"There must be a mistake"

Neal is our current male record holder for greatest reduction in heart scan score. (Yes, the ladies have the lead!)

You may remember that this 40-year old man reduced his heart scan score from 339 to 161--a 51% drop. If you haven't yet read his story, go to


Neal reminded me of the experience he had when he underwent his second heart scan. Both scans had been performed at the same scanning center. At this center, the radiologists provide the added service of sitting down with people and actually going over the images and results.

After the scan, the radiologist pulled up the result from Neal's first scan for comparison. "There must be a mistake! This score is lower. Scores never drop."

The radiologist was apparently stumped, unable to provide an explanation. However, Neal then proceeded to tell the radiologist that we had warned Neal that this could happen and that he might even be told that it was due to error of some sort. This yielded a puzzled look on the radiologist but no further comment.

Of course it's not a mistake. It's something we achieve on purpose. Curiously, I still get comments that this is impossible, heart scan scores never drop, etc. Of course, those of you following this conversation know this is completely untrue. Heart scan scores DO drop, and sometimes drop enormous amounts, as it did for Neal.

I would have liked the radiologist to have had the lightbulb of understanding go off in his head when he realized that a reduction in heart scan score is a cause for celebration. Unfortunately, this radiologist's reaction is all too common: disbelief, confusion, dismissal.

Heart disease reversal is simply not in the realm of understanding of most doctors, radiologists and cardiologists alike. By conventional thought, if you have it, it just gets worse. "Maybe some high-dose Lipitor might help."

Ironically, when they see it right in front of their eyes, plain as day on the computer screen, they don't understand what has happened. It's Greek to them.

Should this happen to you, don't be surprised. Just bite your tongue, because you know better.

Comments (2) -

  • JoeEO

    10/9/2007 8:24:00 PM |

    Dr. Davis...
    I am confused.... If your protocol essentially "cures" coronary artery disease, and you know the various metabolic issues you are treating, haven't you identified the cause and  the cure of coronary artery disease?

    Please be patient with an amateur:

    The protocol that TYP exposes reduces your calcium score - an objective measurement of coronary plaque - so I am pretty sure that I am not off base when I has that this and effective treatment - i.e. a cure.  

    You treat patients for a variety of lipo-protein anomalies, inflammation, and
    Metabolic syndrome – i.e. that's the cause?

    Why isn't the NY Times beating a path to your door? (I being slightly sarcastic - as
    I understand the "cascade" effect thus causing a mistaken consensus)

    I have always thought - and have been told (by several MDs and Nurse Practitioners) that there is NO way possible to reverse the amount of coronary plaque in your heart.

    Yet, you have documented case of plaque reversal (please say yes)...so again I ask the question why aren't you a household name, instead of that hump Dean Ornish?

    Joe E O
    P.S. The only thing that Ornish's low-fat diet did for me was to lower my HDL to 41 (and probably made lots of  small particle LDL) so I feel justified in calling him a hump.

  • Dr. Davis

    10/9/2007 9:40:00 PM |

    Thanks, Joe.

    I believe that widespread acceptance of some of these ideas and practices will require more than 10 years of publishing the data (which we plan to start doing next spring) and the tincture of time. New ideas are never incorporated into medical practice right away, but need to percolate into the thinking and consciousness of existing dogma.

    However, we can take advantage of cutting-edge ideas now. I also think that the internet has accelerated the pace of innovation beyond that achievable by the conventional route.

Dr. Agatston to the rescue

Dr. Agatston to the rescue

Dr. Arthur Agatston, author of wildly successful South Beach Diet, has just released a new book titled The South Beach Heart Program. Dr. Agatston has started on a media speaking circuit to promote his book and concepts.

A reporter from Time, who interviewed Dr. Agatston, commented:

". . .not enough doctors prescribe niacin for their heart patients, even though the medicine is a proven treatment for raising 'good' cholesterol. Physicians are reluctant, Agatston suggests, because niacin requires diligent follow-up to watch for side effects, taking time that most primary-care practices cannot afford. On the other hand, he says, too many doctors are performing heart operations that represent a financial windfall for hospitals. Bottom line: there isn't as much money to be made in prevention as in treatment."


Dr. Agatston echoes many of the concepts that the Track Your Plaque program advocates. His notoriety is going to help disseminate the idea that 1) CT heart scans are the #1 method to identify hidden atherosclerotic coronary plaque, 2) taking control of your heart scan score is the best way to seize hold of your future, and 3) the present-day popularity of heart procedures like stents and bypass is intolerable, inexcusable, and needs to be reined back.

Agatston also brings great credibility and fairness to the conversation and his comments will gain tremendous attention in the press and with the public.