A GMO Perspective
Edition: 2017-12-02
Wheat Belly (WB) advises avoiding GMO
(Genetically Modified Organism)
foods. Wheat Belly Total
Health (WBTH) has a discussion of it on (print edition)
pages 33 to 35. Undoctored Inner Circle members can
reference this video (with transcript):
We Avoid GMOs in Undoctored
The WBTH discussion hits on the points:
- "Non-GMO" fails to avoid adverse
- direct hazards of the modified genes
- indirect hazards: field practices
- lack of meaningful safety testing
I’ll expand on those, add some more.
Table of Contents
- GMO is not inherently harmful,
- A Disclosure Battle
- A Battle for Your Dictionary
- The Genes Themselves
- The Field Practices Enabled
- Safety Last
1. GMO is not inherently harmful, theoretically
GMO, as popularly understood, is not an inherently adverse technology
whose products must always be avoided. Every one of them is different,
and must be considered on its own merits.
I was prompted to expand these remarks into a Cureality forum
article by recently learning of Simplot’s
Innate potatoes, which were the subject of RNA interference to
reduce expression of asparagine. If RNAi health risks can be settled,
these potatoes might well be safer to eat for those who insist on
fried potatoes (which WB discourages, and this GMO crop is of course
an instance of a needless solution to a trivially avoidable problem).
Explicit gene modification is just a technology, like chemistry. It is
not inherently a hazard generator. It’s a matter of:
• what genes are selected (and equally important: why),
• adequate safety testing and
• monitoring for unintended consequences.
We may actually need GMO at some point.
Subtopic bottom line:
Most GMOs today are seriously troubling, and any are, by default,
worth actively avoiding until all their consequences are understood
and found acceptable. Food gene problems, however, are much wider than
just “GMO”.
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2. A Disclosure Battle
Too many players in Big Food want to not have to tell you
what is in your food, how much of it there is, where it came from and
what quality standards it meets. They lost much of that battle in the
US, with the Nutrition Facts panels, but the NF does not presently
require any GMO disclosure, and Big Food would like to keep it that
So today, the absence of a “non-GMO” or similar disclaimer
is a warning flag. You need to discover if any of the ingredients are
things that might be GMOs, and then assume that if they might be, they
Aside: “organic”, including USDA Organic, is helpful, but is
not today 100% assurance of “non-GMO”. Google
“Dark Act” for why any future USDA
“Non-GMO” label
may be equally sub-informative.
Since Big Food knows they might lose the GMO label battle, they would
like to be able to dissemble on what the terms mean, which leads to
the next topic.
Subtopic bottom line:
Look for both “Non-GMO” and “100% USDA Organic”
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3. A Battle for Your Dictionary
Big Food is not merely resisting efforts to get GMO labeling on food
packaging. They also want to control, and very narrowly define, what
GMO means. They want the public to think that it refers only to
insertion, alteration or deletion of specific targeted genes in an
organism’s DNA - what I call explicit gene modification.
The FDA, when addressing GMO issues, as it did recently with salmon,
is aware of this definition problem, and avoids the use of the
abbreviations GM and GMO, preferring instead GE. See this
Draft Guidance for details.
Big Food would like everyone to think that anything which isn’t GE
(GMO, GM) is therefore “traditional” methods. They
specifically want you assume that anything “non-GMO” must
mean generational selective breeding based on naturally occurring
mutations of the organisms in their native or production environments.
that would be a mistake. I’m therefore going to
render the narrow industry definition of GMO as GMO™ for the
balance of this article, when I need to be specific.
There is, for example, no GMO™ wheat (on the market, yet), but
as Dr. Davis points out in that linked article, what the industry wants
us to assume is “traditional” actually includes:
- radio-mutagenesis - recklessly random gene modification
by radiation
- chemo-mutagenesis - recklessly random gene modification
by DNA-altering chemicals
- embryo rescue - putting otherwise non-viable mutants on artificial
life support so they can be used in further generations
- crossing with adverse or non-food life forms
- accelerated seasons - growing developmental crops in labs or in
more favorable (non-native) locales, so that more generational
cycles per year are possible.
Those things may not be GMO™, but I’ll bet some of them meet
your personal definition of “gmo” (lowercase).
These “non-GMO” techniques aren’t creating gene lines
that “might have existed eventually”. They are creating gene
lines that might never come into existence before the heat death of
the universe. Both GMO™ and gmo technologies are often creating
results that are adverse to the organism - not uncommonly creating
organisms that cannot survive without specific human intervention in
field practices.
Semi-dwarf hybrid wheat, not [yet] a GMO™, might more accurately
be called mutant runt goat grass. Goat grass is what it was crossed
with to gain much of its robust stature. Goat grass is even less a human
food than prehistoric einkorn. Even without mutation-inducing
technologies, agri-tech is
evolving food genetics at least twice as fast as nature.
Clearfield® wheat, in addition to being semi-dwarf
hybrid, was also mutated in 2001, via chemo-mutagenesis, to have
resistance to the herbicide imidazolinone. It was mutated again in
2014 to express two copies of the gene involved. The whole point of
this non-GMO™ genetic
engineering is to allow
imidazolinone (typically as BASF’s Beyond®) to be
applied to the growing crop (more on that below). What else was
mutated in the wheat genome?
Subtopic bottom line:
Dangerous genetics don’t require GMO™, and anyone who is
disciplined about avoiding GMOs, but isn’t also on top of the
“non-GMO” forms of manipulation, has a much too narrow view.
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4. The Genes Themselves
a list of approved genes, circa 2005.
When considering a GMO™ or gmo food-like substance, the obvious
first question is the hazards of the genes inserted, modified,
suppressed or deleted, plus any side effects of that local alteration
on the genome at large. With the gmo techniques, due to the almost
complete lack of control over specific genes, this can be hard to
assess. The wheat genome has nearly doubled in size since 1960. What
hazards do all those extra bits present? Other than what we see in
catastrophic personal health and in healthcare expense trends,
it’s an untested mystery.
So focus on what the point of the modification was (the
“why”). If the tinkering was to enhance yield, or to improve
the resistance to wind, drought or poor soil conditions, it might not
be a problem — but notice that this list excludes nutrition and food
If the objective was to enhance, or flat out add, resistance to
certain pests (or diseases), that implies that the organism is itself
now a pesticide (or more of a pesticide, if not a frank antibiotic).
Given the inept safety testing performed (if any), this is a big
problem, discussed later.
If the point of the modification was to allow the organism to thrive
in poor conditions (unfavorable climate; confined living for animals,
such as farmed fish), then that raises various concerns that need
investigation, including but not limited to:
• What is the new nutritional profile of this organism?
• What is being fed to the organism, and does it end up on
your plate?
“Bt” GMO™ plants, for example, express the
insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis (throughout the plant). If you eat
corn products, you are probably consuming Bt. What is it doing to your
gut biome?
Are you wearing any clothes made of cotton? Odds are high that
it’s Bt Cotton. What are the consequences for your skin biome? Is
any absorbed? Interesting questions. In other “now who
would have guessed that” news, insects are
rapidly evolving resistance to Bt - are you?
tpj: Diversification
of the celiac disease a-gliadin complex in wheat: a 33-mer
peptide with six overlapping epitopes, evolved following polyploidization
The rate at which novel genetics are introduced to the food chain
promises to get dramatically more rapid and serious with the advent of
CRISPR/Cas9 gene
Subtopic bottom line:
Some genes are clearly troubling, others less so, but don’t put a
GMO on the shopping list without looking into what and why.
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5. The Field Practices Enabled
The "why" of any genetic modification is critical. If the
point of the GMO™ or gmo development was resistance to an
external treatment, you can be quite confident that such treatment was
applied, to the growing organism - as there would otherwise be no
reason to pay the premium for what are usually pricey patented crops
and critters.
When the resistance is to an applied pesticide, expect that pesticide
to end up on your plate, and in your microbiome.
Glyphosate resistance
(aka Roundup Ready®*) is the
most prominent example. This pesticide is now considered a
Group 2A probable carcinogen by IARC. Gilles-Eric Séralini
has researched
direct physiological damage by it. But the biggest risk may be to
your gut biome. Glyphosate is a broad antimicrobial agent. What are
the consequences of this? Big AgChem is
working overtime to make sure that you don’t find out until
it’s too late.
Imidazolinone resistance, found in theoretically
non-GMO™ crops, almost certainly
results in that herbicide being applied to the crop. How much ends
up on your plate, and what are the long-term consequences?
The Safety Data Sheet for it provides no clues, but does suggest
that the LD50
for a mammal the size of a human would be about
400 milligrams.
Aside: avoiding glyphosate-resistant GMOs is insufficient to avoid
glyphosate, by the way. It is also applied to a wide variety of
non-resistant crops, both on- and off-label, to terminate crop growth
for harvesting convenience. The ag euphemism is
“desiccation” or “staging”. Glyphosate (and
whatever else is in the formulation) clearly gets into the crop,
because it kills it.
Subtopic bottom line:
Even if the genes themselves are safe, what they enable may not be.
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6. Safety Last
Are GMO™s and gmos subject to food safety testing?
Basically, no.
Any testing done by industry is of course done in the context of
consensus diets, which are inherently so high in adverse elements,
that any GM-related effects might be lost in the noise. There is no
chance that they would test against a grain-free LCHF diet with known
healthy starting endocrine and gut biome status. What such test
results would reveal (with or without the gmo under test) would be far
too dangerous to publish.
In the interest of getting product to market, any industry testing may
be expected to be short-term. More than crude testing of microbiome effects
is frankly impossible at this moment in history. The spectrum is
already known to include bacteria, eukaryotic parasites,
fungi/yeasts, protozoans, viruses, and a
recent paper is strongly suggestive that there might also
be as-yet unknown Domains of life. Scientific knowledge about
what is pathological, nominal or optimal is still in the dark
ages. Plus, the wider standard [i.e. control] diets would be
awash in known microbiome antagonists.
Independent safety testing is obstructed
by industry and fraught with professional risk.
Nonetheless, there is long-term safety testing underway.
Unfortunately, you are the lab rat for that, subjected to novel foods
faster than ever. Most of what is in the average food market
(including in the produce section) flat out didn’t exist even
100 years ago. How fast are you personally evolving to keep up with
this? And no, Big Food isn’t particularly curious about your
results, although they are deeply concerned that you might stop
consuming their product, especially if you know what’s in it.
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Bob Niland [disclosures]
* Roundup® is, by the
way, not just glyphosate. According to this paper
BMRI: Major Pesticides
Are More Toxic to Human Cells Than Their Declared Active
the other components in it make it dramatically more toxic. When
reading studies on glyphosate, check what they are testing - just
isolated glyphosate, or formulations as actually used afield.
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Tags: Clearfield,GMO