Thank you, Dr. Eades

Thanks to some readers of The Heart Scan Blog, I've become acquainted with Dr. Michael Eades' wonderful blog, Health and Nutrition by Dr. Michael R. Eades, MD.

Dr. Eades is co-author (with his wife, Mary Dan Eades, MD) of Protein Power

In one of his conversations, I stumbled on this exchange between Dr. Eades and one of his readers:

Reader: Regarding EBT scans, I looked up the topic on Google and read an informative 5-page article: EBT (Ultrafast CT) Scans - Godsend, or Scam? Dr. Fogoros says that false positives (where the EBT shows the presence of calcium, but the patient has little coronary artery blockage) occur about 50 percent of the time. The next step, if the EBT is positive, is to do a heart catherterization to find out whether there actually is coronary artery blockage. So the odds are that I’d have to worry!

Dr. Michael Eades: The info you got from Google is one of the reasons one shouldn’t get medical information online. As far as I’m concerned the EBT is the BEST way to determine the presence of plaque. If you have a positive calcium score, you have plaque, and there’s an end on’t (as Samuel Johnson would say). Now you may have a low calcium score for your age or you may have a calcium score that doesn’t change, which means you have stable plaque, but if you have a positive calcium score, you have some amount of plaque in your coronary arteries.

And whoever says that the next step to take if you receive a positive calcium score is a coronary artery cath is a real moron. That’s probably the last thing you would want to do if you are asymptomatic. All the cath procedure does is shows whether or not you have a blockage - you can have huge amounts of plaque (which are a disaster waiting to happen) and have a normal cardiac cath.

If you want to get a little more information on the validity of EBT than what you find on Google, take a look at Dr. Davis’ blog or get a copy of his book: Track Your Plaque. I’m not crazy about all of Dr. Davis’ dietary recommendations because he comes to diet from a different perspective than I, but the EBT info in his book is terrific.


Dr. Eades "gets" it. He understands that quantification of coronary plaque is a tool for prevention, not something to be subverted into the service of procedures for the financial benefit of my colleagues.

And I think that he is absolutely correct on the diet discussed in Track Your Plaque--it's due for a revision. I wrote the book in 2003, while we were still locked into the low-fat mindset. Much has changed.

Since then, our enormous experience in metabolic manipulation and lipoprotein analysis has shown that there is a far better way to correct the causes of coronary plaque and seizing hold of heart scan scores. In particular, the explosion of small LDL has prompted major changes in the diet, specifically removal of wheat and cornstarch, the foods that trigger small LDL particles.

(I am still in the midst of negotiations for release of a bigger and better Track Your Plaque II. In the meantime, Track Your Plaque Members can refer to the New Track Your Plaque Diet, Parts I, II, and III.)

Comments (7) -

  • Anonymous

    3/6/2009 7:06:00 AM |

    People like you and Dr. Eades have my complete respect precisely because you're not only willing but eager to adjust your advice in accordance with your understanding of the latest and best science.  Like you, Dr. Eades is constantly pointing out where he's adjusted his recommendations, whether from an earlier book or even just an earlier post.

    Contrast that behavior with the latest diet study where Bray et al attempted to pass off a diet including daily rations of bagels, pasta, and bananas as "low carb."  How sad, how grotesque authority figures are when they cling to a pretense that there is nothing for them to learn!  And they led Harvard University, the New England Journal of Medicine and most of the "health" writers in the nation right into the briar patch!

  • Anonymous

    3/6/2009 12:27:00 PM |

    Another thing to consider adding to the new book is something about periodontal/gingival disease which is a constant source of inflammation in the body leading to elevated CRPs.

  • TedHutchinson

    3/6/2009 4:30:00 PM |

    Low 25(OH)D is associated with periodontal disease
    Just reading the list of VDR sites here Vitamin D and the digestive system should be sufficient for people to realize it   may play a major role in our ability to deal with inflammation.

  • Jenny

    3/6/2009 5:19:00 PM |

    Dr. D., the Dr's. Eades have shaped my thinking about diet more than any other source, specifically their emphasis on carbohydrates and the  role of insulin in  disease.  I am thrilled that you admire each other, thus confirming my intuition about the worth of each of your approaches.  I also judge you and the the Eades to be of the highest caliber as debunkers. I may never meet any of you, but you are the team I regard as my primary health advisers, along with Dr. John Cannell.  May you all thrive, and may many others learn from you and thrive as well.  Though I found the Eades in the book store many years ago, I am so grateful that the Internet now provides us all with such a valuable tool to work for our own well being.  The more successful we all are  in this enterprise, the sooner our health care becomes truly our own, and the better it will be.  Onward!

  • Anonymous

    3/6/2009 9:16:00 PM |

    seems to me that if you are far away from TYP goals of 60/60/60 that you should through diet/nutrition supplements just work towards those goals.  Why not just get frequent NMR tests and avoid any level of radiation?

  • Trinkwasser

    3/7/2009 3:39:00 PM |

    I was born and brought up on newsgroups, used various forums and came late to the blogosphere. To you and the estimable Michael Eades I'd add Mark Sissons and Hyperlipid as must-reads. You all come at the same conclusions from different perspectives, and keep up with current work.

    Your readers would like this

  • Olga

    3/9/2009 1:33:00 PM |

    Hi Dr. Davis.  
    Another blog you may want to check out is "whole health source."
    His latest post is about a recent study examining the effects of Vitamin K on heart disease.  Here's the link:

Is it mainstream or alternative?

Is it mainstream or alternative?

A question I get about once a week: "Is your program a kind of alternative medicine?"

Our program for control and reversal of coronary plaque using CT heart scans applies an eclectic panel of tools to achieve its goals. We use high-tech methods like lipoprotein analysis and CT heart scans; nutritional supplements like fish oil, vitamin D, and l-arginine; diet strategies and "functional foods" (using foods as a therapeutic tool); and conventional medication.

I don't consider this approach "alternative" in the sense that it uses unmeasurable or spiritual strategies. But I don't consider it mainstream, either, since current mainstream practice of heart disease prevention is far less rigorous with far less satisfactory results.

I think I can sum up the Track Your Plaque approach by saying that we use tools that work. Our measure of success is whether or not your heart scan score is stopped or reduced--that's hard to fudge. You can call it what you will, but I call it the best program for heart disease prevention I know of, alternative or mainstream.