. It was fantastic and certainly will make a great addition to breakfast, especially in the winter.

    Thanks for the suggestion! Despite loving the grain-free diet, I had been looking for a replacement to hot cereal because I missed the texture/eating experience.

    Eggs are my current mainstay for breakfast. I vary my cooking methods day-to-day and typically add eat some kind of vegetable or additional source of protein with them.

  • Anonymous

    8/14/2010 11:38:17 PM |

    Two organic eggs, fried in intense garlic flavored oil, sprinkled with fresh ground black pepper and a dash of salt. Topped with chopped cilantro or basil, half an avocado (when I have it), a few drops of habanero sauce. Sometimes with strips of roasted poblano.

    After decades of avoiding eggs and eating oatmeal for breakfast, I am glad to be eating something I really like. Hope this eating habits remain healthy for the rest of my life!

    p.s.: my only problem is with lunch and dinner. There is only so much fish I can eat and not eating meat and poultry limits my options severely.

  • Anonymous

    8/15/2010 12:04:28 AM |

    fwiw, both Kellogg brothers lived to be 91

  • Anonymous

    8/15/2010 12:32:31 AM |

    Just a few observations. Just observed French & Swiss eating breakfast. Many people have a cup of coffee and a pastry. That is it period. They don't seem to have a weight problem relative to the USA. I am sure there are many reasons for this, but their breakfast works fine in this regard.

    Seems to me that Bacon is not a healthy food for many reasons. First it has nitrates in it and if you buy the nitrate free version it can be salty with NaCl. Second, when you cook it up it is almost always well done because it is so thin. There is a relation between processed meets and well done meats and Cancer. Bacon is both of these. Finally, Bacon may have high content of oxidized cholesterol since it is heated through at a high temperature. It is a pity that things that taste so good can be problematic.

  • Paddler Peril

    8/15/2010 12:52:34 AM |

    I'll cook a big casserole or curry on the weekend and have the leftovers with a couple of scoops of full fat greek yoghurt for breakfast through the week.

    Always enjoyed the Malaysian breakfasts when I travelled there. Nasi Lemak - a curry, a fiery sambal (usually squid, hard boiled egg, peanuts, cucumber, dried fish and coconut rice. Just forget the rice and peanuts and you have a very healthy and tasty breakfast

  • Matthew C. Baldwin

    8/15/2010 1:38:43 AM |


    greens... KALE in particular, with eggs, is an awesome low carb breakfast food!!

    start cooking your kale the way you might cook oatmeal.  Put water on to boil, salt it, trim and wash and chop the kale and cook it about 10 min.  Then cook your 3 eggs and bacon, whatever.

  • Anonymous

    8/15/2010 2:41:12 AM |

    My mainstay is eggs (omelets, fried, scrambled, or soft-boiled.  I used to eat a lot of ground flaxseed cereal, but it made my thyroid go into a tailspin. For those of you with hypothyroidism, beware that flaxseed is a goitrogen -- go easy on it.

  • Dr. William Davis

    8/15/2010 3:03:34 AM |

    Talk of food never fails to provoke plenty of heartfelt comments.

    Thanks, all, for the great breakfast food suggestions.

    Many of the questions, e.g., about frying, cured meats like bacon, etc. are advanced glycation-end-product issues, something worth discussing in future.

  • Paul

    8/15/2010 3:29:15 AM |

    Since you, Dr. Davis, seem so convinced meat eaters are so acidotic that it could cause disease, I would really love to see the human studies that definitively prove that fact.

    BTW, every morning I make sure to eat a large piece of wild caught Alaskan salmon broiled and drenched in grass-fed tallow or ghee, with a large, cold vinaigrette salad usually with chopped kale, broccoli, mustard greens, red pepper, and tomato.

  • Steve "Lub Dub" Brecher

    8/15/2010 4:30:20 AM |

    My standard breakfast recently on alternate days:  6 slices of bacon cooked first, then the remaining mixed together and cooked in the bacon grease:  6 eggs, 4 oz. cheddar cheese, 8 oz. pico de gallo, 1/2 pint blueberries.

  • Anonymous

    8/15/2010 7:47:06 AM |

    You can eat anything for breakfast. It is true that the poor lived on oatmeal (porridge or otherwise prepared, without salt...must have been terrible but if you can't afford anything else, what choice do you have) an homemade "beer" but at the same time the rich breakfasted on all sorts of cooked meat (google for medieval eating...). So eat anything you fancy and eat doesn't have to be the same every day. I only eat when I am hungry so after last night's Indian dinner I will give breakfast a miss today.

  • Ellen

    8/15/2010 9:32:38 AM |

    I'm sure that the folks who mentioned bacon for breakfast are talking about the nitrate-free version.

  • MNB

    8/15/2010 10:19:05 AM |

    I live in Austria and I have been following your blog for the past two years!  It has become part of my common sense health strategy. Thanks for that! Here, a typical breakfast consists of a roll with butter and jam and some coffee.  My breakfast, however, consists of first drinking half a liter (one and half glass) of water followed by a cup of espresso, some miso soup and sea-weed plus steamed vegetables with lots of extra virgin olive oil / sesame seed / pumpkin seed or flaxseed oil and leftover salad or home-made humus or guacamole spread over thin organic corn waffles. 2 or 3 times a week I also add my favorite namely tasty Japanese Natto (fermented soybean), which I sometimes even make myself when time allows Smile  Oh, I have a weakness though for great Austrian beer and organic potato chips, which I crave in the evening but that apparently has not affected my normal weight at all.  I have also followed your other advice and take 1000 mg of EPA/DHA in fish oil capsules every day and ever since I discovered your website over 1,5 years ago.  I am convinced that it is the fish oil that finally cured my annoying extra systoles (skipped heart beat that I had experienced for a number of years)! Mark

  • Umesh Sood

    8/15/2010 12:55:46 PM |

    We have been having Almond Flour  waffles for breakfast for over a year. They taste as good as regular waffles, even the kids like them. The recipe is from Drs Michael and Mary Ann Eades, I first saw it on theit TV show. It is also in their Low Carb CookwoRx Cookbook.

  • Anonymous

    8/15/2010 2:04:37 PM |

    My experience with skipping breakfast as part of a daily 16 hr fast has been nothing but positive. I eat around 12-1pm, dinner at 6 and then eat cottage cheese or eggs about 8pm. I've been doing this for 3 months daily and now consider it "what I do".

  • Anonymous

    8/15/2010 3:42:10 PM |

    I make a concoction of full fat yogurt (from pastured cows, if possible), fruit (usually blueberries), flaxmeal, nuts or seeds, cinnamon, dried unsweetened coconut, coconut oil, dried grated orange peel, and usually some other spice (nutmeg, cloves, allspice, etc.).  Practically everything in it is a "superfood", and it's quick, easy and good.

  • Geoffrey Levens

    8/15/2010 4:01:50 PM |

    "what's wrong with bacon"

    "McDonalds or Wendy's hamburger without buns (no chips no soda!)."

    May well be nothing inherently wrong w/ bacon or burgers but jeeze, Louize, what ever happened to quality control in you diets?  Local farm bacon could be a great alternative to the commercial stuff, depending on how it is made.  Think nitrates/nitrites, food dyes, added sugar... So John R, good for you!

    Same with the eggs.  Regular store eggs loaded w/ drugs, hormones, stress toxins from the birds etc...

    As for the burgers, read this:

    Yummy! Ammonia-Treated Pink Slime Now in Most U.S. Ground Beef
    You're not going to believe what millions of Americans have been eating the last few years (Thanks, Bush! Thanks meat industry lobbyists!)

    And of course there is that pesky mad cow issue in commercial meats...

    How about a little healthy discrimination in sourcing your food?  Eat whatever diet suits your physiology but use clean and wholesome ingredients!

  • Anne

    8/15/2010 5:10:46 PM |

    My breakfast everyday is a can of sardines, a hard boiled egg, and a largish amount of kale or cabbage which I stir fry in coconut oil.

  • Kevin

    8/15/2010 8:03:04 PM |

    My two cents:  TWhat's the BFD about breakfast?  I used to have chonic heartburn that ended when I quit having oatmenal for breakfast.  Nowadays I don't eat breakfast but keep nuts at the office in case my stomach starts growling.  


  • Jet

    8/15/2010 8:30:49 PM |

    My breakfast before going to work consists of scrambled eggs and bacon followed by a low carb whey protein shake mixed with a tbsp of  MCT oil, coconut milk and coconut oil. I feel buzzed and really alert for at least 7-8 hours with those circulating ketones.

  • D

    8/15/2010 9:56:26 PM |

    Breakfast is usually a whey protein shake made with coconut milk, almond milk, or whole milk yogurt. If I don't have time for breakfast, I'll grab a couple of sticks of string cheese, and always have nuts at my desk. Leftovers also make a good breakfast. And egg cups, beaten eggs with your choice of veggies & meat, cheese, and seasonings, baked in muffin cups, kept in the fridge and heated as needed, or eaten cold if you like them that way.

  • Geoffrey Levens

    8/15/2010 11:17:55 PM |

    Breakfast for me is BIG bowl of mixed leafy greens (steamed) mixed w/ about 3/4 cup cooked beans of some kind and about 1 oz mixed raw nuts/seeds.  Piece of fresh or frozen fruit for dessert.

  • Anonymous

    8/16/2010 9:50:28 AM |

    Have you made any contacts with cardiologist practicing in Germany who subscribe to the practices advocated by you?

    The doctors I have visited up to now are all
    pretty much in the grip of big pharma. When I mention my high (700) LpInnocent value they just shrug  -- no pill
    available for that...

  • Anonymous

    8/16/2010 2:20:14 PM |

    I start out with a big bowl of pasta followed by the starchiest potatoes I can find...Just kidding; I could not resist.

    In all seriousness, I am new to the page (about one month) and have learned much from the good doctor and from others.  Many thanks.  I usually have a medium-fat yougurt (sometimes Fage) with either strawberries or raspberries, or leftovers from the night before.

  • Anne

    8/16/2010 2:35:47 PM |

    Low carb veggies and meat for breakfast.

    I cook up a large stir saute of vegetables that I can use throughout the week and vary the meat.

    Cup of green decaf tea with some coconut oil.

    My blood sugar stays low and I don't get hungry for many hours.

  • kris

    8/16/2010 3:23:05 PM |

    Homemade eggnog - raw eggs whisked into cream with a touch of vanilla and stevia. Finish off with freshly grated nutmeg.

  • Geoffrey Levens

    8/16/2010 4:21:21 PM |

    All the "anti-carb" seems to be about grains here... Where do legumes fit in? Much lower glycemic load and more nutrients, resistance starch, etc...  Would love to get Dr. Davis' take on this

  • Geoffrey Levens

    8/16/2010 4:22:40 PM |

    [reset to get email notices of posts]

  • Jonathan

    8/16/2010 5:30:23 PM |

    "Bacon is not a healthy food"

    I'm sure there are better choices than store bought conventional bacon; but to worry about nitrates, etc is a little over kill.

    There's more nitrates in vegetables than there are in bacon or other processed meats.  If you look, there are brands that are sugar free too.  It would seem more important to know whether the source pigs where solely grain raised.

  • Anonymous

    8/16/2010 5:56:14 PM |

    Great post doctor! Can you do one on "take-to-work" type lunches?

  • Apolloswabbie

    8/16/2010 7:13:28 PM |

    Thank you, Dr. D, for another great post.

  • stop smoking help

    8/16/2010 7:38:42 PM |

    Wow, look at all these comments! I've gone 1 week now without wheat carbs. I haven't noticed the change in energy yet, although, I have trouble going to sleep now. I haven't had any withdrawal yet.

    On the positive, I also haven't had the extreme "full" feeling I usually had after eating a meal.

    For breakfast I've been frying an egg in a tsp of coconut oil and find that to be satisfying until lunch. I'm not really missing the raisin bran.

    Another benefit to this is how much salt is in bread. I have to keep my salt to a minimum thanks to my cardiomyopathy and so not having bread has helped with my salt intake also.

    One more week to go in my experiment. I think it'll be easy to continue though.

  • Tom

    8/16/2010 7:41:28 PM |

    Here's the ultimate breakfast shake.
    5~6 raw med to large egg yolks from pastured chickens.
    60 grams of heavy cream. Low temp pasteurized or raw. Non-homog.
    30 grams organic coconut milk or 15 grams of coconut cream.
    30 grams of organic blueberries.
    Couple ice cubes and a little water. Blend in a bullet blender.
    Pound one of these down with a bunch of bacon or grass fed steak and you won't be hungry for awhile. Plus the flavor is killer.

  • Anonymous

    8/16/2010 10:15:52 PM |

    2 hard-boiled pastured eggs and a smoothie consisting of 3 TBLS ground flaxseed, a banana and 8 oz. of orange juice.  Yes, I know, a lot of sugar, but I can't stomach smoothies made with milk.  Despite a modest amount of fruit later in the day, I consume no other sugar.  Seems to work well.

  • Alex

    8/16/2010 11:04:28 PM |

    "There's more nitrates in vegetables than there are in bacon or other processed meats."

    As I understand it, the problem with nitrate in bacon isn't the nitrate itself but the nitrosamines that are formed when the bacon is cooked.

  • Dr. William Davis

    8/16/2010 11:31:02 PM |

    I am impressed--and surprised--at how many who left comments on their breakfasts have gravitated away from traditional breakfast foods and towards the notion of breakfast a another meal, no different from lunch or dinner.

    The idea of having lunch or dinner for breakfast has worked extremely well. I was surpised at how many others have intuitively found this out, too.

  • Geoffrey Levens

    8/17/2010 1:49:54 AM |

    "The idea of having lunch or dinner for breakfast has worked extremely well. I was surpised at how many others have intuitively found this out, too."

    To be brutally honest, I discovered this long ago eating left over pizza for breakfast.   Not such a healthy start but the seed of the idea for me...

  • Anonymous

    8/17/2010 2:23:26 AM |

    I discovered that eating carbs at breakfast stunk when I was pregnant with my second son this past winter. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to change my diet to control it...as it turned out I had to severely limit my carbs or my blood sugars would sky rocket!! Breakfast for me was always eggs, meat and cheese! The first week on the new diet I lost 6lbs...of course my midwife got mad at me (seeing that preggers ladies shouldn't be losing weight!) so I was told to start adding olive oil to everything and use butter to cook those eggs!! To my great surprise I didn't gain a thing the rest of my pregnancy and I felt great!! So great that I decided to continue my low carb eating into my regular routine, i.e. non-pregnant life! The only carbs I eat now are from veggies and fruits. I do have the occasional piece of whole wheat bread at lunch time (homemade) but that's about it....well maybe the occasional weekend beer too! SmileSmile

  • Anonymous

    8/17/2010 1:20:54 PM |

    I've been low carbing for 7 years, and although I long ago lost 75% of my body fat I have long been stuck with the last bit. Recently I decided to try skipping breakfast in favor of just brunch and dinner, as I am not very hungry in the morning. This has had no ill effects (and is very convenient), but has caused the weight loss to kick back in again after years. So your general conclusion does not appear to apply to all.

  • Ferdinand_K

    8/17/2010 3:06:45 PM |

    Hello Dr. Davis,

    you mentioned ground flaxseed as a hot cereal.
    Is the reason for heating it up to eliminate the
    hydrogene cyanide/
    prussic acid (should be all the same...)
    I`m not sure about the right english term, in Germany it`s "Blausäure".

    Would you reccomend to heat it up because of this?
    Thanks and best wishes

  • Jan

    8/17/2010 3:44:59 PM |

    Eggs, scrambled with various veggies or topped with raw milk cheese and some chopped tomato accompanied by nitrate-free bacon or sausage from the pig we sourced from a local farmer.  Barring that, I will have leftovers from dinner, or a cup of cottage cheese with some raw nuts and fruit if I'm in a hurry.

    You're supposed to saute bacon over low heat, not fry it, until it is brown and crisp.  It will take longer, yes, but taste better and be better for you.

  • Anonymous

    8/17/2010 5:05:46 PM |

    In a previous post I suggested that Bacon and Sausage and other processed meats are linked to Cancer. They are also possibly linked to cardiovascular problems:

    Here is a reference for the latter:


    The researchers in this study think that the harm may be from the salts. NaCl, Nitrites etc.
    But I think it may be more than this. I think that curing meats and cooking them well done also adds risk because it turns the fats and cholesterol in the meat into something different from there natural state. There is something else here like oxy-cholesterol or byproducts of cooked cured meat that may be adding to the problem.

    After reading about much research on these subjects, I believe meat may get a bad rap in many studies because of the way it is processed and prepared and not because it is inherently bad.

  • D

    8/17/2010 11:18:40 PM |

    Flaxseed cereal is best made as a mix, for texture reasons, as well as taste. I mix equal parts golden flaxseed meal and whey protein powder, then add a bit of unblanched almond meal and/or unsweetened coconut, or coconut flour. Makes the texture more like conventional hot cereals. Keep you mix in the fridge, just put some in the bowl, add boiling water to make the desired texture. Use cream, half n half, almond milk, coconut milk, if you want. Berries are good, too. I also like whole milk yogurt with berries and chopped nuts. And, I've even eaten leftover soup for breakfast. A good eye opener.

  • kotengu

    8/18/2010 1:27:16 AM |

    How about wheat-free bread, such as rye bread or pumpernickel? It goes well with cheese.

    Is it healthy?

  • Anonymous

    8/18/2010 3:57:29 PM |

    The comments here have been great! Lots of great ideas for a milk and cereal guy like me to try. I love the idea of breakfast soups! What are some your favorites? Should I just break out the Campbell's Thick and Chunky?

    -- Boris

  • Fred Hahn

    8/18/2010 4:30:25 PM |

    Hey Bill -

    I love canned mackerel in olive oil. Also canned wild salmon in olive oil.

    And as for the acid/alkaline issue, Dr. Eades did a great blog on this a while back basically stating that there is no need to worry about the supposed acid load of meat due to something I forget. I'll see if I can locate the blog and send it your way.

  • Anonymous

    8/18/2010 5:52:57 PM |

    I have been eating only some fruit for breakfast for about 6 years. I feel much fresher and full of energy. I eat another fruit during the day and I only get hungry towards the end of the working day. No sign of getting fat, on the contrary, but that is also because of what and how much I eat as whole.
    People are used to eat a lot and as often as possible. I do not feel the physical need to eat 3 times a day a substantial meal. And my day program seems not so fixed around meals.

  • Heather

    8/20/2010 2:58:10 PM |

    I usually have pastured eggs and bacon for breakfast. Yum yum yum.

    But as someone with a clear case of hypothyroidism, I have been avoiding soy products, because soy is a known thyroid disruptor. I usually enjoy very much what you have to say, but if so many of your patients have thyroids that are off to some degree, why recommend soy milk?

  • JustJoeP

    8/21/2010 12:53:49 AM |

    I wake up at 4am every morning here in Phoenix, to stay on an East Coast Schedule. A cup of organic tea with organic stevia at 4am, and by 9am, if I am hungry after 5 hours of conference calls with India and Atlanta, 2 Babybel cheeses, or a slice of Dutch Gouda, and 4 slices of bacon if the Babybels don't hit the spot.  Most days of the week, I'm not hungry until 11am or noon.

    Before I went low carb, I used to eat a bowl of Cheerios or Special K every morning, thinking that meager protein would hit the spot.  But that was 13 months and 45 lbs heavier ago.

  • Tommy

    8/21/2010 4:30:13 PM |

    As I browse the internet it amazes me how every blog or forum you visit is a success story. Whether it's high carb, low carb, high protein, low protein, low or high fat and on and on. The followers all swear by their method. Does everything work then? I think it boils down to what works for "YOU."   Everyone is different and we each need to tweak our diets to meet our individual needs. But remaining "middle of the road" I have to say that avoiding extremes in either direction is key.  

    When I see some of the food people are eating I can't believe it. I couldn't survive on such small amounts of food. I get hungry quick and always have no matter what I eat. Lots of meat, lots of fiber, carbs, protein, it doesn't matter. In an hour I'm hungry again. Yet I'm thin...5'10" 169 lbs and fit.
    I eat around 3000 cals per day (yesterday was 3,255 calories,420 g carbs, 94g fat, 150 g protein)

    For breakfast I eat 1/2 cup organic rolled oats (I soak them with an acid medium overnight) 2 tbsp ground flax, handfull of raisins, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. I have been eating that for years. A few times per week I add an egg (free range).  I eat quinoa daily as well as brown rice (which I soak). Sweet potatoes 2-3 times per week. 1 lb of free range chicken per week in 3 to 5 oz portions and 100 % grass fed ground beef 2 to 4oz once per week. A protein shake with 8 oz raw milk and banana daily. 1/4 cup walnuts and 20 almonds per day. Lot's of fruit and veggies too.  My last bloodwork showed LDL 63 HDL 40 (working on that) Triglycerides 67, CRP below 4.
    I've been eating up to 2 cups of brown rice and 1/2 cup of beans to try and add a few lbs but I still stay the same and when I workout I lose another 3 lbs. I think my metabolism is very high.

    We're all different and we need to address our needs as individuals. I tend to require a lot of food. I'm 53.  But what I eat is clean and my body utilizes all of it.

  • Nikki

    8/27/2010 10:42:34 PM |

    Someone pointed me to your blog when we were discussing wheat free diets.  Great information.  I've been off and on the paleo diet for about 6 months.  Once I get all the wheat out of my body (I heard it can take up to 90 to get it all of your body) I feel great.  If I fall of the wagon, I feel like crap.

  • Anonymous

    8/29/2010 2:29:40 PM |

    Hi Dr. Davis,
    Wow, what a list of ideas!  Since I'm a lactose intolerant vegetarian, all of these meat and cheese ideas just don't work for me.

    For breakfast I have:
    3 Tablespoons of organic cashew or almond spread on organic red cabbage leaves or 3 tablespoons of organic peanut butter on organic celery.  Along with organic jasmine green tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.  My blood sugars after are under 100 without the tea with honey or under 110 with the tea with honey.  I always have 16-24 oz of water with each meal as well.

    Or I have one box of Japanese non-gmo natto with 2 fist fulls of nuts. (Blood sugars under 100)

    Or (I do eat seafood) I have 4 oz of canned wild salmon or sardines. (Blood sugars under 100)

    Or 1 cup of organic garbanzo beans with homemade sugar free balsamic vinaigrette. (Blood sugars under 100)

    Or (I can tolerate some goat dairy) I have 1 cup of goat yogurt with fresh organic raspberries or blueberries, or black raspberries.  (Blood sugar under 100)

    I've found that berries and red grapefruit I can eat without my blood sugars going over 100-110.  I tried a nectarine and my blood sugar went up to 160!!!  I just keep checking my blood sugars when I add new foods to figure out what my body can tolerate.

    Thank  you for the idea of purchasing the glucometer!  It has helped tremendously! I try to keep my blood sugar under 100 most of the time and, hopefully, not over 110 to prevent my liver from spewing out all those low density lipoproteins.

    After 4 months of changing my diet completely, I bought a candy bar yesterday on a whim and it tasted terrible!!!  I can't believe I ever ate those things!  It was so intensely sweet that it was off the Richter scale!  I think I'm cured of my sugar addiction now!

    The only sweet I do is the honey in my tea in the  morning.  I just can't get used to drinking the tea plain.

    Thanks for all of your important insights Dr. Davis! You're a life saver...literally!!!  What good karma you're creating for yourself with your blog!

    Peace,  Meredith

  • Geoffrey Levens

    8/29/2010 3:08:31 PM |

    "3 Tablespoons of organic cashew or almond spread on organic red cabbage leaves or 3 tablespoons of organic peanut butter on organic celery. Along with organic jasmine green tea with 1 teaspoon of honey. My blood sugars after are under 100 without the tea with honey or under 110 with the tea with honey. I always have 16-24 oz of water with each meal as well.

    Or I have one box of Japanese non-gmo natto with 2 fist fulls of nuts. (Blood sugars under 100)

    Or (I do eat seafood) I have 4 oz of canned wild salmon or sardines. (Blood sugars under 100)

    Or 1 cup of organic garbanzo beans with homemade sugar free balsamic vinaigrette. (Blood sugars under 100)

    Or (I can tolerate some goat dairy) I have 1 cup of goat yogurt with fresh organic raspberries or blueberries, or black raspberries. (Blood sugar under 100)"

    It is no wonder your bg stays under 100, you are only eating around 300 calories at a time!  What happens if you eat a real meal?  I find I need near 900 calories 3X/day to just barely maintain my weight...

  • jpatti

    8/29/2010 6:53:35 PM |

    My favorite breakfasts, most coming in at under 20g total carb: http://ornery-geeks.org/text/diabetes/breakfast.php

  • Danyelle

    8/31/2010 5:12:51 PM |

    Pancakes made from peanut butter and/or ground almonds (I suppose any nut butter would do) in place of flour, and put an extra egg in the mixture and a scoop of low carb protein powder if you have it and mask the nutty taste with vanilla and a little sweetner. Make it with cream/water instead of milk. They look like "real" pancakes and, when fried in butter, produce the most intense ketosis (in me at least) so great for loosing weight. I had low carb oce cream on mine. But I'd had chocolate and cream, low carb "jam" or "syrup"... possibilities are endless.
    Way better than any coconut flour pancakes I've tried. Forget those.

  • Dr. William Davis

    9/11/2010 1:33:48 AM |

    I am absolutely impressed at the variety of paths many commenters have ventured down in the name of healthy breakfasts.

    It tells me that foods like corn flakes and bagels turned off our creativity for truly unique and healthy foods. I truly am in awe at the range and variety of foods being suggested when we eliminate the sugar-, corn-, and wheat-based foods that previously dominated our first meal.

  • Kicking Carbs

    9/23/2010 3:31:53 PM |

    I have lost 30 lbs so far eating chocolate cake for breakfast...using almond flour and flax. They are delicious--I have to hide them from my family or there won't be any left for me.


  • Kicking Carbs

    9/23/2010 3:32:29 PM |

    Oh, the recipe link for anyone who is interested:


  • karenlhuss

    12/20/2010 4:24:47 AM |

    Eat black beans with scrambled eggs or tabasco or sliced avocado or chopped onions or....  they're great!  They fill you up and keep you going til lunch and you only need 1/2 cup or so.

  • Anonymous

    1/15/2011 11:20:35 AM |

    lovely blog.....it's liek a sea of info.....but i am lost as I am a biggg wheat eater and now I don't know what to eat and what not to eat all day if I want to avoid wheat.......and yes as for my age and height I am about a pund and a half over weight.....but coz of other health probs I am experiencing I am a bit lost and depressed,.......plz plz advise
