I don't care about hard plaque!

I ran into a cardiology colleague this weekend. He was aware of my interest in CT heart scanning and plaque reversal.

Out of the blue, he declared "I don't care about hard plaque! I only care about soft plaque." He then proceeded to describe to me how everyone--EVERYONE--needs a CT coronary angiogram to identify "soft plaque".

Is there any truth to this view? Are we only identifying "hard plaques" by focusing on calcium and calcium scores on simple CT heart scans?

Several issues deserve clarification. First of all, CT heart scans don't identify hard plaque. They identify total plaque. Because calcium is a component of the majority of atherosclerotic plaque, comprising approximately 20% of its volume, a calcium "score" can be used to indirectly quantify total plaque, both "hard" and "soft".

Anyone cardiologist who performs a lot of the procedure, intracoronary ultrasound, knows that most human plaque is also not purely soft or hard, it is mixture of both. (I've been performing this procedure since 1995.) Quantifying only soft or only hard plaque is therefore only possible in theory, not in practice.

I believe my colleague does have a valid point in one regard, however. There is indeed a small percentage of people, probably around 5% of all people who have CT heart scans, who have scores of zero yet have a modest quantity of pure "soft" plaque. These people may be misled by having a zero score. How can these people benefit from better information?

Several ways. First, people like this tend to have very high LDL cholesterols, generally 180 mg/dl or greater. They may have a very worrisome family history, e.g., father with heart attack in his 30s or 40s. This small proportion of people with zero heart scan scores may benefit from receiving X-ray dye with their heart scan, i.e., a CT coronary angiogram. Keep in mind that we're assuming everyone is without symptoms, also. If symptoms are part of the picture, everything changes.

But should everybody get a CT coronary angiogram? I don't believe so. A CT coronary angiogram involves far more radiation exposure, greater expense (usually $1800 to $4000), and, with present day technology, does not yield quantitative (measurable) information that is useful for longitudinal use for repeated scans. You don't want to undergo yearly CT coronary angiograms, for instance.

Stay tuned for more on this issue. In the meantime, I continue to try and inform my colleagues about what is right, what is wrong, what is preferable for patient safety and yields truly empowering information, and try to impress on them that the practice of cardiology is not just about enriching their retirement accounts.

Comments (10) -

  • Dave K

    11/18/2007 3:48:00 PM |

    Hello Dr Davis,

    Interesting post about hard and soft plaque.  I recently had a discussion with my GP regarding my serious increase in scan score (Jan 2006 = 235, Nov 2007 = 419).  

    After the first scan we started aggressively going after my LDL, HDL and Trig.. 196,59,221

    And have them down to 103, 65, 92 - we still have a way to go to 60/60/60 -

    So the increase is a suprise, but my doctor said that the increase could in part be cause some of the soft plaque had been converted to hard plaque and the scan would show that conversion.

    Does hard plaque register more than soft?

    Thanks for what you  are doing.

  • Dr. Davis

    11/18/2007 4:12:00 PM |

    Hi, Dave--

    I'm glad your doctor is working with you on gaining better control over your plaque growth.

    However, there is no such thing as soft plaque converting to hard plaque to increase calcium scores.

    Think of it this way: Calcium is a surrogate measure of TOTAL plaque, both soft and hard. In the majority of settings, there is little advantage to characterizing soft vs. hard.

    To seize better control, don't neglect: 1) hidden lipoprotein patterns, 2) vitamin D. Also see  our report "10 steps to take if your heart scan score increases more than 10% per year" at http://trackyourplaque.com/library/fl_02-006tensteps-2.asp.

    Good luck!

  • Dave K

    11/19/2007 4:50:00 PM |

    Dr Davis,

    Thanks for the response.

      I wonder if you are seeing any trends that indicate a "flywheel" or momentum in the creation of plaque.  I notice you have some patients that take two years or more to stop the growth.  

    Starting point Jan 06 - score=236
    Quit smoking - Jan 06
    Vitamin D - taking 1200
    Lost 20 #'s (5'11)=195
    Exercise 40min 4x
    Fish Oil = 1600 DHA+EHA
    Crestor = 10mg
    baby aspirin
    Basic good diet - no processed foods
    Oatmeal and blueberries/raisins everyday.

    This month = score=419

    After last scan
    just added Zetia
    Just quit all wheat products
    Considering quiting redwine - I tend to have 3-4 glasses versus the recommended 2
    Doctor is still saying no to L-arginine (not enough studies)
    Considering Niaspan

    Any comments?

    Thanks again - Dave K

    P.S. One more question... maybe this should be a separate post.  Do we know the exact connection between smoking and plaque?  Does it lower LDL size, lower HDL - iritate the lining of the vessels? Is it just elevated blood pressure?  What did my thirty years of smoking do to my heart (versus lungs)?

  • Dr. Davis

    11/19/2007 11:48:00 PM |

    Hi, Dave--

    I'm afraid there's too much to cover in this Blog. You will need lipoprotein testing and almost certainly require more than a baby-dose of vitamin D to gain better control over plaque growth. This rate of growth, however, is very concerning.  

    I would invite you to look at the hundreds of pages of discussion on the www.trackyourplaque.com website devote to just this question.

  • Anonymous

    11/20/2007 3:13:00 AM |

    Thanks Again Dr Davis,

    I have poured over your website and I'm still reading.  I plan to make your list of turn around "stars".

    BTW - here is the comment from my GP - sounds exactly like the cardiologist you mentioned in the original post.

    "Remember that although your coronary calcium score has gone up, this does not mean that you are at greater risk than you were a year ago.  Remember that the most dangerous plaque is the not-yet calcified soft plaque, which will not show up on an EBT.  It is only the safe, calcified plaque that can be measured with the EBT.   For your score to go up like it did, while your lipids came down so much, what had to happen was that lots of dangerous unstable plaque was converted to stable, calcified plaque.    There are no accepted guidelines for interpreting changes in calcium scores over time, because the scores tend to go up as treatment converts dangerous plaque to safer plaque.    We do know that aggressively lowering LDL reduces both unstable and stable plaque, and we know that risk can be further lowered by adjuvant therapy such as I listed above. "

  • Dr. Davis

    11/20/2007 3:44:00 AM |

    Sigh . . .

    It's amazing what a simple reading of the literature by your doctor would reveal to him/her.

    In near future, I will be posting some blogs that summarize crucial studies in the heart scan literature in an effort to provide better weapons in your fight.

  • Dave K

    11/20/2007 5:53:00 AM |

    Dr Davis,

    Thanks again for all you are doing and I look forward to whatever you can post.  I plan to challenge some of my GPs positions.  Your data certainly is of enormous value.

    Dave K

  • Dave K

    11/20/2007 5:57:00 AM |

    P.S. I going to 2000 vit "D" tomorrow.

    Also - have you thought about a "track-your-plaque" certification.  Something to indicate that our Drs are at least up to speed on the latest in *preventative* proceedures...?  I would switch.....

  • Dr. Davis

    11/20/2007 11:49:00 AM |

    Hi, Dave--

    Yes, excellent thought.

    It is something we'd like to aim for, but over the long term, since right now there are too few to make a difference. One by one, they are declaring themselves and separating from the "pack."

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 8:48:59 PM |

    Stay tuned for more on this issue. In the meantime, I continue to try and inform my colleagues about what is right, what is wrong, what is preferable for patient safety and yields truly empowering information, and try to impress on them that the practice of cardiology is not just about enriching their retirement accounts.

Vitamin D: Treatment for metabolic syndrome?

Vitamin D: Treatment for metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is that increasingly common collection of low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, and high pressure that now afflicts nearly 1 in 4 adults, rapidly gaining ground to 1 in 3. Beyond these surface factors, metabolic syndrome also creates small LDL particles, VLDL, intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL), increased imperceptible inflammation measured as higher c-reactive protein, and greater blood clotting tendencies. Metabolic syndrome is usually, though not always, associated with a big tummy ("beer belly," though I call it "wheat belly").

In short, metabolic syndrome creates a metabolic mess that leads to dramatic increases in heart disease, vascular disease and stroke, and cancer. The medical community has been paying increasingly greater attention to this condition because of its booming prevalence and because of the big bucks invested in "education" by the manufacturers of the diabetes and pre-diabetes drugs, particularly makers of Actos and Avandia.

But here's a curious observation:

Replacement of vitamin D to healthy levels (we aim for 50-60 ng/ml, or 125-150 nmol/l) yields:

--Higher HDL
--Lower triglycerides
--Lower blood sugar
--Reduced c-reactive protein
--Reduced blood pressure
--Reduced small LDL
--Enhanced sensitivity to insulin

(Whether blood clotting and effects on IDL should be added to this list is uncertain.)

It's obvious: Vitamin D is proving to be a very important and powerful corrective influence on many of the facets of the metabolic syndrome. In fact, I would go as far as saying that, side by side, vitamin D yields nearly the same effect as prescription drugs Actos and Avandia--without the extravagant cost (nearly $200 per month), leg swelling, congestive heart failure and heightened heart attack risk (with Avandia), and average 8 lb weight gain. Of course, vitamin D also provides benefits beyond metabolic syndrome like facilitation of coronary plaque regression, increased bone density, reduced arthritis, and reduced risk of several cancers.

You'd think that agencies like the American Diabetes Association (ADA) would be all over vitamin D like white on rice. Yet they remain curiously quiet about the entire issue. (That should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the behavior and politics of this organization, the same outfit that has widely propagated the ADA diet, a program that accelerates diabetes and its complications. In my view, the ADA is an embarassment.)

For a really great story and video on vitamin D that includes a terrific interview with vitamin D guru and Track Your Plaque friend, California psychiatrist Dr. John Cannell, go to What's the Real Story on Vitamin D?. While the video will yield little new to readers of The Heart Scan Blog or Track Your Plaque members, it just feels really good to see a well-made, high-class video production echoing many of the things we've been talking about these past two years.

Comments (44) -

  • Anonymous

    12/21/2007 5:52:00 PM |

    > Whether blood clotting and effects on IDL
    >should be added to this list is uncertain.

    Meaningless anecdote: I've noticed an increased tendency to bruise easily since I've been taking higher doses of vitamin D, and had been wondering whether it was the cause. I definitely have metabolic syndrome.

  • mo79uk

    12/21/2007 7:36:00 PM |

    I wish Dr. Cannell would come talk the British media. We need a tank load of D talk to infiltrate here.

  • Mike

    12/22/2007 3:49:00 PM |

    An irrational fear of skin cancer prevents most people from getting their vitamin D from sunshine. The doses that the medical establishment recommends are so small as to be almost worthless.

  • MarilynMann

    12/22/2007 10:36:00 PM |

    It would be helpful if you could tell us where the research on vitamin D you are referring to is published.  Some of us like to go to the original source.

  • Dr. Davis

    12/23/2007 12:38:00 AM |

    See our special reports on the Track Your Plaque website with detailed references. Or, go to Dr. John Cannell's www.vitamindcouncil.com website.

  • Sue

    12/23/2007 2:38:00 AM |

    Is cod liver oil the best way to get vitamin D or just vitamin D3 capsules?
    Is there are connection with hypothyroidism and low vitamin D levels?

  • Dr. Davis

    12/23/2007 1:57:00 PM |

    Either source for vitamin D works.

    I do believe that correction of vitamin D has, in occasional instances, modestly increased thyroid function.

  • MarilynMann

    12/23/2007 3:45:00 PM |

    Cod liver oil has a lot of vitamin A, which in excess can lead to low bone density.  It is better just to take the vitamin D by itself.

  • g

    12/23/2007 9:20:00 PM |

    I agree -- over 20yrs ago it was suggested that increased thyroid doses are required in the winter time for hypothyroid pts on replacement (see below). IT sure seems to suggest that Vitamin D deficiency exacerbates hypothyroidism (and I'd go as far to say it even CAUSES it)?  I've observed this as well. (it's corrected with D3)

    In the second study, a corollary phenomenon occurred -- thyroid replacement in hypothyroid pts caused 25(OH)D to INCREASE (in the autumn when you'd normally expect it to decrease).  

    Isn't it fascinating how thyroid hormone and D3 hormone are interrelated.
    ---When D3 hormone (sunlight) is lacking, thyroid function suffers
    ---When thyroid hormone is lacking, a high D3 dose fails to increase 25(OH)D much....
    ---When thyroid hormone is NOT lacking, high dose D3 causes a large increase in 25(OH)D (in normal euthryoid controls)

    it all sounds very familiar to me...  Smile

    THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR WORK AND INSIGHTS!! Keep up the strong work, g

    Metabolism. 1984 Mar;33(3):215-8. Links
    Is it necessary to adjust the replacement dose of thyroid hormone to the season in patients with hypothyroidism?Hamada N, Ohno M, Morii H, Jaeduk N, Yamakawa J, Inaba M, Ikeda S, Wada M.
    Hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid activity varies with the temperature of the environment; we therefore measured variables involved with thyroid function in summer and winter in normal controls and in patients with primary hypothyroidism. All seven patients had impalpable thyroid glands and had received a set replacement dose of thyroxine for over a year. In the patients, serum T3 and FT4 levels were slightly but significantly lower in winter, and TSH levels and delta TSH at 30 minutes in the TRH tests were significantly higher. In the controls, there were no significant differences between summer and winter in these values. These findings suggest that the dose required for replacement of thyroid hormone in patients with hypothyroidism may be higher in winter than in summer.

    PMID: 6420646 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Acta Endocrinol (Copenh). 1986 Nov;113(3):329-34.Links
    Effect of vitamin D3 loading and thyroid hormone replacement therapy on the decreased serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level in patients with hypothyroidism.Bársony J, Lakatos P, Földes J, Fehér T.
    Twelve hypothyroid subjects, 13 healthy and 12 healthy women with a slight deficiency of vitamin D were studied to distinguish seasonal changes from the thyroxine-dependent ones. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of hypothyroid patients were lower than those of healthy individuals when the sera were obtained in the autumn. In hypothyroid patients a single oral dose of 100,000 IU vitamin D3 resulted in a smaller increase in 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration than in controls having subclinical exogenous vitamin D deficiency. Substitution therapy with thyroid hormone, started in our study always in autumn, increased the 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in hypothyroid patients, which was opposite to the autumn-to-spring variation of this hormone observed in healthy controls. The increase of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, dehydroepiandrosterone and its sulphate values following substitution therapy in the hypothyroid patients may indicate that thyroid hormone(s) is (are) involved in the regulation of steroid hormone synthesis.

    PMID: 3024434 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

  • g

    12/23/2007 9:32:00 PM |

    This is very hopeful...Vitamin D3 stalls thyroid cancer, one case report:

    Endocr J. 2005 Oct;52(5):613-6. Links
    Vitamin D3 treatment for locally advanced thyroid cancer: a case report.Morishita M, Ohtsuru A, Kumagai A, Namba H, Sato N, Hayashi T, Yamashita S.
    Department of Molecular Medicine, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Japan.

    There are many intricacies in the surgical treatment of locally advanced thyroid cancer, including the medical management of the remaining functional organ and any cosmetic impairments, which are sometimes very difficult to manage and eventually carry a relatively high morbidity and mortality. Here, we report on a case of a 65-year-old female with an extremely locally-advanced thyroid cancer involving both lobes of the thyroid, blood vessels, trachea and esophagus. Despite the severity of her condition, oral administration of vitamin D3 (alphacalcido) has stalled both the tumor growth and further increases of serum thyroglobulin (Tg) level, and has led to a good preservation of quality of life for the last two years. Several reports have previously demonstrated the efficacy of vitamin D3 to inhibit the proliferation of thyroid cancer cell lines in vitro, but clinical evidence has been limited so far. Therefore, this case report provides important evidence for the effectiveness of vitamin D3 therapy against advanced thyroid cancers.

    PMID: 16284441 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

  • g

    12/23/2007 9:42:00 PM |

    Another good story... 3mon old child with depressed thyroid function, CHF and profound Vitamin D deficiency in Oslo, Norway -- corrected with a Vit D analogue:

    Acta Paediatr. 1995 Jan;84(1):106-8
    Congestive heart failure caused by vitamin D deficiency?Brunvand L, Hågå P, Tangsrud SE, Haug E.
    Department of Paediatrics, Ullevål Hospital, Oslo, Norway.

    We describe a child, 3.5 months old, with severe vitamin D deficiency, profound hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia, dilated left ventricle, severely reduced myocardial contractility and congestive heart failure. She also had depressed thyroid function with subnormal thyroxine and non-detectable serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels. The child promptly responded to calcium infusions, conventional anticongestive therapy and calcitriol. She is now 3 years old and received no medication. Myocardial function is normal but she has motor delay. We believe that her transitory congestive heart failure was caused by severe vitamin D deficiency with profound hypocalcaemia.

    PMID: 7734890 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

  • Dr. Davis

    12/23/2007 11:31:00 PM |

    Thanks, Marilyn. You're absolutely right.

    In all honesty, I virtually never use cod liver oil, but for some reason some people gravitate towards it, perhaps since they took it as children.

  • Jerome

    12/24/2007 1:55:00 PM |

    I went to a local vitamin supplier yesterday to get some Vitamin D after reading your blog, which is most interesting I might add.  At this store they had Vitamin D2 and D3 but no D1.  Is there such a thing (D1) and which is the one I should be taking to benefit as suggested in the blog?

  • Dr. Davis

    12/24/2007 4:59:00 PM |

    Hi, Jerome--

    Vitamin D3 is the only form I recommend. In my view, vitamin D2 is a worthless scam, whether it's in milk, a multivitamin, or a prescription product. I've never heard of vit D1.

  • jpatti

    12/24/2007 4:59:00 PM |

    I liked the *idea* of cod liver oil, as it would replace both fish oil and vitamin D tablets - a total of 8 pills in my 26-pill regimen.

    I bought what was supposed to be one of the best tasting ones and... it made me retch.  It also sort of tingles in your mouth.  And because it's oily, you can't rinse it out of your mouth.  It's just icky.

    I gave some to the cats, figuring it would be a healthy snack for them... and all four of them refused it.

    If someone can get it down, I think it's great stuff.  For me, I'll stick to the extra 8 pills...

  • Sue

    12/25/2007 2:20:00 AM |

    Thanks for all the helpful comments.  I've got cod liver oil in the fridge so I think I will use it up and then get D3 capsules.
    I take the cod liver oil with lemon juice.  I put the cod-liver oil in a little shot glass and squeeze some fresh lemon into the shot glass aswell and drink it in one swoop.  I then wash it down with some water with fresh lemon squeezed into it.  Gets rid of some of the icky fishy taste. The lemon also helps with digesting the fat.

  • cheron

    12/27/2007 7:19:00 AM |

    I wouldn't necessarily be afraid of the A, as we can be deficient in the A as well.  Perhaps alternating between A-containing and A-less forms of D supplements would work.  That way you get a vacation from the A periodically.

    As for surviving the fish taste...try following it up with a bite of something else that's strong tasting and contains fat, like cured olives or a tuna salad sandwich.

  • Anonymous

    1/1/2008 11:37:00 AM |

    Hi Dr. Davis,

    Have you seen literature making a connection to the plaque linked to Alzheimer's disease with the plaque responsible for heart disease?  I was asked this question by a distant cousin yesterday that wondered if the supplements recommended for TYP ,like vitamin D and K2, could help prevent those at risk for Alzheimer's (his grandmother, and mother both came down with Alzheimer's)

  • Dr. Davis

    1/1/2008 2:37:00 PM |

    No, sorry, they are two completely unrelated phenomena, despite the use of the word "plaque" to describe both.

  • MarilynMann

    1/1/2008 11:31:00 PM |

    Fish oil benefits
    Medical Research News
    Published: Sunday, 30-Dec-2007  

    It's good news that we are living longer, but bad news that the longer we live, the better our odds of developing late-onset Alzheimer's disease.
    Many Alzheimer's researchers have long touted fish oil, by pill or diet, as an accessible and inexpensive "weapon" that may delay or prevent this debilitating disease. Now, UCLA scientists have confirmed that fish oil is indeed a deterrent against Alzheimer's, and they have identified the reasons why.

    Reporting in the current issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, now online, Greg Cole, professor of medicine and neurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and associate director of UCLA's Alzheimer Disease Research Center, and his colleagues report that the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oil increases the production of LR11, a protein that is found at reduced levels in Alzheimer's patients and which is known to destroy the protein that forms the "plaques" associated with the disease.

    The plaques are deposits of a protein called beta amyloid that is thought to be toxic to neurons in the brain, leading to Alzheimer's. Since having high levels of LR11 prevents the toxic plaques from being made, low levels in patients are believed to be a factor in causing the disease.

    Alzheimer's is a debilitating neurodegenerative disease that causes memory loss, dementia, personality change and ultimately death. The national Alzheimer's Association estimates that 5.1 million Americans are currently afflicted with the disease and predicts that the number may increase to between 11 million and 16 million people by the year 2050.

    The researchers examined the effects of fish oil, or its component DHA, in multiple biological systems and administered the oil or fatty acid by diet and by adding it directly to neurons grown in the laboratory.

    "We found that even low doses of DHA increased the levels of LR11 in rat neurons, while dietary DHA increased LR11 in brains of rats or older mice that had been genetically altered to develop Alzheimer's disease," said Cole, who is also associate director of the Geriatric Research Center at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

    To show that the benefits of DHA were not limited to nonhuman animal cells, the researchers also confirmed a direct impact of DHA on human neuronal cells in culture as well. Thus, high levels of DHA leading to abundant LR11 seem to protect against Alzheimer's, Cole said, while low LR11 levels lead to formation of the amyloid plaques.

    Fish oil and its key ingredient, omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty fish like salmon), have been a mainstay of alternative health practitioners for years and have been endorsed by the American Heart Association to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Fatty acids like DHA are considered "essential" fatty acids because the body cannot make them from other sources and must obtain them through diet. Years of research have shown that DHA is the most abundant essential fatty acid in the brain, Cole said, and that it is critical to fetal and infant brain development. Studies have also linked low levels of DHA in the brain to cognitive impairment and have shown that lower levels may increase oxidative stress in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.

    Based on the positive results, the National Institutes of Health is currently conducting a large-scale clinical trial with DHA in patients with established Alzheimer's disease. For those patients, Cole said, it may be too late in the disease's progression for DHA to have much effect. But he is hopeful that the NIH will conduct a large-scale prevention clinical trial using fish oil at the earliest stages of the disease - particularly because it is unlikely that a pharmaceutical company will do so, since fish oil in pill form is readily available and inexpensive.

    Still to be determined, he said, "is what the optimal dose should be. It could be that a smaller amount might be helpful, especially in a place like the south of France, where people are already on a Mediterranean diet."

    Here in the United States, though, where fish consumption is not very high, the dose may need to be higher.

    "There's a deficiency of DHA to begin with," Cole said, "and this may contribute to the low LR11 seen in many Alzheimer's patients."


    This is for the person asking about Alzheimer's.


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  • Anonymous

    1/2/2008 6:43:00 PM |

    Hi Marilyn,

    Thanks for sharing the great information on fish oil/DHA!  I'm going to pass this on to my relative.

  • J. Michael

    1/3/2008 2:07:00 PM |

    It is rather difficult to find good D3-sources in Europe. Swanson's seems to be available; gelatine capsules although with a white powder inside. Are they any good?

  • Dr. Davis

    1/3/2008 9:08:00 PM |

    I do not advocate use of powder preparations of vit D. The absorption is simply too erratic. oil-based gelcaps are best.

  • moblogs

    1/4/2008 1:25:00 PM |

    I wonder what you think of this report? http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-01/bu-vdi010208.php I'm guessing that this is probably Hollick's idea of infiltration - get them to at least accept profitable D2 more before winning them over with D2.

    Also, last year I was prescribed 400IU of D2 which raised my 10nmol/L to 21nmol/L; in realising this is inadequate what would you recommend is a good plan for me?

  • Dr. Davis

    1/4/2008 1:35:00 PM |

    I don't know what to make of Holick's study. He is a source of reliable observations. However, his experience is dramatically different from my experience and that of many others. I have seen D2 have no effect whatsoever repeatedly. I had one woman who had been taking 50,000 units D2 per day have a blood level of D3 of 4 ng/ml.

    Most of my patients take somwhere in the 4000-6000 units per day of vit D3 to generate a blood level of 50-60 ng/ml.

  • Anonymous

    1/4/2008 4:35:00 PM |

    I saw the study about the vitamin D2 being just as good as D3 also.  Here is the link I read: http://www.nutraingredients.com/news/ng.asp?n=82331-vitamin-d-cholecalciferol-ergocalciferolI thought the article was interesting, until I read the part of the company that made the softgels.  I'd question  what where the Q/C of the content? Did an independent lab test the softgels?

  • Dr. Davis

    1/5/2008 1:52:00 AM |

    Excellent point.

    To me, there is absolutely no reason to take vit D2, given the uncertainty. It is not cheaper, more effective, nor more available. It may, however, be more profitable for a drug company. D3 is the human form; D2 is the plant form.

    Is there any reason at all to take D2? I don't think there is.

  • g

    1/7/2008 12:29:00 AM |

    Thanks for the information on Alzheimer's (AD) known now as 'Type 3 Diabetes.' It's conjectured that profound Insulin Resistance in the brain occurs prior to amyloid development in AD patients.  The brain can only use two types of fuel -- ketones (ie like during starvation) and glucose.  There appears to be a problem with excessive glucose.  Some neurobiologist experts believe a mildly ketotic diet may be beneficial for preventing this type of insulin resistance.

    Many benefits in recent studies have shown that fish oil significantly decreases IR associated with Type 2 Diabetes, NAFLD (a precursor to diabetes and believed to be a new indicator for Metabolic Syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver dz) and even cancers -- including prostate (shown by Vieth) and glioblastoma -- a rare malignant brain cancer -- thought to be incurable but now being 'cured' with fish oil (and tamoxifen, etc cocktail).

    Thanks ! !  g

  • g

    1/7/2008 4:36:00 PM |

    sorry -- Vieth is in vitro data -- don't know if in vivo data exists yet

  • Anonymous

    1/8/2008 12:23:00 PM |

    Seems word is leaking into the mainstream press about vitamin D.  Last night NBC Nightly News ran an article about the connection between low vitamin D levels and increased risk for heart disease.

  • Paul Kelly - 95.1 WAYV

    1/8/2008 7:28:00 PM |

    Hi Dr. Davis,

    I know that you recommend oil-based / gel caps for Vitamin D as opposed to tablets. Does the same hold true for daily multi-vitamins? Is a capsule and a gelcap the same thing?

  • Renee

    1/8/2008 8:57:00 PM |

    Wow another sickness that not enough Vitamin D is contributed to.  I just read an article at Here Comes The Sun talking about ways you can intake more Vitamin D.  Check it out.

  • Dr. Davis

    1/9/2008 3:33:00 AM |

    Vit D gelcaps contain oil. Gelcaps are capsules. However, not all capsules are gelcaps; some contain powder.

    Oil-based vitamins like A, D, and E are best taken as an oil. The D, for instance, in your multivitamin probably doesn't work at all, or absorption is erratic.

    Gelcaps are no more expensive, so why bother with tablet or powder forms?

  • moblogs

    1/21/2008 11:54:00 AM |

    Just wondered what your opinion on this anti-D report is? http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/1/prweb639651.htm

    For what it's worth, I think this guy is going too far. His Marshall Protocol might be entertainable for those with certain autoimmune diseases, but saying D is bad for everyone based on his *personal* model seems nuts. Furthermore, his basic assumption is that everyone with low D 'is' ill, rather than has the potential to. And yet we know treating D in associated illness restores health.

    Would this guy withhold blood because a bullet causes bleeding? No wonder he's not an MD.

  • Dr. Davis

    1/21/2008 1:05:00 PM |

    Is this guy from the same planet?

    I've witnessed such extraordinary effects of vitamin D replacement that, for me, there is no turning back. Thus far, the effects of vitamin D replacement have paralleled the effects of sun exposure (except for the tan, of course).

    For every new idea, there will always be those who protest. Some have validity, some are plain kooks.

  • Anonymous

    1/24/2008 3:40:00 AM |

    Dear Dr. Davis,

    Thank you for your support of Vitamin D. I recently was tested and found to have a level of 37. I do have a question or two, though. I was on the mega-dose (50000IU twice a week for four weeks).

    I am now on 2000IU per day (just started this past Sunday). I have all of the Metabolic Syndrome symptoms except the high glucose (my last fasting was 81).

    How long do you think I should continue on this does before I have my level checked again? And how long before I would start to see results?

    My doctor seems very concerned about my CRP (3.1), and I'm really hoping that this vit d. regime helps.
    Thank you.

  • Dr. Davis

    1/24/2008 12:50:00 PM |

    Unfortunately, the "mega-dose" you refer to probably yielding nothing--it was probably vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). In my experience, this synthetic form fails to be converted to the active form in humans, D3.

    We wait at least 4 weeks before checking a blood level, ideally 8 weeks.

  • Linda

    7/20/2009 7:30:21 PM |

    Just found out that I have
    vitamin D deficiency.  I have
    neuropathy, muscle weakness
    and arthritis.
    I hope taking the 50,000 units
    three times a week helps.
    We must certainly need our D,
    I'm proof.

  • Anonymous

    1/16/2010 2:53:37 AM |

    I have been detected with high TSH levels - 6 (the thyroid hormones are within range)and low Vit D - 25.
    Additionally, my cholesterol is 223 (good one is 81).
    I also seem to be getting ovarian cysts.
    Is all this related?

  • Anonymous

    2/15/2010 1:20:25 PM |

    quite interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter.

  • shaheel

    9/27/2010 1:00:12 PM |

    Heart  disease is one of the most  dangerous disease which takes thousands of life every years all over the world. If we know its symptoms and Treatment for heart disease. We can prevent is to large extent.

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 6:51:49 PM |

    In short, metabolic syndrome creates a metabolic mess that leads to dramatic increases in heart disease, vascular disease and stroke, and cancer. The medical community has been paying increasingly greater attention to this condition because of its booming prevalence and because of the big bucks invested in "education" by the manufacturers of the diabetes and pre-diabetes drugs, particularly makers of Actos and Avandia.

  • liposculpture guide

    1/31/2011 4:15:52 AM |

    Vitamin D is proving to be a very important and powerful influence on many of the facets of the metabolic syndrome. Because the metabolic syndrome increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, an adequate vitamin D level in the body might be important in the prevention of these diseases.

  • robrob

    2/5/2011 6:42:42 PM |

    I was wondering can you have a genetic compenont against making enough vit d by the sun? I bask in the sun for hours (since I love it so much and I am drawn to it like postive charge does to negative charge) yet I am d deficient, I suffer terrible metabolic syndrome, the whole nine yards just short of type 2. my doctor calls me prediabetic.

    I have even improved my diet big time over the last 3 years. lower gi, lower sat fat, more veggies etc. omega 3 fish oil

    I never use sunscreen and I never burn. just a nice light brown tan.I keep this tan by the way almost the whole winter. I started to take a cal vita d mag supplement chewables and I drink whole milk with it to make sure I absorb them being fat soluable and all. I can't expose my belly for more than a few minutes that will burn. ouch!

    being obese I am sure whatever cal vita d I take is going to end up in storage hoarding it an all. what can I do? I now drink more whole milk, eat organic bacon per suggestion from article the obesity epidemic is metabolic syndrome a nutritional deficiency. by stephanic seneff. real nice lady by the way.

    anyway slowly after implementing her suggestions my fasting hypoglycemic especially at night has improved, i don't run to the bathroom like i used to, I am more relaxed too. I have more energy, all this is a slow process not overnight. over many months.

    I don't have to eat at 3 in the morning anymore because of getting super hungry, nervous sweaty etc.

    but I still suffer some of the symptoms just not as severe. is there anything else I can do to speed up the improvments in mets?

    reduced cal diets do not work I get to hungry can't sleep and lose all energy. even a slight reduction which I have done makes me to hungry to sleep at night. or forces me up to eat after a couple of hours of sleep.

    forcing my body to get by on less caloires is not an option. (losing weight is always touted by my doctor to cure mets but mets was caused by my dieting history) I have lost hundreds of pounds over my 35 dieting history.

    I would like to hear any suggestions you may have. my doctor keeps pushing weight loss but that is what got me like this in the first place.
