Cholesterol reduction and wheat

In my previous post, Identical twins and the explosive influence of weight , we witnessed an excellent example of the profound influence of food choices and weight control on lipoproteins. The heavier twin among these 35-year old male twins (Steve) had an LDL particle number over two-fold higher than his more slender counterpart (Alfred).

The heavier twin, Steve, got here through numerous and longstanding dietary excesses: fast foods, saturated fats, sweets, processed foods. The conventional answer to Steve's lipid dilemma would be to modestly reduce his reliance on saturated fat, exercise, and limit snacks.

How far would that get Steve? Not very far at all. With regards to his high LDL particle number of 2256 nmol/l (representing an "effective" LDL cholesterol of around 225 mg/dl), it would be reduced a little, perhaps 10%.

Notice, however, that 72% of all Steve's LDL particles are small (1639/2256). This is the pattern that responds dramatically to a sharp reduction in processed carbohydrates, especially wheat-containing products.

If Steve were to eliminate all wheat products--all breads, breakfast cereals, pretzels, cookies, cakes, pasta, crackers--LDL particle number will drop dramatically, perhaps 50%, often more depending on the magnitude of weight loss. Small LDL will respond most obviously and will be sharply reduced, perhaps disappear. Incidentally, these changes might not be well reflected by the conventional calculated LDL cholesterol, since small LDL particles are well-concealed by standard measures.

Reducing corn products, white and brown rice, and potatoes would also add to the effect. But, in 2007, wheat products represent 90% of the problem for the majority of people. Reducing or eliminating wheat therefore yields the biggest effect by a long shot.

Steve therefore represents an excellent example of how reducing processed carbohydrates, esp. wheat-containing products, can yield an unexpected and paradoxical reduction in LDL cholesterol as evidenced by the highly accurate LDL particle number (or apoprotein B). Reducing saturated fat sources also helps, but it certainly will not yield the kind of results most people need. You've got to be smarter than the simple-minded conventional advice.
Dr. Arthur Agatston in the news

Dr. Arthur Agatston in the news

The Miami Herald has a new report on Dr. Arthur Agagtston (of South Beach Diet fame) to announce his new book, The South Beach Heart Health Revolution:
The South Beach Diet doctor takes on cardio care

Agatston, the granddaddy of CT heart scanning, is always at least worth listening to. Although his diet may not be perfect, it clearly has jumped light years ahead of conventional diets like the inane American Heart Association diet. The South Beach Diet focuses on healthy oils, nuts, lean meats, vegetables, and fruits, while slashing grains (except in the often disastrous phase III).

The article lists Dr. Agatston's advice to achieve a "heart healthy" lifestyle:

• Maintain a healthy weight through diet.

• Undergo CT heart scans to check for arterial plaque.

• Do aerobic exercise, along with stretching and strengthening workouts.

• Ask your doctor about taking statins and other cholesterol-lowering drugs.

We wouldn't have CT heart scan scoring (at least in its present form) without Dr. Agatston, who developed the algorithm for scoring years ago in the early days of heart scanning. We also need to credit him with putting together a rational diet despite the counter-information emanating from the Heart Association, the USDA (a la Food Pyramid, the one that makes Americans fat and diabetic), and the American Diabetes Association, among others.

But "Ask your doctor about taking statins and other cholesterol-lowering drugs"? This is where Dr. Agatston begins to falter. While he is putting his enormous notoriety to use, his message is bland and ineffective. "Do aerobic exercise"? We don't need Dr. Agatston to tell us this.

As much as Art Agatston has added to the national conversation on heart disease and diet, he has failed to deliver the message of true heart disease prevention. His approach lacks just a few crucial ingredients like lipoprotein testing, diagnosis of hidden causes of heart disease (like Lp(a)), and vitamin D. (Two years ago I had a patient I saw for an opinion after he'd showed Dr. Agatston his lipoprotein panel. The patient said Dr. Agatston looked at the report and didn't know what to do with it and handed it back to him without comment. He then asked if he wanted his autograph.)

Anyway, the rising tide raises all boats. Agatston's repeated public endorsements of heart scans will help deliver the message that heart disease is detectable in its early stages and should trigger action to follow a heart disease prevention program.

That alone is an accomplishment in a world hell-bent on dragging us into the hospital for procedures.

Comments (7) -

  • Neelesh

    1/15/2008 2:34:00 PM |

    This is curious, given that in his book 'The South beach heart program', Agatston talks quite a bit about "advanced blood tests", including LP(a),and lipoprotein subfractions. I wonder if hethinks otherwise now Smile

  • Nancy M.

    1/16/2008 5:41:00 PM |

    I ran into someone that met this doctor and she asked him what diet he eats, thinking he would be following his own.  Apparently he follows a more Paleo type of diet rather than those "healthy" whole grains he espouses in his books.

  • Dr. Davis

    1/16/2008 5:45:00 PM |

    Isn't that interesting!

    If I had to choose from a menu of popular diets that most closely approximates what we do in the Track Your Plaque program, it would be quite close to the Paleo Diet as articulated by Loren Cordain.

  • Roger

    1/21/2008 3:43:00 PM |

    I'm surprised by that.  The Paleo diet is an extraordinarily high meat-oriented diet (the author suggest that about 55% of calories will come from meat.)  Since dairy and soy are forbidden, almost all protein must come from meat, fish, or eggs.  The diet is similar to Atkins, except that the Paleo diet makes a nod to healthier fats like flax oil, which he suggests rubbing on lean meat before serving.

    On page 26 of his book, Cordain describes a 25 year old female who follows the Paleo diet.  He indicates that on a typical day she will get about 190 grams of protein.

    According to, each of the following contain 190 grams of protein:

    31 large hard-boiled eggs

    1 lb. 11 oz of salmon

    1 lb. 8 oz of turkey

    1 lb. 8 oz of Sirloin

    1 lb. 8 oz pork chops

    Six 1/4 lb. hamburgers

    Basically, a pound and a half of meat.  Using the traditional "pack of cards" portion size (three ounces), a follower of the Paleo diet would be consuming eight portions of meat per day.

    I'm no vegetarian, but it's hard for me to imagine that meat in that quantity is necessary for good health.

  • Zute

    3/7/2008 7:40:00 PM |

    I just looked up where I heard about Agatston actually thinking Paleo is right diet to follow.  Here's a link to the thread where it was discussed:

    "It was a lecture geared towards health professionals....he spoke of how he believes in the Paleo diet(book) and that the ideal for us in our current state of evolution is a grain free diet.....really..he said that!!

    He also did not know that his Meal Plan Guide is telling us to add in cereal first in phase II....he said he would get that should be berries only...first...then starchy veggies.....whole grain last and after whole grain...then processed grain ie: flour/bread :idea:

    He also told me that they put whole grains into the plan so that it'd be easier for people to adapt to the plan....they know that people are addicted to grain and it would be too hard for most to give them up :wave: ;) He was trying to make the plan marketable to all and he felt that telling us to eat whole grain is better than what we were doing before...and he's right."

    See, this is where I have a problem with that sort of thinking.  Instead of telling you what is optimal for your health, they tell you what they think you'll comply with instead.  I think the ADA does that too.  The results of this are that people might be slightly healthier than if you did nothing but you're a long ways off from the health you could achieve if you were fully informed at the beginning.

    Some of us have the discipline to make the needed changes.  Dear Doctors, please don't assume we're all hopeless!

  • Ideal Scents LLC

    3/15/2010 4:09:29 AM |

    South Beach Diet in my opinion is awesome.  After Phase I you lose your cravings.  I have been into nutrition for over 30 years, and still need to lose a few pounds.  On this diet you eat healthy fresh foods, you don't have to eat any meat if you don't want to and if you're vegan it can work as well.

    One of the great things about it is you don't have to be manic, it's pretty simple. You are full eating lots of fiber from fresh veggies.   Those foods God planned for us to eat, instead of processed and over cooked foods.

    One thing you mentioned was the LPP test for heart disease, I have a question, why aren't M.D.'s requesting this test more often.  The docs who are requesting this are those who are both  N.D. M.D.'s, they look at the whole person not just one aspect.

  • buy jeans

    11/3/2010 6:46:50 PM |

    In addition, since I have been involved with cardiac CT for now nearly 24 years, the PLC also affords me an opportunity to develop a CT coronary angiography training program for cardiologists and radiologists ( Together, these new efforts are merely an extension of my interests in prevention, patient care, and teaching.

Are happy people more likely to reduce heart scan scores?

Are happy people more likely to reduce heart scan scores?

I was talking to Darryl, a patient today: 71 years old with a heart scan score of 378, as well as an enlarged aorta (4.5 cm).

We had identified numerous lipoprotein abnormalities 12 months ago and advised him on a program for correction. His patterns included small LDL, high triglycerides, sky-high IDL (VERY important when you have an enlarged aorta), and lipoprotein(a). Blood pressure was also high, another crucial fact to correct when the aorta is enlarged.

Anyway, Darryl corrected lipoproteins to perfection: basic lipids were substantially better than 60-60-60; lipoprotein(a) was reduced well into the desirable range; IDL was eliminated; blood pressure was 108/64. Repeat heart scan score: 354.

There's nothing spectacular about Darryl's story, except that, despite these issues, Darryl was a happy man. He smiled throughout our conversation. He has told me on several occasions how grateful he is for the life he has.

Darryl is not wealthy. He retired around 4 years ago and fills his day with helping his wife, walking outdoors, helping out at his church, and contributing to the care of his grandchildren. Through all this Darryl is incurably, unfailingly, and irrepressibly happy.

It made me think back through all the other people who've also had great succes in their Track Your Plaque program. It struck me that, for the most part, they too were a happy bunch: generally optimistic, happy, not overly stressed nor prone to extremely stressful responses to stressful situations. All seem to also be grateful for the good in their lives, though most had no more money than the average person and had their share of difficulties in life. In fact, I can only recall one person who reversed coronary plaque who was an angry, pessimistic personality. Just one.

Could it be that happy, optimistic people are more likely to reverse coronary plaque? It would, after all, be consistent with all the other observations that type A personalities have more heart attack, etc.

Anyway, this is just an informal observation but one that seems very consistent. Track your plaque--and be happy!