Michael Pollan Podcast

I just found this great podcast of an April, 2006 National Public Radio (NPR) interview with Omnivore's Dilemma author, Michael Pollan:

Author Michael Pollan: 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'

available at http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5342514

The Science Friday segment is a great encapsulation of all the fascinating spins this wonderfully insightful author has on human eating habits and the developing distortions of food choices, much magnified by the food manufacturing industry.

One of my favorite comments from Pollan: "The USDA should be called "The Department of Corn," referring to the ubiquitous dissemination of corn products into livestock and human foods that has increasingly led to the enormous health problems we're all facing in 2007.

Comments (3) -

  • Bix

    8/16/2007 6:12:00 PM |

    Oh man, I really enjoyed that.  Thanks for posting it.  Pollan is a nicely engaging speaker, easy to listen to.  I loved the story about the farm ecosystem ... carting in the chicken coop to eat the grubs in the cow manure.  And of course the USDA Dept of Corn.  Great listen.

  • Jen

    7/23/2008 5:12:00 AM |

    A little late on this post --- but I am currently reading In Defense of Food and I love it.  I am waiting patiently for my library copy of The Omnivore's Dilemma.  Thanks for the link to the podcast.  I heard the more recent interview a couple of weeks ago.  Glad to hear this one as well.

  • buy jeans

    11/2/2010 8:26:18 PM |

    The Science Friday segment is a great encapsulation of all the fascinating spins this wonderfully insightful author has on human eating habits and the developing distortions of food choices, much magnified by the food manufacturing industry.
