I'll supply the tar if you supply the feathers 30. November 2009 William Davis (13) The results of the latest Heart Scan Blog poll are in. DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER PHARMACEUTICAL ADVERTISING HAS:Increased public awareness of medical conditions and their treatment 19 (11%) Has had little overall effect on health and healthcare 29 (18%) Needlessly increased healthcare costs 81 (50%) Further empowered the revenue-obsessed pharmaceutical industry 130 (81%) Clearly, there's a lot of negative sentiment against direct-to-consumer (DTC) drug advertising. It looks as if a small minority believe that good has come from DTC advertising, judging by the meager 11% who voted for increased awareness. In fact, the poll results are heavily weighed towards the negative: 50% voted for "needlessly increased healthcare costs," while an astounding 81% voted for "empowered the revenue-obsessed pharmaceutical industry." It is, indeed, an odd situation: Pharmaceutical agents available only by prescription being hyped directly to the consumer. Personally, I would vote for choices 1,3, and 4. While awareness has increased, it has come with a hefty price, not all of it well spent. I believe the pharmaceutical industry still adheres to the rule that, for every $1 spent on advertising, $4 is made in revenue. They are, in effect, printing money.