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Type II Diabetes: poster child of the DoCs

Member Forum >> Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes Protocol >> Type II Diabetes: poster child of the DoCs

Bob Niland
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Posted: 8/20/2024 8:19:50 PM
Edited: 9/9/2024 5:48:01 PM (9)

Type II Diabetes
poster child of the DoCs

blood glucose meter and strip: 089 mg/dL T2D is not really a ‘disease’. It is merely a largely predictable biologic response to a chronic metabolic insult.
It is trivially avoided, slowed and arrested, and is usually reversible, if caught prior to irreversible complications.
CGM sensor and 3 hour BG graph

Edition: 2024-09-09


The sub titles above are not hyperbole or exaggeration.

This page is intended to be provocative for those unaware of the situation, and to be a generous directory of program resources on the topic, many open to the public (as this page is). This page does not detail how to deal with T2D risks. See the⇩resources for that. Keep in mind that if it’s not a disease, it doesn’t need a ‘cure’. It just needs to be shooed away.

This page is about Type II diabetes mellitus, aka T2DM or T2D, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and more often than not; just weighing more than you would like. It may also be about GD (gestational diabetes). T2D was formerly known as ‘adult onset’. Thanks to the modern settler context, anyone of any age can now acquire a T2D diagnosis. Indeed, everyone is obliged to learn, and to take deliberate steps to avoid it.

When some source uses the unqualified term “diabetes”, there is no way to know what they might be referring to … and they might not know either. National Affliction Promotion & Perpetuation Associations (the NAPPAs) tend to conflate all forms of ‘diabetes’, but there are several materially distinct forms of hyperglycemia. This T2D page is then not about T1D (formerly called ‘childhood onset’), LADA, ‘T3D’ (AD) or ‘T4D’ (PD), although the hosting program on this site provides an optimal management basis for any of them.

Diseases of Civilization: these are the non-infectious, non-injury chronic ailments that represent 80% of sickcare expenses today. This burden passed ⅕ (20%) of GDP in the early 2020s. Standard of Care (SoC) tends to have no cures or remissions for the DoCs, but often has expensive chronic interventions that focus on symptoms, possibly misleading markers, and often defective etiological models. The diabetes NAPPAs will nonetheless remind you to donate and march for the cure (which cure isn’t soon, mainly because it either isn’t needed, or what’s needed is a cure for the complications).

Poster Child?
The DoCs tend to fall into several categories: optional ailments, avoidable ailments, and addressable ailments. The DoCs amount to a very long list. The Undoctored book lists 106 that are addressed by the program. T2D is merely the most flagrant of the optional ailments, and very revealing. T2D is also a poster child for the defects of nutritional policy and the sick care system itself.

Part of why a lid is kept on how to simply fix the diabetes crisis, is that once the health benefits of an enlightened ancestral diets are realized, it is also realized that heart disease dogma is inverted. There is a massive amount of face to be saved, and liability to be deferred.

T2D is often an Optional Ailment

T2D is trivially avoidable. Avoid the insult, and it doesn’t arise. Remove the insult, and the process slows, stops and often reverses. It can be remissed in most cases (if caught before irreversible complications have developed). The Metabolic Syndrome and Pre-Diabetes stages are the most reversible. If not addressed until insulin-dependence, options are more restricted.

Metabolic Insult?
The metabolic insult is a full-time glycemic (hyperglycemic) diet, that keeps blood glucose (BG) elevated most of the time, often dangerously so, and which loves to sink into craving and hypoglycemia if the steady flow of carbs is interrupted. Standard diets are awash in sugars, plant starches that become BG promptly, and other addictive and obesogenic components of modern settler diets that distort metabolic function. And neither SoC nor the general public have ever had any real desire to learn this.

Even diagnosed diabetics who know enough to cut back or eliminate added simple sugars (40-60% glucose), are often completely unaware that grain flours might as well be sugar, being 60% glucose as branched-chain amylopectin A which is trivially cleaved to glucose by the human enzyme amylase present in saliva.

As of mid-2024, it is very straightforward to take control of this issue. CGM sensor devices are now available OTC in the US. For US$100 or less, you can get a near real-time report of your BG for a month, and ‘diagnose your diet’.

⚠Note:   For someone already on blood sugar management medications, shifting to any low carb diet, while still on full medication dosing, can result in disruptive if not dangerous low blood sugars (hypoglycemia). The program has resources addressing how to manage the transition. But this also reveals what a central role diet plays in the condition.

Is this News to You?

If so, you need to ponder: why?

Thanks are definitely due to Dr. Bernstein, because he did pioneer OTC blood glucose meters, and these devices are also extraordinarily useful in diagnosing meals (FBG-PPBG challenges). A relative with T1D independently discovered the hazards of bread this way (no thanks to the MDs, endos, gastros & dietitians on the case).

Why don’t people discover this accidentally?
Rarely, they do, but in modern settler diets, the assault of high-glycemic food-like substances is both pervasive and relentless. Without a personal, non-trivial, deliberate, informed restructuring of diet, the average modern person will never stumble onto what an enlightened ancestral (low-net-carb) diet has to offer, not to mention the other key hazards and deficiencies of standard diets.

If one seeks advice,
😱 national nutrition nannies, such as the USDA’s MyPlateOfMetabolicSyndrome, counsel a grain-infested full-time glycemic diet.
🤐 Doctor Dogma won’t tell you.
🤐 The nutrition professionals won’t dare tell you.
🤐 The NAPPAs won’t tell you; bad for business.
🤐 Search engines and AI chat-bots can be expected to deprecate if not suppress useful results, due to advertisers, politics and curator agendas.
🅑 A not-really-satirical look at the information problem.

So yes, this page is as much
a cultural cautionary
as an ailment exposé.
Metsyn⇢T2D is by far not the only malady on which SoC is upside down.

So it’s up to you to discover what an optimal human diet is. There are a number of dissident approaches these days, some of which are low net carb (e.g. keto), or may be low carb (carnivore, paleo, primal). These can provide early gains in stepping off the metsyn escalator, but may have long-term hazards, due to being low in all carbs. There are essential carbs; the⨁MACs.

Some Program Resources

Any of the current books are a solid ticket off the Metsyn⇢T2D escalator:
📖Super Gut, 📖Wheat Belly R&E, 📖Undoctored, 📖WB 10-day Grain Detox 📖WB Total Health, 📖WB 30min Cookbook, 📖WB Cookbook.

If you are an Inner Circle member lacking any of those books, rely on Core Program (Start Here)🞃 on the main site toolbar as well as the Site🥄Kitchen and Blog🥄Recipes.

Selected Site Resources
Inner Circle Resources (members)
🖵🗐Special Protocols: Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes
🖵🗏If You Have Type 2 Diabetes or Hypertension
🖵🗏The Wisdom Built into Your HbA1c
🖵🗏Preserving Cognitive Health - Part 1 (of 8): Insulin Resistance, Type 3
🖵🗏Slow Aging by Preventing Glycation
🖵Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA)
🖵The Blood Sugar No Change Rule
🖵How to Recognize Insulin Resistance
🖵Reverse Insulin Resistance
🖵🗏The Dangers of After-Meal High Blood Sugars
🖵🗏Making Sense of Hypoglycemia
🅑IHB: Insulin resistance: Principal driver of cognitive impairment
🅑IHB: Why you should stop glycating
🅑IHB: Try My Blood Glucose “No Change Rule”
🅑IHB: Beat Your Sugar Cravings
🅑IHB: What should your after-meal blood sugars be?
🅑IHB: Continuous Glucose Monitoring: The Phenomenon That Will Undo the Harm Inflicted by Dietary Guidelines
🅑WBB: What carbs are safe on a low-carb diet?
  Blog & Forum Resources (public)
⦿Program Metabolic Targets
🅑IHB: Diabetes: The Blame Game
🅑WBB: The Achille’s Heel of Low-Carb Diets
🅑WBB: Low-carb diets: Only the START to regain health and lose weight
🅑WBB: Type 2 diabetes: Easily and readily reversible for the majority
🅑WBB: What’s the best diet for type 2 diabetes?
🅑WBB: How to lower your A1c naturally
🅑WBB: Type 2 Diabetes is the Perfect Disease
🅑WBB: Hack Your Diabetes (type 2)
🅑WBB: Diabetes, Inc.
🅑WBB: Type 2 diabetes: a temporary condition
🅑WBB: Dietary Guidelines for Americans: You’re fat and diabetic and it’s your own fault
🅑WBB: To reverse diabetes, follow the No Change Rule
🅑WBB: The truth about hypoglycemia
🅑WBB: Step-by-Step, How to Become Diabetic (Hint: It’s Easy!)
🅑WBB: An open letter to Tom Hanks: Don’t be diabetic!
🅑WBB: Hypoglycemia conquered
🅑WBB: Diabetes: “Cured by Wheat Belly”
🅑WBB: Diabetes: Cured
🅑WBB: Goodbye fructose
🅑WBB: Pre-diabetes cured, 2 dress sizes down . . . and “gravy”

Two Other Optional Ailments
On the theme of “largely predictable biologic response to a chronic metabolic insult”, two more maladies that also fit this description are NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) and ALD: (Alcoholic Liver Disease). ALD is about where it always has been, but NAFLD is becoming pandemic.

In NAFLD, the same drivers are at work as in T2D: excess carbs. In ALD, the insult is mainly ethyl alcohol rather than simple saccharides, but also often also includes sugars and grain hazards. And similarly to T2D, NAFLD and ALD can be avoided, slowed and arrested, but any liver damage may not be reversible.

Back on the theme of “neither SoC nor the general public have ever had any real desire to learn”, fructose won’t immediately raise BG, but will drive NAFLD. Alcohol is only somewhat more addictive than BG spikes from grain amylopectin A, and the endorphin effects of grain proteins. Part of the problem with carbs is addiction, which can be as severe in some people as alcoholism. Do not accept any blame. As humorist Tom Naughton pointed out: this is about chemistry, not character.
Bob Niland [⎆disclosures] [⎆topics] [⎆abbreviations]

Tags: CGM,glycemic,metsyn,OTC,T2DM

Bob Niland
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Posted: 8/20/2024 8:21:17 PM
Edited: 9/9/2024 5:48:50 PM (4)

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Wow, nice compendium!


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We have been lied to and deceived by Big pharma, Big food and the medical world that profits from them.

This beautifully summarized information should be shared with the population outside of the inner circle.

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